Chapter 35

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*not edited*


i was awoken by my bursting bladder, which is more annoying now because someone is fucking laying their arm over my stomach, I turn to my side to find Harry sleeping next to me.

What the?

I quickly peel his hand off my stomach and run to the bathroom, which might I say is easy to find since we're in his dad's house.

My head is pounding with pain and I suddenly feel the urge to collapse.

After doing my business, I head downstairs to leave but am stopped when I see a lady coming toward me, "Hello" she kindly smiles, "hi..."

"Anne, Harry's mother, and you are?" Anne asks me, "I'm Harry's gi- Uh Friend" the words suddenly pain me

A loud sound of footsteps came from the stairs, Anne and I turned our heads to face our guest.

"Morning mum" Harry quickly scanned me up and down before running toward his mum and planting a kiss on her cheek, "Harry, Would you like some breakfast?" Anne asks, Harry replies "no thanks mum, I'm going to take Clarissa home" he says before grabbing my arm gently and takin me outside,

"Harry, w-what am I doing here?" I stutter, "you got really drunk last night and asked if you could come home with me" He says calmly, I hop into the passenger side.

"Did we?..."

"Have sex? no" he says.

I nod as we begin driving toward the dorms.


"Alright, here's your stop i guess." Harry tries to smile but fails, I mutter a very quiet 'thank you' and try to hold back the tears that were threatening to fall at any moment now.

I can't stand seeing his face.

I fumble with the door and finally rush into the building toward my dorm.

Natalie is in the room on her phone, I grab my suitcase and stuff me clothes in them.

"Bish what you doing" Natalie tries to laugh, "Packing"

"For what?" I don't answer her.

Stuffing my clothes and such into the large bags I grab my phone and click on the number.


my vision is still blurry and my hearing is not so great but I can still make up some of the words that leave Clarissa's mouth.

Some of them being 'come' and 'please' and 'me' and 'i don't' something something.

I'm not sure what she's planning but I sure do not agree with it.

I hear her say 'i'll be at the park at six' and I exit the room and dial Harry's number.

"Nat?" he answers, I hear his breathing on the line, "oh yeah, Um Harry, I think Clarissa's leaving?" I get straight to the point.

"WHAT?" he snaps over the phone.

"Yeah, i believe someone's going to pick her up at the park around six." I say.

The line goes dead and I instantly know what Harry's doing.



that's it, I'm done, I'm sick of everything.

I've made the decision of living with my Aunt because my mother basically has no time for me.

I'm meeting her here at the park and she should be here any minute now.

I feel a cold hand brush my shoulder and I turn to face those god-damned emeralds.

"Where are you going?" he asks me.

"Fucking Natalie" I muttered under my breath, she must've told him.

"Leaving" I say.


"Stop this Harry please, just let me go" I beg, he shakes his head, "no"

"Fucking hell, don't you get it? Harry we can't be near each-other because all we do is hurt one-another! don't you see this shit wasn't made for me, love is not made for my body Harry!" I snap, I notice the tears that leaves his eyes.

"You can't go" he whispers,

I turn and begin walking away from him, but he follows behind.

"stop fucking following me Harry!" I snap turning to face him

"Fucking hell Clarissa! don't you fucking understand how much I want you?! How much I want your heart!? I need your love Clarissa!"

"Did you not fucking hear me? I don't have love, it's not on my genetics Harry! Please stop this" I whisper the last part.

He looks at me with blood-shot eyes, grabs ahold of my hands.

"You can't leave me Clarissa"

I shake me head as tears brim at my eyes.

"I have to go Harry. I need to go, besides, I'll still be attending school here, Just changing classes and you know?" I try to smile.

"Clarissa, Clarissa. You can't leave me."

The tears leave my eyes, "we've been through this Harry"

I pull my hands away from his.

I watch as my Aunts car pulls up. "i have to go" I hug him briefly, He stares at me.

I rush to my Aunts car and jump in, not taking a look at my Aunt. Opening my right hand, I find the necklace and bracelet Harry gifted me, which only brings more pain.

I can't do this.

The tears all out as I place the two items in the front pocket of my bags.

"Claire dear, are you alright?" my aunt calls me from my nick-name.

Her voice is slightly off but I brush it off not taking a glance at her.

My vision becomes dark.


Do you know that feeling of hurt? That feeling of stress? Yeah, I know, it fucking hurts.

A small figure emerges from the bushes and as soon the figure comes closer, I notice him.

"Flynn" I curse.

The boy begins chuckling deeply, i raise an eye-brow, "Clarissa is really stupid isn't she?"

I look at him expectantly.

"Whenever she's hurt, she blocks people from her life Styles, she didn't see who was sitting next to her in that car. And it wasn't her aunt." he glares at me,

"It was Taylor. Clarissa doesn't pay attention to anyone around her when she's upset, so she wouldn't have notice, and right now, she's probably blindfolded" he laughs.

I take the first punch.

What a great way to add to the list of upsetting shit.

"You work with that blonde fucking bimbo?" I snap while continuously hitting his jaw.

He laughs during the whole thing.

I stop hitting.

"What the fuck is wrong with you two?" I snap.

"Shits about to go down styles"


I'm sure this chapter is short as fuck, but please, vote.




and then there's me.


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