The Holmes Men Meet The Hudson Women

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Mrs. Martha Louise Hudson (née Sissons) and her husband Frank Hudson.... a Drug Cartel leader and his "prize"/sex toy.... have a daughter named Michiko who "unfortunately".... according to her father.... was born blind Frank was often very abusive to her and had her train herself to HIDE her "imperfection" and "be normal"/"just like everyone else".... she was born on April 1st 1983 (according to: Sherlock was born on 6th January 1983)..... which one would possibly call ironic right!?.... Michiko who was born and raised in London until she turned 14 and Frank FORCED her to move with him to Florida and took her with him on all his permanent "business trips" trying to teach her "the business".... and "keep an eye on her" at the same time.... not to mention that he wanted to use her strength and her smarts to HIS advantage.... of course she would "run away" from Florida and visit her mother at least once a month.... though Martha Louise wasn't the only woman he "fooled around with" and quite possibly not his only wife.... who's to know if Michiko is his only child.... Michiko has many unseen.... to the naked eye.... scars all over her body though she never believed that she was ugly especially thanks to the way men.... and some women.... would stare and wolf whistle at her as she passed proved that she was quite.... as James "Jim" Moriarty would say.... "sexy" scars and all as a matter of fact Michiko is just as sexy as her mother was at her age or quite possibly even more so and every man wanted her as their own, she has her mother's loving nature and her father's temper which is a terrifying combination.... Frank has always told her that no one would like her or even love her, that they would only use her to get whatever they wanted from her he drilled that "lesson" into her head so many times that she even started to believe it it wasn't the only thing he did to her he had her teach herself how to hide her "defect" in every way possible and if she ever made a "mistake" she would get punished.... hence the scars.... plus so many more torturous "disciplines" as her punishments for her "mistakes" but to his surprise she never broke she always stayed strong she just ended up hating him for a lifetime Michiko has a photographic memory.... she knows where everything is after just one tour of any building as well as who entered a room just by the sound of their footfalls.... it was because of his "lessons" that she could do all that at the age of 30 she meets a uniquely strange sociopathic genius who she helps put her father in prison when he was hired by her mother to help her either prove his innocence and/or guilt....

"Lucky for me I DON'T WANT to be like you!.... I NEVER have and I never WILL!!"  Michiko yells at her father who had been yelling at her about her defiance when it came to her working for him in his cartel Frank growls angrily but before he could retort she says "you think I'm afraid of you old man!?! I may be blind but I'm not stupid nor am I weak! as I have proven way too many times to count! so go ahead HIT ME so your "men" just how weak YOU are!!"  he does just as she "ordered/threatened" him to do the back of his hand met the side of her face but her head didn't move nor did she flinch in pain by the force of her fathers hand but there was a "nice" imprint of his wedding ring that now made itself at home on her cheek "you are unworthy of what that ring entitles "FATHER"! I will never understand what my mother saw in you!"  she growls before she spins around and walks away Frank stares at her in shock.... a year or so later Michiko meets William Scott Sherlock Holmes after the "fight" with her father she had she moved back to London and now lives in one of her mothers flats.... a small basement flat with the number 221C written on it with metal letters/numbers.... after all she was now at the age where she could come, go and live where she pleased and she wanted to stay someplace that was familiar and there was no place more familiar than London.... she had actually chatted with the man who wanted her to call him Sherlock via his website before ever actually meeting him.... mainly to give him what information she gathered from all the times she went with her father on his "business trips" any little bits of information she could that might help him put her father away for life and beyond.... their conversation started innocently enough but it was when he actually met her that she made the biggest impact on him and his poor fluttering heart.... "Mr. Holmes my name is Michiko Hudson and from what I understand you are assisting my mother with my fathers case I have lived with my father in Florida since I was 14.... I no longer live with him but that is irrelevant.... and have visited him a few times each month before moving in with him.... not by my choice but that is once again irrelevant.... but seeing that he has been trying to get me to take over the "family business" since I was 16 which much to his dismay he has failed to do.... irrelevant yes I know but possibly helpful since I know quite a bit about his business dealings and other things that may or may not be relevant to the case and am willing to share with you the information should you need it.... Sincerely Yours Michiko Hudson p.s. I'm sorry if I rambled on like an idiot.... it's a "girl thing" we do LOVE to talk after all!".... Sherlock read through her long and "exhausting" message and chuckled softly to himself then replied "it's Sherlock and send whatever information you can I'm sure it would be helpful" a few seconds later Sherlock got a lot of attached files he just about spit out the sip of tea he just took as he watched them show up on his computer screen and he started to read through each and every one.... a few weeks later Sherlock stood in front of 221 Bakers Street staring at the knocker and just as he was about to knock the door opens.... Michiko heard the sound of the knocker being turned and tilted her head curiously then walked towards the front door and opened it.... Sherlock stared in shock at the exotic beauty before him and started to wonder how she knew that he was there not even two seconds later he felt her fingers softly slide down and around his face from forehead to nose around his cheeks and over his lips and chin his body practically sighed at their soft gentleness and his skin tingled pleasantly as her fingers left his face.... "Mr. Holmes!?!"  Michiko asks softly as she feels a slightly small smile slide up the corner of the man before her lips "yes"  the man drawls with a similar smile in his tone as she moves her hands away from his face Sherlock's eyebrow raises as he asks with a somewhat surprised curious tone "Mrs. Hudson!?!"  Michiko chuckles softly then says with a slightly amused teasing tone "I'm not my mother! and it's "Miss" though I prefer to be called Michiko.... maybe Michi.... or Ko Sherlock smiles "would you like to come in!?"  she asks moving out of the doorway while opening the door wide enough to allow him inside and waving him in Sherlock walks in and looks at her as he passes by her in the doorway then says with a questioning surprised tone "your blind!?!"  she replies jokingly "no I like copping a feel to complete strangers who "rudely" stand in my doorway without saying a word for fun!"  Sherlock lets out a short chuckle....

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