Final Chapter

122 4 2

two months later


And so the story for Clarissa Destiny Rae comes to another sad ending.

I'd never ever thought I'd be preparing myself for another burial since my great grandmothers, yet here I am, preparing myself for Harrys.

The doctors say Harry could've survived it, but he didn't want to hold onto the string of life that was saving him from dying.

Countless nights, I stayed at the hospital, praying for Harry to awake from his coma, but it never happened. He stayed, pale and lifeless while the monitors beeped beside us.

The little brain activity that Harry had going on showed that he was struggling to awake himself but he was stuck in some realm of happiness, and I'm glad he let himself be free from the world of pain that he would've awoken to.

The last words I told him within those fourteen hours before his passing were the ones that meant the most to me.

I told him how I beat Flynn in the case with ease, keeping him locked up for good.

i told him how much he meant to me and that I was sorry for what happened.

i told him i hope he lives a peaceful afterlife.

and i told him that i loved him with all my heart.

Even though he couldn't respond verbally, I was glad I got to tell him everything I needed to before his passing

"Clarissa, you ready?" Zayn says from behind me. Glancing in the mirror I nod and turn to face him.

"You look lovely"

" doesn't help the fact that my boyfriend is being buried ten feet underground" I retort with no emotion laced in my voice

Zayn seems to understand how I'm feeling a decides to leave it be.

The rain pours lightly on top of the car that the boys and I drive to the cemetery.

When we arrive, the rain is heavier, the only thing protecting is the black umbrella that matches my outfit.

I take a stand at the front of the group next to a woman and a girl who looks about my age.

Both crying from the pain of losing a relative.

The older woman turns to me, eye red and puffy.

"hello love" she spoke in an accent similar to Harrys, the young girl sending me a weak smile.

"Harry was a beautiful boy wasn't he? I can't help but feel like you meant something to him" the woman says.

A large pain runs to my throat and tears well up at the brim of my eyes. "H-he was my boyfriend" I say as a tear slips from my eye, from behind me, Zayn pats my back from comfort.

"You're much more beautiful than what Harry described you to be...clarissa? Clarissa, he said your name was Clarissa" the young girl says.

I nod.

"I'm his sister, Gemma. And this is our mother, Anne"

Before I reply, Anne engulfs me into a warm embrace.

"It's okay honey. I'm grateful for a girl like you in his life, and I'm sure Harry wishes you to be happy, please look after yourself and don't dwell at the fact that he's gone, he's still here" She says patting my heart.

Anne pulls away as The ceremony starts, and all the way through to the end, I cry, silently.

My little speech I prepared for him caused some to cry, and some to laugh on this dreadful day.


I've probably been sitting here for an hour, the ceremony ended hour ago, and I know all I have to do is make a call to have Zayn pick me up to go home. but i don't want to, not just yet.

I'm not exactly happy right now, but I'm glad Harry's in a happier place now.

What i've learnt through all of this shit is that, Though it seems that life is always against us, it really isn't. What is against us is the negativity that people bring into your life, and it stops you from being the happiest you can be.

But if we can learn to push away from that negitivity, Everything would be happy, and that's what I plan to do.

Harry may have passed but just as Anne said, He's always in our hearts.

And even if he may not be waiting for me at the top of the alter one day, he'll be the spirit that watches me from above.

And the man I will marry one day will treat me happily, and I will love him.

But even then, I will never deny that I was so in love with Harry Edward Styles.


Wowowowoowwow, ❤️

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