My What A Beautifully Tangled Web We Weave🕸️🕷️

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"What's going on!?!"  Jecoliah asks Sherlock as she heads upstairs to his flat "missing kids"  he replies "he's at it again huh!?!"  she asks he nods he cups her head in his hand and looks into her sad eyes then promises softly "it'll be alright I...

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"What's going on!?!"  Jecoliah asks Sherlock as she heads upstairs to his flat "missing kids"  he replies "he's at it again huh!?!"  she asks he nods he cups her head in his hand and looks into her sad eyes then promises softly "it'll be alright I'm on the case"  she smiles but her eyes are still sad "oh shit!"  Sherlock whispers when he remembers that Niyusha is pregnant "let's not tell her"  he whispers "she probably already knows but she also knows that he might not have known when he planned this but it's still....!"  she replies he nods understandingly "come with me you're better with kids than I am and I want to test your prowess"  he says she smiles then says "you just wanna ride with the top down!"  he smirks then replies "is that so bad!?!"  she chuckles then says as she tosses him her keys "you drive!"  he grins then kisses her lips and takes her hand then heads out the door.... "Miss Mackenzie, House Mistress go easy"  Lestrade tells Sherlock and Jecoliah as they walk with him up to the house Sherlock speed walks towards the elderly woman an officer was trying to calm "now you've done it!"  Jecoliah whispers teasingly "done what!?!"  Lestrade asks then he hears Sherlock say to the crying woman "Miss Mackenzie, you're in charge of pupil welfare, yet you left this place wide open last night what are you: an idiot, a drunk or a criminal?"  he pulls off the blanket the police use for shock off the woman's shoulders and says "now quickly, tell me!"  the woman gasps then says "all the doors and windows were properly bolted no-one, not even me, went into their room last night you have to believe me!"  Sherlock replies "I do I just wanted you to speak quickly"  he feels someone slap his ass so hard he even feels it through his trench coat and turns to see Jecoliah standing behind him "don't worry Miss Mackenzie I'll make sure he's properly punished later!"  Jecoliah tells the frightened woman who chuckles Sherlock raises his eyebrow at the woman he loves who says when she sees it "not in that way you blasted fool!"  the officers around them chuckle Sherlock smiles then he and Jecoliah head inside.... "six grand a term, you'd expect them to keep the kids safe for you you said the other kids had all left on their holidays?"  John says as he walks into the girls dormitories where Sherlock and Jecoliah already were "they were the only two sleeping on this floor absolutely no sign of a break-in the intruder must have been hidden inside some place"  Lestrade replies "John you should know by living with William that children can't be watched 24 hours a day!"  Jecoliah teases Lestrade chuckles Sherlock gives her a look then smiles as Sherlock searched for clues Jecoliah watches him open every thing and look under some of the beds she walks over to Sherlock as he picks a manilla envelope that has a book in it out of a chest he takes the book out of the envelope and sees that it's Grimm's Fairy Tales "interesting choice"  Jecoliah says softly as she reads the cover over his shoulder "isn't it!?"  he replies "what tale is this one you think!?"  she asks he looks at her oddly "he seems to always have a theme to his games maybe this is this ones"  she says "show me where the brother slept"  Sherlock says to Lestrade then he closes the chest and they all head out of the room they were in down the hallway and into another room "what's that odd smell!?!"  Jecoliah asks when they walk into the boys dormitories "what smell!?!"  Sherlock asks "I'm not sure it's light and I know it isn't mold but I'm not sure what it is it's earthy almost smells like sesame seeds"  she replies he nods "the boy sleeps there every night, gazing at the only light source outside in the corridor he'd recognize every shape, every outline, the silhouette of everyone who came to the door"  Sherlock says pointing to the beds under the window "okay, so...."  Lestrade replies "so someone approaches the door who he doesn't recognize, an intruder maybe he can even see the outline of a weapon"  Sherlock says he walks over to the door and shows everyone what he means by being the silhouette and as he does so Jecoliah tries to pinpoint the source of the smell but can't "what would he do in the precious few seconds before they came into the room?"  Sherlock asks as he reenters the room "how would he use them if not to cry out? this little boy; this particular little boy.... who reads all of those spy books what would he do?"  Sherlock asks as he as he looks around at everything in the room "he'd leave a sign?"  John replies Sherlock looks at the woman he loves and smiles when he remembers what she asked when they first walked into the room and he noisily sniffs the air then picks up a cricket bat and sniffs both sides of it then puts it down he kneels by the bedside table and sniffs then reaches under the bed and finds a empty bottle of linseed oil "never doubt yourself!"  he tells Jecoliah who replies "it wasn't doubt I just couldn't pinpoint the scent for it seems to be everywhere and I don't know every smell in the world like you do!"  she replies he smiles then he says "get Anderson"  once Anderson enters he gets ordered to have the windows covered and to give Sherlock his UV light and once the room is dark Sherlock uses the UV light to follow the trail the boy made using the linseed oil it started at the wall where the boy wrote "help us"  Jecoliah walks over to Anderson's kit and steals a few things she might need from it then heads out into the hallway with her own UV light she scrapes some of the linseed oil off the floor into a small petri dish when Sherlock reaches where she is he kneels down beside her and smiles when he sees what she's doing his smile grows as she hands him her petri dish "I probably could have used some lifters.... I did steal this from Anderson's kit after all which might not have been the smartest idea but oh well!"  she says he chuckles John smiles at the two of them for at least Jecoliah gave him a more "proper" reason to chuckle and smile.... Jecoliah drops Sherlock and John off at Barts "Niyu can help she's working today I promised Mar I'd go shopping with her.... your fridge is getting low on edible supplies"  she tells Sherlock who didn't seem happy she wasn't going inside he smiles then kisses her lips and walks away from the car.... hearing the Niyusha was working Sherlock decided he'd like to have her assist over Molly and that is exactly what he did though he had her sit for most of it which amused her "I'm not that pregnant yet!"  she tells him with a chuckle in her tone and a smile on her face he smiles at her "let me at least make coffee and some sandwiches"  she says he nods with a smile then watches her walk out of the room then come back a a minute or so later with some sandwiches and coffee and much to his surprise and dismay Molly had followed her in for she had seen Niyusha making the snacks and drinks and she knows that she only does that for Sherlock so she knew Sherlock was in the building and working "I have enough assistants thank you Molly"  Sherlock says when he sees her "her!?! what can she actually do!?! she's just a janitor!"  Molly replies Sherlock narrows his eyes at her and Molly gulps in fear then leaves with an exasperated sigh and goes on her date Sherlock knew exactly what the triplets are capable of and he knows that all three are excellent assistants they even do them faster than Molly though he makes a mistake when he whispers "I....O....U."  Niyusha looks at him with sad eyes for she read his lips when he said that but she picks up the Grimm's Fairy Tales book and starts reading which make him smile as she was reading John gained Sherlock's attention and showed him the envelope he found earlier what Sherlock found odd was that Niyusha was reading Hansel and Gretel....

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