I Want To Be Free This Christmas🎅🏼🎄🤶🏼

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Sherlock got suckered into heading to his parents for Christmas Eve and Day but at least he wasn't alone for Jecoliah, Mycroft, Michiko, their children, Niyusha

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Sherlock got suckered into heading to his parents for Christmas Eve and Day but at least he wasn't alone for Jecoliah, Mycroft, Michiko, their children, Niyusha.... who came up on Christmas day so she and her daughter could spend Christmas Eve with James.... her daughter, John and Mary who are having.... issues.... Christmas Eve for Sherlock and the others who were at his parents house was not so great for Jecoliah decided to take over the job Sherlock gave himself so she wouldn't have to go through all the pain "William don't....! I'll go....!"  Jecoliah says softly before Sherlock starts to pour the sleeping agent into the punch "no!"  Sherlock replies "I HAVE to do this!.... if there is anything I want this Christmas it's to be free of him and I owe him pain for the pain he caused me!"  she tells him a smile starts to form along his lips and he nods "unluckily for me he's my brother but I can use it as an excuse!"  she says he laughs just then his mother walks into the kitchen and smiles at the sound of her son's laughter her smile drops when she sees her hopefully soon to be daughter in law kiss him then walk over to her "it's nothing bad ma I'm just going to go visit my brother" Jecoliah assures her Mycroft who walked in behind his mother tilts his head at her as his mother replies "you could have brought him here"  Jecoliah smiles softly and says "I don't love him that much! but it is Christmas so....! I'll have Mycroft take me William is going to stay and get to know his nieces and nephew"  Mycroft smiles at her whereas Sherlock looks at the woman he loves almost appalled by the "order" Jecoliah turns to face the man she loves and signs "he's an observer you'll try to worm your way into the "meeting" and I'm not about to give HIM what he wants!"  Sherlock nods "you do know how to pilot a chopper right M!?"  Jecoliah asks as she turns to face her friend Mrs. Holmes turns and stares at her eldest child in shock for she had no idea he was there as Mycroft replies with a smile "of course!"  Jecoliah says "good cause I promised the pilot bringing it that he could spend time with his family that live close by so I'll need a replacement!"  Mycroft laughs which surprises his mother who hasn't heard him laugh in years at that moment the sound of a helicopter was heard and after giving Mrs. Holmes a kiss on the cheek both Mycroft and Jecoliah leave the house and head towards the chopper and after getting a thank you and Merry/Happy Christmas from the pilot who walked out of the chopper and over to the waiting car full of presents for his family "since it's Christmas he excepted that as payment.... you'll get the car back but the presents....!"  Jecoliah tells Mycroft who was looking at the car oddly Mycroft chuckles then they climb into the chopper and fly to her brothers place.... "promise me one thing M"  Jecoliah says once Mycroft lands the chopper in front of her brothers home Mycroft looks at her oddly "no matter what happens you'll stay here!.... I'll be safe but as I told your brother I owe my brother pain for my pain!"  she says he nods she kisses his cheek then climbs out of the chopper and before she closes the door she says with a wink "I won't tell your brother if you don't!"  he chuckles shaking his head as he watches her walk towards her brothers home...."hello brother mine..... Happy Christmas!.... I know not what you're expecting but you get what you deserve.... don't worry I'm not staying long I only came to tell you that I'll see you in hell! I hope it hurts!"  Jecoliah says to her brother as she walks into the building and over to him Charles Augustus Magnussen stares at his sister in shock as she turns around and walks back out the door.... Mycroft watches as Jecoliah walks back out of her brothers home and just about sighs in relief when he sees that she's unharmed his relief turns into shock as the building bursts into flames once the door closes behind her though she seemed unphased by the flames.... probably for the first time in her life.... he looks at her as she opens the helicopter passenger side door and climbs in "can we go now!?! I don't want to become as cruel as him and watch this!"  she asks as she sits in the copilot seat he nods then starts up the chopper "I wonder how he's gonna take the fact that I had his security passcodes changed!.... sometimes it's good to be a Magnussen but I can't wait to change it!"  she says softly as he takes off he chuckles at the fact she changed her own "brilliant" brothers passwords without him knowing for if he had known Mycroft was sure he'd be out of that building that was just about fully engulfed with flames by now if he had a "goldfish"s overactive imagination he could imagine Charles Augustus Magnussen panicking because he can't figure out why his codes and whatnot aren't working and quite possibly growling curses at his sister's "spirit" the rest of the ride was silent and even though he got a thank you Mycroft knew why Jecoliah rushed into his parents cottage and he of course was right for as he walked in he saw her clinging to his brother who was doing his best to calm the woman he loves "you're going to have to figure out a new way to get what you want!"  Sherlock hears Jecoliah whisper next to his ear "I have what I want!"  he whispers in reply he smiles when he not only hears but feels her softly chuckle he looks up at his brother and says "whatever it is I'll take the blame!"  Mycroft replies "you're going to take the blame for an electrical fire!?!"  Sherlock looks at the women he loves and murmurs "oh you clear woman!"  she coos with a smirk "I learned from the best and by the best I mean Mycroft!"  Mycroft chuckles Sherlock fakes open mouth shock "I knew him first!"  she says with a shrug "this is true!"  Sherlock replies "everyone else asleep!?"  she asks he nods "good I'm exhausted!"  she says she kisses Sherlock's cheek then walks over to Mycroft and gives him a hug then heads towards the room she and Sherlock were going to share for the night since they knew they wouldn't be going home today "you should have married that woman already!"  Mycroft tells his brother who started to follow Jecoliah out of the living room "speak for yourself brother mine!"  Sherlock replies without turning around Mycroft sighs for he knew his brother is right he should have been married to Michiko but he dreads the day he'll "have" to ask her mother for permission after all it's the gentlemanly thing to do and he TRIES to be a gentlemen.... at least when it comes to the triplet cousins.... "I have to ask her too you know!?"  Sherlock says as he walks down the hallway to his old room where the woman he loves is quite possibly now laying on his bed and the thought of that almost makes him smile Mycroft's eyes widen for he realizes his brother is right the only elder family member the cousins have who's opinion means the world to them is the woman he loves' mother who just so happens to be the other two women's aunt.... Sherlock walks into his old room and sees the woman he loves asleep on his bed his smile drops when she flinches and squirms in her sleep he strips down to his boxers, pulls the sheets up from his side of the bed and lays down beside her then covers himself up and hugs her gently to him "my brave phoenix!"  he whispers softly into her ear and her body settles at the sound of his soft smokey tones "never do that to me again!"  he whispers he sees her smile which makes him smile then he closes his eyes and falls into a soft slumber even though the amount he got never changed for some odd reason sleep was always easier with her by his side he could have sworn he saw his brother look in on them before heading to his own childhood room where the woman he loves now sleeps and he ignored that feeling though he was sure sleep was the same for him as well for these three woman made things far too easy for them, calmed them in a way no one else has ever been able to calm them and in their own way understood the geniuses they love better than anyone after all they would have to to be able to get them to love them as much as they do.... wouldn't they!?! all in all it was one of the best Christmas' Sherlock has ever had especially since the woman who now sleeps in his arms came back from visiting one of the most dangerous men in London safe and unharmed.... not that he believed his brother would allow anything to happen to her for he (Mycroft) is just as protective of her as he (Sherlock) is though there are things even HE can't stop from happening alright Sherlock it's time to shut your brain down for at least and hour and actually get some sleep you've worried her enough these past few days/weeks/months/YEARS!....

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