Doctor John Watson And His New Job

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"If you think about it it makes sense after all she knows this place better than any other place in London and here she knows she's safe cause she knows the people around her and they know her going somewhere else means learning a new place and new people and it may not seem like it but she tends to shy away from new people cause she's unsure she can fully trust them and though she's trained herself very well to listen to what she can't see people still do their best to take advantage of her "disability" and well I suppose you could say her staying around here for now keeps everyone else safe from her wrath"  Jecoliah says to Sherlock just as Mrs. Hudson opens her door Sherlock chuckles with a smile "hey Mar I brought a friend" Jecoliah says to Mrs. Hudson who smiles at her then invites them in and as they visit Mrs. Hudson and Sherlock work out the "kinks" of the lease of the flat.... after Jecoliah leaves and after Sherlock brings all his stuff to his new flat Sherlock kept his word and gave Michiko a tour of his mess.... which he shockingly kept off the floor for the most part.... "I met the third you"  he tells her she chuckles then says with a smile "so you met the "normal" one hmm!?!"  he looks at her oddly then figures out what she meant but doesn't comment on it "I'm probably the one one of us three who doesn't have a job but then again who would hire a blind woman!?!"  she says "I would"  he replies "to do what!?!"  she asks "cook"  he says quickly "for a man that hardly eats!?!"  she replies he chuckles then says "I hear you're pretty good at it"  she smiles which makes him smile "that's what I like to see!"  he murmurs softly so softly she almost didn't hear it and being the smart woman she is she doesn't comment on it "I watched you during court you're good at reading people you could help me sort through my potential clients that come to the door...."  he starts "so in other words become your assistant"  she says "yes!"  he replies "one that can't join you on your "adventures" without getting in the way.... I'd be of no help....!"  she says "I'm working on a substitute"  he replies stopping her from continuing she smirks then says "yes I heard you got a flat mate"  she playfully mutters under her breath "the poor man!"  he looks at her with his mouth agape and she chuckles knowing full well what kind of expression was on his face he smiles "thank you for...."  he starts "we all worked together.... beside you could consider it MY payment for helping me and my mom out with my dad though I mainly did it so that my mom wouldn't have to clean it up and I wouldn't break anything.... although you can bring SOME of it up if you REALLY need it and feel too lazy to walk all the way downstairs.... just promise me there will be no body parts in the upstairs kitchen fridge"  she says he chuckles then replies with a smile "I promise!"  she smiles...

 just promise me there will be no body parts in the upstairs kitchen fridge"  she says he chuckles then replies with a smile "I promise!"  she smiles

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A few hours later Michiko meets Dr. John Hamish Watson when he arrives with Sherlock who left then came back so he could "have a little fun" with his new flat mate she had just returned from grocery shopping for both her and Sherlock's flat and was heading upstairs with what she bought him and she hears a voice she never heard before say "that's a skull"  and she teases "that's what he uses to drink his tea in the morning!"  Sherlock smiles at her then introduces the two of them "John Watson our downstairs neighbor and landlady's daughter Michiko"  she says politely with a smile looking in the direction she heard the unknown voice "pleasure to meet you"  John replies "you too"  there was a short somewhat awkward silence and she whisperingly asks Sherlock who had walked over to where she stands "he's holding out his hand isn't he!?!"  Sherlock smiles but says nothing "sorry I'm not trying to be rude it's just I kinda can't see haven't from the moment I was born"  she explains to John who says softly "oh, OH!"  she chuckles then whispers in a tone only Sherlock can hear "bit slow isn't he!?!"  Sherlock hums in agreement with a smile "well even the tortoise beat the hare so....!"  she whispers he laughs John looks at them oddly Michiko smiles at him then heads into the kitchen and starts putting things away "I have a good memory"  she says answering the question John had opened his mouth to ask and Sherlock's smile grows "what do you think, then, Dr. Watson? there's another bedroom upstairs, if you'll be needing two bedrooms"  Michiko hears her mother say from inside the living room and she hides a chuckle as John replies "of course we'll be needing two"  Mrs. Hudson says "oh, don't worry, here's all sorts round here Mrs. Turner next door has got married ones"  Michiko laughs which makes both Sherlock and John smile and Mrs. Hudson smiles as she heads into the kitchen to help her daughter who was making a pot of tea and some sandwiches "I looked you up on the internet last night"  John says to Sherlock who asks "anything interesting?"  John replies "found your website The Science of Deduction"  Sherlock asks "what did you think?"  Michiko whispers "it's a great way to meet girls!"  Mrs. Hudson chuckles softly slapping her daughter lightly on the shoulder which makes the younger Hudson smile "you said you could identify a software designer by his tie and and airline pilot by his left thumb?"  John says "yes and I can read your military career in your face and your leg, and your brothers drinking habits on your mobile phone"  Sherlock replies "how?"  John asks "even a blind person can observe and observation is key!"  Michiko whispers Sherlock who somehow heard her smirks and the tea kettle whistles "what about these suicides then, Sherlock I thought that'd be right up your street three exactly the same"  Mrs. Hudson says as she walks back into the living room while Michiko prepares the tea she was just about to bring the tray to the living room when she hears Sherlock say "four"  then after a small pause he continues "there's been a fourth and there's something different this time"  Mrs. Hudson asks "a forth?"  Sherlock smiles at the woman standing at the threshold of the living room and kitchen holding the tea tray in her hands he knew she knew he was planning on leaving with whoever was about to come and ask for his assistance which he knew was going to be Lestrade he walks over to her and prepares a cup for himself then takes a sip as Greg rushes up the stairs "where?"  Sherlock asks as the Detective Inspector reaches the top stair "Brixton, Lauriston Gardens"  Lestrade replies "what's new about this one? you wouldn't have come to get me if there wasn't something different"  Sherlock says "you know how they never leave notes?"  Lestrade asks "yeah"  Sherlock replies "this one did will you come?"  Lestrade asks "who's on forensics?"  Sherlock asks "it's Anderson"  Lestrade replies "he doesn't work well with me"  Sherlock says "well, he won't be your assistant"  Lestrade replies "I NEED an assistant"  Sherlock says "will you come?"  Lestrade asks "not in a police car, I'll be right behind"  Sherlock replies "thank you"  Lestrade says "hi Greg"  Michiko says softly with a smile as Lestrade turns to go "hi Ko"  Lestrade replies "no time for tea!?!"  she teases "not this time"  he replies with a chuckle in his tone she nods with a smile and he heads down the stairs Sherlock watches them react with a curious confused expression on his face he had no idea Lestrade's name is Greg once Lestrade was out of sight and sound.... his footfalls were quite heavy and noisy.... Sherlock jumps as he says excitedly "brilliant! yes! oh, four serial suicides, and now a note oh, it's Christmas"  Michiko smiles at him and says "well I suppose I can put the sandwiches in the fridge for later since I'm betting you're going to be late or I could wrap them so you can take them with you"  he smiles and cups her cheek in his hand she slides her head out of his hand and walks back into the kitchen and starts to take care of the food and tea she made "we could always call the girls and have a tea party.... with reheated water since it would take them awhile to get here"  she tells her mother who smiles at her "John, have a cup of tea, make yourself at home don't wait up!"  Sherlock says as he gets ready to leave "oh right, he's so quiet I forgot about him!.... I suppose we could give him one of the sandwich's.... he's making his own tea though!"  Michiko whispers John chuckles as she walks back into the living room with the tray of tea and sandwich's.... which luckily for John she had not put away yet.... "the chair"  Mrs. Hudson whispers gripping her daughters arm and gently leading her to the chair John was sitting in Michiko smiles and carefully sets the tray on the books that were sitting on the coffee table next to John who thanks her just then Sherlock returns and says softly to John "you're a doctor in fact you're an army doctor"  John replies as he grips his cane and stands up "yes"  Sherlock asks "any good?"  John replies "very good"  Sherlock says as he watches Michiko roll her eyes at him as she once again picks up the tray and goes to take care of what's on it "seen a lot of injuries, then violent deaths"  Sherlock says as he starts to walk towards John who replies "well, yes"  Sherlock says "bit of trouble too, I bet?"  John replies "of course yes enough for a lifetime, far too much"  Sherlock asks "want to see some more?"  John replies "oh, god, yes"  Michiko whispers to her mother "well that's one way to get stimulated but is it the right way!?!"  Mrs. Hudson chuckles Sherlock who also somehow heard her smirks a small corner smirk as the two men head downstairs "both of you?"  Mrs. Hudson asks as he watches them leave "impossible suicides? four of them? no point in sitting at home when there's finally something fun going on!"  Sherlock replies as he turns and walks towards her then grips her arms and noisily kisses her cheek "look at you, all happy it's not decent"  Mrs. Hudson says "who cares about decent? the game, Mrs. Hudson, is on!"  Sherlock says as he pats her arm then continues on his way out the door with John not too far behind "you're going to be late"  Mrs. Hudson says to her daughter "as if Crofty would allow that!"  Michiko replies Mrs. Hudson chuckles "I've still got enough time for a quick shower and a change by the time I'm done he'll be here"  Michiko tells her mother who smiles as she gets another less noisy kiss on the opposite cheek that Sherlock had kissed Mrs. Hudson watches her daughter walk to her "new" flat one she wished she had given her to start with but Michiko wanted to at least attempt to get over her fear of small enclosed places while still feeling safe so she had allowed it for at least she knew where her daughter was as she tested herself in that sort of way and she could easily get to her if her daughter needed her but she had found that her daughter went into Sherlock's flat.... which was empty until he moved in.... when she started to feel like she couldn't breathe which was understandable because Sherlock has the biggest flat in the whole complex.... just as Michiko predicted Mycroft was standing at the door of 221a after she had showered and dressed the difference between this date and the last was that Mrs. Hudson was off doing her own thing as Mycroft drove himself and the woman he believes he may be in love with to their destination Michiko tells him about Sherlock moving into the upstairs flat and his new roommate "I wonder if he'd be able to check out Jecoliah's burn he's an army doctor and with Oliah's uncle being a Marine she may be ok with him.... it's probably best for her to get to know him first though he's new to the "crew" so we have to see if we can fully trust him with such a "secret".."  she tells him softly he looks at her deep in thought "I know I know you want to "check him out" as well but it can wait till after our date right!? after all they've got a case to solve"  she says he chuckles then replies with a smile "of course"  shockingly enough Mycroft didn't take her to a restaurant this time remembering that she once told him she had never been to the ocean.... which is odd for a woman who's lived in Florida for half her life.... he took her to a private beach and set up a picnic for them even he thought the whole idea was oddly romantic.... though he didn't realize it until they got there and the date started especially with it starting to get dark.... "if you can.... describe it to me!"  she says softly as she looks out at the soft waves she can only hear he looks at her oddly "I know the sun's gonna set soon so....!"  she says then after a small pause she says "you know what never mind let's just....!"  she stops when she feels his hand slide over hers she looks at him then says in a low soft voice "Crofty....!?!"  she leans forward and softly kisses his lips his eyes widen and she quickly straightens then says quickly with a nervous tone "I-I'm sorry I shouldn't have done that!"  he leans forward and kisses her lips and her eyes widen at the hunger of his gentle kiss "Mycroft!"  she whispers softly and everything else was forgotten as he leans forward even more not letting her lips go as her body slowly starts to lean backwards and she ends up laying on the blanket he set down "not here!"  she whispers with a nervous tone that held a hint of fear Mycroft sits up and looks at her then thinks on where her.... or anyone elses mind.... would go when it came to the circumstance he had just created and he blushes unlike her he didn't apologize just slid his hand over hers and sat at her side looking out at the setting sun and describing it as one would a painting or something they found so beautiful it had to be put into words they left the beach just as it started to get dark and Michiko fell asleep during the ride back which meant Mycroft had to carry her into her flat which he didn't mind especially since he's never been in it and he was curious as to what it looked like he was surprised to see that it was nicely decorated with beautiful paintings that he guessed her mother put up for her he found her bedroom and laid her on the bed then left with a smile on his face....

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