Chapter 26

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*not edited*

{A/N : Please take the time to vote before you read the chapter, gimme sec. *Finishes off cookie* Alright let's get started}


Her eyes burn straight through mine staring into my soul. My mind races with questions and responces. My hands shake in anticipation as her dark angry eyes search for an answer. "Harry, answer the fucking question" My mouth opens but shuts immideatly when I can't answer it.

"You love her still. You don't have love for me Harry, It's all fake. You use me for your pleasure." Her eyes start to fill with tears but she blinks them back. "Clarissa" "Don't clarissa this, clarissa that me Harry, I can't believe I fell back into your trap. you're a selfish bastard." She declares before stomping away. My legs don't do anything but shake causing me to fall to my knees.

I feel warm trickles of water going down my face. I'm crying. Fucking weak ass bastard. look what she's done to you. all because you still love her. still love Taylor.


My body begins to slump as the small rain drops trickle onto me. Making my way back to my dorm I feel a small hand stop me. I swing my body all the way around facing a worried Natalie. "Hey baby girl, what's up?" she asks. My body falls into her chest. "I heard what you guys were talking about this morning" I mutter.

"Darling" she mumbles before rubbing my back soothingly. Her touch starts a fire in me. I push her away but calmly. Her face looks worried but I re-assure her "It's fine, look there's I heard there's a party tonight, can we go? please?" I beg. She hesitantly nods her head and my face grows a smile.

I glance down at my phone, checking the time. I take her hand and lead her up to our dorm. I feel eyes burning into my back causing me to shiver but I ignore them. Fumbling with the lock on my door I finally swing it open causing me to jump back. FInally, when I steady myself. I run into the room straight to the closet. Ugh my clothes look horrible.

"Nat, Imma borrow some of your stuff tonight okay?'' She nodded her head in reply. I hummed to myself rummaging through Natalies clothes when I cam across a strap-on-dildo. what the actual fuck. "What the hell is this?" I held the object up and cringed my nose. Natalies eyes widend as she rushed over to me pulling it out of my hands. "What does it look like?" she asked trying to cover up her embarrasment. I laughed and turned to face the clothes.

I finally got the clothes that I wanted. High-waisted denim blue shorts, Pink bandeau and a white-see-through-flowy top. As for my shoes, I grabbed my black army boots. I stripped from my clothes, not minding Natalies presence. While pulling my Sweater off I heard the door open. "Hey Nat, Have you seen Ha- Oh Woah'' The Irish voice said. I pushed my jumper back down revealing Niall.

"Get out, No I haven't seen him" Natalie replied. Niall raised his hands in deafeat as he left the room. I repeated my actions but more faster just in case. I placed my bandeau over my strapless bra then pulled the shorts on. Finally the white top. Glancing at myself in the mirror I smiled at myself. But then remeberd my mum bickering over my lack-of-clothes.

I applied on some dark make-up, lined my eyes with black liner and put on a heavy coat of mascara. Finishing the look off with hot-pink lipstick.

leaving my hair down I turned to Natalie who looked stunning as-per usual. "It's a bit early but it's better because we get to take over the good spots of the house." she said. I nodded and threw on my boots. I bent down to tie the shoe-lace when a sharp pain raced through my body. Natalie fell onto the floor laughing as I rubbed my butt. I whined and finally she stood up.

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