The Gayly Bi-Curious King 👑Meets The Consulting Detective Extraordinaire🕵🏼‍♂️

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Sherlock FINALLY takes Jecoliah out on that "not a case" date and makes up for ruining the "on a case" date by having her be the soul focus of the date (this date will take place of Sherlock shooting the wall in Season 1 Episode 3 "The Great Game"...

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Sherlock FINALLY takes Jecoliah out on that "not a case" date and makes up for ruining the "on a case" date by having her be the soul focus of the date (this date will take place of Sherlock shooting the wall in Season 1 Episode 3 "The Great Game" sorry ☹️😔) and to his surprise he had fun even if it was just walking around London in perfect silence looking up at the stars every now and again it was odd how much he enjoyed the quiet though perhaps it was the fact he was with her that he enjoyed the most don't get me wrong they did talk on and off as they walked but Jecoliah would get distracted by the stars and he would get distracted by watching her look up at the stars which would stop the conversation and start the interlude of silence what surprised Sherlock the most was that she "braved" the "dangers" of taking his hand in hers and holding it like he's seen so many other couples do and that made him smile for it showed him that she feels the same way about him as he does her without going overboard on the "signs of affection" in his opinion at this moment it was just the right amount not only that but she was right by his side her arm almost touching his instead of close enough to hold his hand but far enough away that she didn't have to touch anything else the main and "best" thing about the date was that at the end of their walk they head back to his flat and he cooks supper for her both John and Mrs. Hudson "catch them in the act" of having a much more romantic dinner together than John had with Sarah so they both leave them be John goes to Sarah's for the night and Mrs. Hudson heads to her flat with a smile on her face "if she even thinks about mentioning babies so help me....!"  Jecoliah playfully teases when she sees Mrs. Hudson standing in the threshold of the living room with a smile on her face Sherlock who was not facing Mrs. Hudson's direction looks at her oddly until he hears Mrs. Hudson laugh and he smiles and they both hear Mrs. Hudson depart when they were finished eating Jecoliah stands up and starts taking care of the plates Sherlock stands up and says softly as he gently grips her wrist "no, let me take care of that"  she smiles then lets go of her plate which she had just started to pick up he smiles then kisses her lips gently and takes care of their dinner dishes Jecoliah turns and walks over to the window she takes a step back for she felt that something was off being used to a life before Sherlock she takes out her phone and speed dials a number the only words she could get out before what she had predicted happened were "M.... something's wrong!"  just then there was a explosion and Sherlock who turned when he heard her speak softly into her phone screams out her name with a panicked tone and runs towards her as she goes flying backwards and he catches her in his arms "I'm sorry I'm just so used to....!"  she whispers into his chest "it's ok!.... you're ok!"  he whispers soothingly but he knew she wasn't for she balled herself up into his chest and he could only imagine what was going through her head at the moment as she sinks into his warm comforting embrace Sherlock almost ignored the screaming coming from the other end that is until he heard a familiar celestial voice speak from the other side of the phone asking his brother what was going on he takes the phone out of Jecoliah's hand lifts it to his ear and says "I think she's going to need all of you!"  to which his brother replies "we're on our way!".... both Niyusha and Michiko were unhappy that something happened to put their cousin through the worst moment of her life but they were grateful she was PHYSICALLY unharmed and knowing who precisely put her in danger Jecoliah walks over to the window and sees the gaping hole in the building across the street then whispers in a tone only Mycroft who stands at her side could hear "Moriarty!"  Mycroft raises an eyebrow at her she shakes her head and he nods his in reply "go have your fun!"  she whispers he smiles then walks away from the window and sits in the chair John usually sits in while watching Michiko carry three violin cases upstairs then laying them on the bed and opening them the triplets each take a violin and start playing a particular piece of Niccolo Paganini's Caprice as though they were trying to psych each other out and yet never do both Holmes men stare at them in shock for they had no idea the women could play they were so entranced by the women having fun playing the violin that they almost forgot that Mycroft switched gears.... after seeing that Jecoliah was almost "back to normal" thanks to her cousins.... and tried to get his brother to work on a case for him the girls leave the room when John walks in because Jecoliah claimed she needed some fresh air.... which she probably did.... though they went through the back door instead of the front to go get it.... "I think you should take her with you, getting away from the sight of.... it might do her some good"  Mycroft hears the woman he loves say as he walks out of 221 Bakers Street by use of the back door he looks at her then at Jecoliah and nods "it isn't Sherlock it's....!"  she assures "I know!"  he replies softly "he won't!"  she tells him his eyes widen slightly when he realizes she's right if the woman who was put in danger while being with him leaves afterwards Sherlock might think the worse.... he is quite sensitive you know.... "I'll tell him you taking her for tea you do have this tendency to calm her down in ways no one else ever has!"  she says he smiles then nods she walks over to him and kisses his lips and he walks over to Jecoliah and asks "how about a tea date!?"  Jecoliah chuckles then says "that sounds lovely.... as long as it's outside"  he nods then they leave waving goodbye to Niyusha who waves back with a smile "we do tend to get over things quickly don't we!?.... then again we're pretty good at distracting ourselves and each other!"  Jecoliah says as they walk "yes!"  Mycroft replies with a chuckle in his tone and a smile on his face he takes her to his house and they sit outside and have a cup of tea together "I think I'll work on the garden today"  she says he chuckles then replies "that sounds like a good idea".... while Mycroft was driving Jecoliah to his home.... with the windows open.... Michiko was informing Sherlock that Jecoliah "went to work" "I thought it would be better if she didn't come back to the mess.... though the car ride might not have been the best idea at this point in time....."  she tells him when she sees his whole body droop with sadness "she'll come back her body and mind just have to calm down first though and she doesn't blame you.... she never will!"  she assures him he walks over and hugs her "well.... this is a first!"  she teases he chuckles then lets her go "she'll be alright"  she assures him he nods with a small smile.... Moriarty gulps when he sees Niyusha walk towards him with fire in her steps "she was in there you know!?"  she asks trying to keep her anger down to a minimum "who!?!"  he asks "Liah"  she replies his eyes widen and he asks with a worried tone "is she alright!?!"  she replies "after what she went through when she was younger it'll take awhile for her to "be alright" but she is physically unharmed"  he looks at her sadly and whispers "I'm sorry!"  she replies softly "I know!.... I suppose you really can't keep your promises can you!?!"  she walks away and he watches her leave with sad eyes.... Sherlock was more than grateful that Lestrade called him in for a case now he has a reason not to do what his brother told him to and he can keep his mind off of worrying about Jecoliah and how she's fairing even though he knows she's perfectly safe with his brother he's still worried about her.... "you can go you know!? I know you have appointments and stuff.... I'll make sure I don't get too sunburned!"  Jecoliah tells Mycroft who chuckles at her ending tease, nods then leaves with a small wave she waves back with a smile which makes him smile....

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