Welcome To Your Nightmare

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"You mean to tell me John couldn't tell the difference between the moaning sound

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"You mean to tell me John couldn't tell the difference between the moaning sound....!?! wait he never heard the moaning sound how would he....!?!"  Jecoliah asks Sherlock out of the blue as she makes his birthday cake for his birthday party that Molly conjured up Sherlock chuckles she smiles "well he figured out it was my birthday"  he says she laughs which makes him smile "shall we have some exploding candles!?!"  she asks "do they make those!?!"  he asks "no but I'm sure you could!"  she replies he chuckles "they do have those "trick" candles that aren't supposed to be able to be blown out or candles that act like sparklers just about everything except for those that blow up!"  she says he chuckles "I'll tell you what if you can blow them all out in one go I'll give you a kiss"  she says he places his hands on her hip and whispers into her ear "I like that idea!"  she smiles and he kisses her neck "if you don't no sex for a week!"  she says he pushes his hands off her hip and she chuckles then says with a smile "a month then!"  he replies "oh come on!"  she replies "a year!"  he growls out a groan she laughs then she takes the cake out of the oven and sets it on the kitchen table "can you believe we're getting married!?!"  she asks softly "no"  he replies "I also can't believe I asked you to marry me that was...! I AM looking forward to having children with you there are so many things I can't believe are happening and YOU are the one that made them all possible! you know me you know what I believe....!"  she says as she looks into his eyes and she continues "I know what you and your brother tell yourself not what you believe for no human can exist without love or at least some form of it, EVERYONE wants to be loved and those who tell themselves and the world that they don't are fooling themselves making excuses as to why they're constantly alone!"  he kisses her so quickly and passionately that her butt hits the table "that's it you're icing your own cake!"  she teases he smiles and says "I can do that!"  she says "after it cools"  he chuckles "shall I make it look like a deerstalker!?"  she asks he groans which makes her chuckle the sound of her chuckle makes him smile.... after the cake was cooled and decorated.... which they worked together on doing.... they head to where Molly had planned the birthday party to be and Sherlock was surprised how much fun he had though he believed the reason he had so much fun was because the woman he loves was there from beginning to end along with her cousins, nieces and nephew.... a few weeks later his world went to hell again for the case had just gotten weirder and more dangerous.... Michiko stands in the doorway of Mycroft's office with her children in her arms listening to the conversation between him and Smallwood "so, you're off now I won't see you for a week?"  Mycroft asks Smallwood as he puts on his coat not knowing or realizing his family was standing in the doorway of his office "just spending it at home unless she calls"  Smallwood replies "the PM"  Mycroft says "here"  Smallwood says as she hands him a business card "what's this?"  Mycroft asks as he takes it "my number"  Smallwood replies "I already have your number"  Mycroft says "my private number"  Smallwood replies "why would I need that?"  Mycroft asks "yes, why would he need that!?!"  Michiko asks as she walks deeper into her husbands office Mycroft stares at her with a surprised expression on his face as she sets their children down and they rush over to him "after all he's living through that so called "newly married bliss" give him a few years before you try to stick his umbrella in your dried up cobweb!"  Michiko says as she looks into Smallwood's eyes Mycroft hides a chuckle and smiles "have a lovely time Smallwood!"  Michiko coos as Smallwood scurries out of the room like a mouse who was cornered by a cat then let go "that would never happen!"  Mycroft says softly with a smooth tone as he walks over to his wife "oh really!?!"  she asks "now that I've found and have you there will never be any other woman in my life!"  he tells her then he leans forward to kiss her lips but stops when she says "we said we'd pick you up did you forget!?!"  he tilts his head as he looks at her oddly "you forgot!.... I see and here I thought you never forget anything!"  she says softly "no! that's not....!"  he replies she turns around and walks out of the room and he just about kicks himself of course he didn't forget she was coming to pick him up he just didn't expect her so soon he looks at the clock on his wall and his eyes widen for he see that she came at the exact time she said she would and now he just feels worse for he knows exactly what what she "caught" him doing looks like he rips up Smallwood's business card wishing he could burn it but there was no fireplace in his office then throws it in the trash and as he was doing that his eyes caught the wedding picture of him her and their children their flower girl and ring barrier at their wedding and the dreadful feeling he has grows existentially he takes their children's hands and walks out of his office hoping his wife was still waiting for him outside the building which to his luck she was but she seemed to ignore him as they all got into the car and drove home with her staring out a window she can't see not speaking to or acknowledging his presence and that broke his heart.... "why didn't you trust her!?!"  Sherlock asks Jecoliah "who!?!"  she asks "the client"  he replies "she had this dark air about her I don't really know I can't explain it.... did you look at the note!?"  she asks he looks at her oddly "if she is who you're thinking she is she'd leave you a message you can't really see unless you look for it!"  she says he goes to his desk takes the note out of the drawer and check it in every way possible he was hoping to stay sober for her sake but what he found on the paper when he put it under a UV light might just make him go back onto the "candy" as John called it and he didn't want to do that not to her or himself....

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