👋🏼🙋🏻‍♀️Hello Brother Mine👨‍👧

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"Keep looking at me and I'll gouge your eyes out!"  Sherlock hears Jecoliah say to someone with a disgusted growl in her tone he walks down the hall and sees her cuff the photographer to the green radiator behind the luggage cart "it's not as kink...

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"Keep looking at me and I'll gouge your eyes out!"  Sherlock hears Jecoliah say to someone with a disgusted growl in her tone he walks down the hall and sees her cuff the photographer to the green radiator behind the luggage cart "it's not as kinky as you think especially with a idiot like you! but don't worry you won't be there long as a matter of fact I believe Mr. Holmes has some questions for you!"  Jecoliah says as Sherlock walks into the room she takes the guys camera then hands it to Sherlock who smiles at her and says "thank you Miss Phoenix"  she bows her head in reply then walks away "Sherlock explain"  John says as he walks into the room "there is always a man at a wedding who is not in any photograph but can go anywhere, and even carry an equipment bag around with him if he likes, and you never even see his face you only ever see.... the camera Jonathan Small, today's substitute wedding photographer, known to us as the Mayfly Man his brother was one of the raw recruits killed in that incursion Jonny sought revenge on Sholto, worked his way through Sholto's staff, found what he needed.... an invitation to a wedding, the one time Sholto would have to be out in public so, he made his plan and rehearsed the murder making sure of every last detail brilliant, ruthless, almost certainly a monomaniac – though, in fairness, his photographs are actually quite good"  Sherlock replies then says as he tosses his phone over to Lestrade who catches it "everything you need's on that you probably ought to.... arrest him or something"  he turns to Johnathan Small and says "and you should have never messed with my assistant and her cousins, you're lucky that's all she did for when pushed too far she can be VERY dangerous!"  Johnathan Smalls says to Sherlock as Mary rushes in and stands next to her husband "it's not me you should be arresting, Mr. Holmes"  Sherlock replies "oh, I don't do the arresting, I just farm that out"  Johnathan Small says "Sholto, he's the killer, not me I should have killed him quicker"  he chuckles with a smile then says "I shouldn't have tried to be clever"  Sherlock says "you should have left my assistant alone!"  Johnathan Small replies "yes well I'll get her too!"  Sherlock hides his anger John scoffs then whispers "as if he'd have a chance!"  Johnathan Small looks at him "two of them are married and all of them are well protected you would never have a chance with any of them even if that wasn't the case!"  John tells him Johnathan Small scoff with a smirk "I can see why they find you disgusting!"  John whispers Johnathan Small grimaces though John's words seemed to make Sherlock feel better for his anger lowered a few octaves and he almost smiles when John says "you should have been smarter!"  Sherlock loops his arm and the maid of honor Janine loops hers through it then they leave the room.... Jecoliah stands by Mrs. Hudson, Arden and Lestrade as Sherlock plays his gift for Mary and John who were dancing their first dance as man and wife staying away from Molly's boyfriend who stood behind Mrs. Hudson and kept looking at her with hungry eyes while just about salivating and licking his lips as he did so getting sick and tired of him trying to secretly grope her she leaves the room without a word and heads back outside both Mrs. Hudson and Lestrade watch her leave with surprised worried eyes Mrs. Hudson looks behind her and narrows her eyes at Tom who shrugs innocently at her then she turns her attention to her friends who were dancing and once Sherlock leaves the dancing he is relieved to find Jecoliah staring at the stars "I'm sorry he was making me very uncomfortable!"  she whispers softly he walks over to her and stands by her side then asks "who!?! Lestrade!?!"  she chuckles softly with a smile then says "no the freak!"  he looks at her oddly "I REALLY need to go home and take a long hot shower and wash my lower back and ass until they bleed!"  she says his eyes widen then he thinks through the motions he saw as he played his violin and he asks "Tom!?!"  she nods then says "well I'm ready to go home what about you!?"  he smiles then says "yes I am!"  then they walk over to her car and drive to 221 Bakers Street with the top down "you look absolutely lustrous!"  he says as they drive home "Mycroft had it made for me he got the idea for the design after I told him your nickname for me.... and chuckled when he recalled that it's also my uncles last name"  she replies he chuckles "the feathers represent the phoenix rising from the ashes and being reborn which after what I've been through I suppose really does represent me"  she tells him he smiles then replies "it sure does!"  after a small pause he adds "oh and no bleeding!"  she chuckles then says with a alluring smirk "then I guess you're going to have to wash the disgust of him off me!"  he grins.... "well look who it is!.... finally met the devil you were going to use me to get did you!?!"  Jecoliah asks with a sarcastic tone Lady Elizabeth Smallwood when she answers the door Smallwood stares at her with wide eyed surprise "William!"  she calls out Sherlock walks down the stairs and his eyebrow raises when he sees who's at the door "you're going to want to take this one!"  Jecoliah says as she walks over to him he nods with a smile and of course Sherlock takes the case Smallwood had for him.... a few weeks later Sherlock got WAY too far into his case intentionally taking drugs and who knows what else oh and he 's also "dating" Janine.... what a brave and stupid man he is.... when John told Mary he was calling Molly Sherlock practically screams "NO!! I want Niyu!"  John sighs then dials Niyusha's number who John finds called Jecoliah who he learns already knew of Sherlock's problem "he's trying to fool the new Moriarty"  Jecoliah tells John who scoffs "sorry I'm all outta cousins this guy can fall in love with so he can have a change of heart!"  she says he chuckles "not that I would let him near them!"  she mutters to herself as she walks away from him and over to Sherlock "hey Billy"  she says as she passes the homeless man who's arm John sprained "he broke my arm"  Billy says waving his hand over at John "it's just sprained you'll be fine!"  she tells him John chuckles a "I told you so" chuckle "I've been looking after him and he knows his limits it's all about trust John! and I have to trust that he won't take it too far or I'll have to call his parents!"  Jecoliah says looking over at John who smiles at her last few words she looks at Sherlock and says "yes I will go above your brother and call those who annoy you more than he does!"  Sherlock chuckles then leans forward then back when she takes a step back his eyes become sad "oh don't you dare do that! you know why that won't happen!"  she says he nods John looks at them oddly "you'll find out soon enough"  she says softly to John without looking at him and the poor man looks even more confused just then Sherlock's phone trills he looks down and takes it out of his pocket then reads the text and says "ah, finally!"  Jecoliah asks "newspapers finally catching on!?"  he nods with a smile "go on then go shower and change for your date"  she says his smile grows and though he wishes he could kiss her he knows he can't for until he gets rid of the disgusting growth that is occasionally at his side she won't let him show her any affection nor will she show him any "the game is on"  he says as he hops off the desk then walks out of the room and puts his phone to his ear and says as he opens the door "excuse me.... for a second"  Jecoliah asks John once Sherlock is out of the room "what do you wanna bet his brother's already at the flat!?"  John smiles then gets out his phone and calls Mycroft "you know after all theses years I'm surprised....!"  Jecoliah says "that he hasn't married you!"  Mary says guessing what she was going to say next "no I know his and his brothers view on marriage that he hasn't corrected me when I say "wanna", "gonna" and other words that are "incorrect"!"  Mary smiles.... Jecoliah drives Sherlock and John to 221 Bakers Street and listens to them talk about her brother "you've heard of Charles Augustus Magnussen, of course"  Sherlock says looking at John who as usual sits in the back seat "yeah owns some newspapers, ones I don't read"  John replies Sherlock sees a small corner smile grace Jecoliah's lips and he looks at her oddly "Mary's taking the others home.... just in case you're wondering"  Jecoliah tells Sherlock who smiles....

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