😈Falling With The Devil Flying With The Angels😇

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Sherlock was surprised to see Jecoliah at Barts "where you go I go!"  she tells him softly he smiles then slides his fingers through her hair, gently grips the back of her neck, pulls her to him and kisses her lips then says "go home and get some ...

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Sherlock was surprised to see Jecoliah at Barts "where you go I go!"  she tells him softly he smiles then slides his fingers through her hair, gently grips the back of her neck, pulls her to him and kisses her lips then says "go home and get some rest.... I'll see you in the morning"  she nods then walks away he watches her with sad eyes wishing he never told her to leave but it was too late now she was already out of his view and he didn't want to scream and make her think something was wrong.... Michiko enters Mycroft's Diogenes office a few seconds after John leaves and ends up being a great comfort to him massaging his shoulders as he sits in the chair falling into the story that was created so that Moriarty could play this "one last game" and even though they didn't speak so he could continue being lost in his thoughts just having her there helped calm the demons inside to where at the moment they were just whispers.... Moriarty on the other hand was dealing with a wife that wouldn't speak to him even when he promised that this was the last one though she knows him so she knew that was impossible and he swore to himself he would do whatever he could to make sure it was possible he just had one last play and luckily for him he found the hyena in the video Jecoliah showed him and he was planning on using him as his escape goat by forcing him to play him then kill himself in front of Sherlock when he went to go meet him on the roof it was the greatest trick of all for who knows if this guy can truly pull of being the "most dangerous criminal mastermind" and actually fool Sherlock Holmes which Moriarty doubted but had a "feeling" Sherlock would play along anyway for Niyusha's sake as a matter of fact he was sure that both of the Homes men knew the "full story" about this part of the game for she always went to them, her cousins and her aunt aka Mrs. Hudson even John Watson at times so he KNEW they'd play along and he was looking forward to watching it all play out.... "I think he has a death wish too.... he has been alone all these years with no friends to count on much less speak of"  Mycroft hears Jecoliah say as she walks up behind him then stands at his side as he watches his brother and the guy with a Moriarty mask play the last part of the game "either that or he's having fun!"  she says "James is in the building across the way after all he "has" to watch too make sure his "twin" doesn't screw up and actually does what he wants him to do! he's screwed up enough times and now has the hardest "job" in his life to do.... make his pregnant wife forgive him which could take him years!"  she adds he chuckles then says "you're going too I take it"  she replies "well I'm not jumping off any roofs but....!"  he chuckles Jecoliah may not have cared for the guy playing Moriarty but when he put his gun in his mouth and pulled the trigger she turned her head and hid it in Mycroft's arm and as though by instinct Mycroft cups the back of her head gently and combs his fingers through her hair semi-subconsciously and she smiles at the soft comforting sensation.... Niyusha was walking to work and saw something lithe and black or perhaps dark blue or maybe dark smokey grey fall from the roof of Barts she rushes over and bumps into John who was also rushing towards whatever fell "John! what's wrong!?!"  she asks softly "Sherlock!"  he whispers "that was William!?!"  she asks he nods then asks "what are you doing here!?!"  she replies with a soft chuckle in her tone "I work here remember!?!"  he replies "oh, right!"  she smiles he smiles back "go but don't take too long"  she says softly he nods then rushes over to where Sherlock's dead body lays and of course Niyusha had to gently pull him away from the body "come on John let them do their job you can come inside with me and when they bring him inside you can spend as much time as you like with him!"  she says softly as she lays her hand on his shoulder he nods then stands up and follows her into Barts Molly of course wasn't happy Niyusha made a promise she shouldn't have "oh just have him sit by a bag with someone as tall as Sherlock and tell him he wouldn't want to see Sherlock that way so he'll leave it closed!"  Niyusha tells her Molly looks over at Mycroft who was walking into the room as Niyusha spoke "do as she says!"  Mycroft orders Molly nods then leaves "Mycroft!?!"  Niyusha asks with a curious tone.... she wasn't facing him so she didn't see him enter or speak.... Mycroft smiles then walks into her line of sight then says "very good!"  she replies "I know of only one person who could make her scurry like a mouse being chased by a cat and he's supposed to be in that bag John's about to stare at so you were the next best guess since you're his brother!"  he chuckles "I suppose my scheduled time to work was a little too perfect huh!?!"  she asks he tilts his head curiously at her "I bumped into John who was heading towards the burnt log on the sidewalk on my way in here!"  he chuckles at her "burnt log on the sidewalk" tease.... the "burnt" part was "in honor" of when Moriarty told Sherlock he'd burn him.... then says with a small smile "yes I suppose it was!"  she asks "is James going to be able to make it to my next appointment!?! it's next Wednesday"  she asks he nods with a small smile then says "he should be"  she asks "they're not going to change him are they!?!"  he looks at her oddly "well I'm not sure if hypnosis would work on someone of his mind-state but.... I don't want him to change!.... not if it's not of his own freewill anyway!"  she says softly he smiles then says "no he'll be the same man you remember in every way and as your cousin told you you have already changed him"  she nods then walks away and he watches her with sad eyes.... Niyusha and James had a girl they named Amaterasu after the Japanese Sun Goddess James was surprised how much he liked being a father and he swore that he would be a better one to his daughter than his father was to him.... Jecoliah did go with Sherlock when he went to shut down Moriarty's criminal empire but she also went back to London to visit her friends and family "it seems there are a lot of theories as to how you survived your death even Anderson has changed his tune about you Donovan's the same old bitch though!"  Jecoliah tells Sherlock when she came back from one of her visits he laughs "he's created a fan club of sorts that meets to see who can come up with the best guess as to how you survived I believe they call it the Empty Hearse" she tells him he raises his eyebrow at her "hey I'm just telling you what I find out when I go back to London!"  she says he smiles....

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