Do Not Forget The Forgotten🤔💭

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When Sherlock gets home he speaks with Jecoliah about her cousin "well I know of at least three women who would disagree with you on that black hole in the center of your chest!"  Jecoliah tells him he chuckles softly then asks with a curious tone "three!?!"  she replies "Niyu of course, she may not BE in love with you two and has a husband of her own but she does love the two of you you are her family! a better one than the one she was raised by to be assured"  he smiles then says softly "I will marry you!"  she replies "it's probably best for you to stay unmarried at the moment"  he looks at her oddly "these women are killing married men probably ones who cheat on and quite possibly beat and or their wives in some form or another"  she tells him "women!?!"  he asks "well as far as I know they're no such thing as ghosts and who knows maybe we are "finally" "fighting back" in our own way there's always a reason finding out what that reason is may help solve what probably could have been solved ages ago but I for one won't blame you you're one man and it's impossible for you to be everywhere!"  she says he smiles then kisses her lips "come.... I've made tea"  she says he grins then murmurs as he loops his arm around her and pulls her towards him "I'd rather have you!"  she smiles and he lifts her up then carries her to their room then makes love to her on their bed.... Mycroft was being poisoned I mean punished he was being forced to eat nothing but salad without dressing when his true meal times were and he was "forced" to eat fruits and other HEALTHY things for snacks and not an over abundant amount not only that but he misses his wife terribly luckily she was kind enough to allow him to see their children who ate a salad without dressing with him which made him smile even though his eyes stayed sad for he can't help but wonder how he could make up for his mistake and he needed to figure out a way to do it asap though the stupid part of him thought she and her cousins were apart of his brother's "hardest case" the smart part of him knew better that THEY would never be that desperate and/or stupid.... when Lady Carmichael came Jecoliah was once again put in "assistant mode" serving tea, massaging Sherlock's shoulders and every now and again the back of his head which Lady Carmichael found odd especially when she noticed how the "emotionless" detective reacted to her actions his soft smile and how he would constantly slide his hand over hers caressing it lovingly Dr. Watson on the other hand would smile at the sight and chuckle softly when Jecoliah would playfully wiggle her fingers and push his hand away Jecoliah of course doesn't go with John and Sherlock to the Carmichael home but Sherlock does ask her a odd question before he leaves "would you do that to me!?!"  she replies with a small smirk "what send a "ghost" to kill you!?! no my darling Mr. Holmes if anything I'd kill you myself!"  he smiles then kisses her lips and leaves.... Jecoliah spent the rest of the day and night with her cousins, nieces, nephew and aunt who were a great comfort to Sherlock and John when they returned....

When Jecoliah came with Sherlock to see Mycroft Mycroft's eyes became sad for thanks to the fact she looks so much like Michiko he started to miss his wife even more especially when Jecoliah kissed his cheek before she left the room so the two brothers could speak.... when they returned home Jecoliah kissed the man she loves before leaving him alone in the living room so he could think things through since he spent two days in his Mind Palace she would check up on him "waking" him with a kiss making sure he ate something she made sure his potential clients left him be sending them home by lying to them and saying he was away for a few days on another case Mrs. Hudson found it odd when she'd sneak a peek in the room and find Jecoliah asleep sitting in the semiconscious mans lap.... Sherlock reaches for the needle sitting on the floor in a case he looks down when he feels a delicate hand gently grip his wrist and hears the woman he loves softly say "I'd rather you'd smoke than destroy yourself like this!"  he smiles then kisses her lips softly as he drops the needle back into its case as he kisses her he leans forward making her body lean backwards "you're right! you're the only addiction I need!"  he murmurs as he slides his hands up the sides of her chest she smiles and allows him to make love to her once they were spent he delves even deeper into his Mind Palace and meets the "devil" he was waiting for one thing's for sure he was grateful Niyusha didn't see her husband the way he did in his Mind Palace for it would tear her apart....

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