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Sherlock found hope in the fact that there were some things that are the same about Jecoliah he just wished she remembered him he had hoped that her assisting him would help since that is what she's done before

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Sherlock found hope in the fact that there were some things that are the same about Jecoliah he just wished she remembered him he had hoped that her assisting him would help since that is what she's done before.... except for the time she went with him that was a first and no finding the suitcase together doesn't count.... he knows it takes time he just wished it would hurry up so he could have her loving him again.... Jecoliah decided not to go with Sherlock to the train lovers apartment which disappointed Sherlock but he could see that she was tired so he let it slide instead he offered his couch and bath for the night so he didn't have to think about her sleeping on the ground and instead he takes Molly who was over the moon happy to go with him.... Jecoliah gets a call from Sherlock asking her for a favor he asked her to get maps of the train station whatever she could get her hands on and when he got back home he saw her already shifting through them muttering to herself  "Remember, remember the Fifth of November, the Gunpowder Treason and Plot, I know of no reason why the Gunpowder Treason should ever be forgot.... god I hate this "holiday"!"  she turns when she hears Sherlock ask from the doorway of the living room "why!?!"  she replies "the celebration they have here where they burn the Guy Fawkes scarecrow.... I've never done well with fire"  he chuckles softly then frowns when she turns her attention back to the maps "you gonna help or what!?!"  she asks he smiles then walks over and sits next to her and they look at the maps together "he looks like you you know!?"  she says out of the blue "hmm!?"  he hums questioningly "her fiancée"  she says "well not JUST like you you're better looking than he is but close enough to fool the idiots of the world!"  she adds he smiles "you're not the only one who observes the world and the people in it I just have a better view than you do!"  she says "oh I doubt that!"  he replies softly she nudges his arm with hers and he chuckles then whispers "come back to me please!"  he thought he had said it in his head but when she hums questioningly he knew he said it out loud "oh just a thought I had"  he says she nods he becomes sad "did you get any sleep!?"  he asks "not really"  she replies "go rest"  he tells her she looks at him he looks at her she nods then walks over to the couch and lays down with her back facing him and he smiles at her beautiful burnt back as she closes her eyes and drifts off to dreamland.... when Mary came and told Sherlock about the skip code she was sent his thoughts went back to Jecoliah's words about the traditional celebration London does around the 5th of November and he rushes out of the flat, through the door and out onto the street.... Niyusha gets a call from a unknown number remembering that Sherlock gave Jecoliah a phone she answers it hoping that she was right which she was for she hears her cousin ask "how are you with fire!?"  she looks at her phone oddly "my brothers playing a game and I don't want him to win!"  she hears Jecoliah say she hangs up tells her husband she'd be back in a few then heads out the door to his motorcycle and drives off and as she was driving she thought it was odd that Jecoliah remembered her brother and not her, their cousin, their aunt, Sherlock and John then again perhaps her memory loss has more to do with the most recent events in her life than those she actually suffered through as a child.... when Sherlock and Mary reach the Guy Fawkes Ceremony they find John and Niyusha standing in the crowd watching it with soft smiles on their faces and Sherlock rushes over to them then asks breathlessly with a surprised tone "h-how!?!"  Niyusha replies with a smile as she points to the bonfire "he's watching William go save the bones that are about to be cremated"  he looks over at the bonfire then rushes over and does as he's told realizing that someone new was playing a game with him.... not even a few minutes before Sherlock and Mary arrived Niyusha entered the celebration and acted like it was her first time and she wanted to see everything up close she walked around the back and pulled a groaning John out of the wood then covered it back up and says "I'm going to need your help"  he looks at her and nods then they walk over to the motorcycle she rode in on and she opens a large saddlebag that had the skeleton from the mystery case Sherlock and Jecoliah did together "the other half's in the other one"  she tells him he chuckles then walks around the motorcycle open the saddle bag and finds the bottom half of the skeleton in it from pelvic bone to feet "you're not....!?!"  she asks "no! it's all good"  he replies she smiles then says "we've gotta dress him luckily you left an outfit at Bakers Street so....!"  she says "I did!?!"  he asks with a curious confused tone "it was in the laundry"  she replies he chuckles they work very carefully to dress the naked bones, put it together then take it to the bonfire and put it under the wood with a black bag over it's skull once it was hidden in the wood they head over to the crowd and blend in.... Sherlock chuckles when he pulls out a familiar skeleton from the bonfire that was now wearing John's clothes and whispers to himself "умная королева!"  Mary looks at him oddly and he shakes his head then he drags the skeleton away from the crowd Mary, Niyusha and John follow.... when Sherlock returns home he finds Jecoliah sitting outside in front of the door singing From the Ashes by ILLENIUM & Skylar Grey and he watches her with an awed expression on his face once she was finished she stands up and says as she looks into his eyes "I should head home"  he replies softly "no, please stay!"  she says "I've taken up enough of your life Mr. Holmes it's best that I return to what's left of mine!"  she kisses his cheek then walks away he watches her leave sadly then his eyes widen when he realizes what she just did and he smiles then jumps up and down excitedly whispering to himself with a matching tone "yes!"  then he heads inside giddy as a butterfly that was using it's wings for the first time that giddiness disappeared the next day when his parents came to visit half of it comes back when Jecoliah walks in while his parents were chatting away like birds in the springtime "oh hello Michiko"  his mother says "no this is Jecoliah.... I mean Arinnitti"  Sherlock tells them with an annoyed tone "these are my parents"  he introduces waving his hands at the two people sitting on his couch "it's a pleasure to meet you"  Jecoliah says with a smile the elder Holmes stare at her with surprised expressions on their faces "need me today Mr. Holmes!?"  Jecoliah asks looking at Holmes the younger who whispers "always!"  she smiles at him then says "I'll take that as a no!"  then she looks at the elder Homes' and says "pleased to meet you"  and walks out of the room Sherlock grumbles out a growl as his parents chuckle their eyes widen when they realize their youngest son is in love and become excited "don't get your hopes up she doesn't remember!"  he tells them and they become sad "oh off with you I'm busy!"  he says and they leave knowing well enough not to push him when he's in that type of mood just as they were leaving John was arriving.... Jecoliah ended up watching Mycroft and Michiko's twins while they took Zariyah and Karterios.... though he goes by Carter.... to Les Misérables Michiko's very first play that she's been too Jecoliah watches them in Sherlock's flat and though he's smiling at the sight his heart keeps twisting in pain at it as well for he fears this may never happen to them and he wonders why he's even thinking about having children at all perhaps it's just the "promise" that it may happen someday or just because it's her and he wants to experience as much as he can with her for the rest of his life which is also an odd thought "I'm uh going to take them to the park before the crowd comes.... don't want the world getting the wrong impression!"  Jecoliah says Sherlock's smile drops at those words and he watches her get the children ready for a walk then head downstairs he knew what she meant but it still hurt to hear it  after all they weren't THEIR children he chuckles when he hears her say as she heads out the door "don't forget the hat!"....

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