40. Fire dance

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Two days. Two days since they arrested Steve and Bucky. One day since a warrant for my arrest was sent out. Well, not my arrest. But the arrest of Red and therefore whomever is behind the mask has a warrant too. Two days since I've found that neither Wanda or I are allowed to leave the tower. Peter's been over, almost fought me he was so mad. I don't think he's ever called me a dumbass before but I don't think I could've taken it to heart at the moment, too busy laughing my ass off cause I've never seen Peter so mad and truth be told, it's adorable. But that was yesterday and I've been mulling it over and I'm beginning to wonder if he meant it.

My suits been on lockdown so I haven't been able to use it, but I don't think it would be too hard to get it out if necessary.

I didn't have much to do not being able to leave and all so I spent my time training. Bucky was my usual training buddy cause he wouldn't go easy on me. Or, at least he would fight back when we did hand to hand and didn't baby me. I made my way to to the training room for the third time today. I was mad. Three days locked up in here, I didn't even want to leave anymore. I've scared the people I'm meant to help, and I've hurt countless others. "N/n, play hype up playlist please," I grumble walking in the gym. I throw off my hoodie and walk straight to the punching bag. Nothing feels right. Not bad, just, off. And I Do Not like it. I don't feel okay and I need to get this out of my head Now. Dancings Not A Crime, rings throughout the gym as I pick up punching gloves. No. I don't need these. I want to feel it, every part of it. I punch it first, as hard as I can muster. And holy shit it hurts, the skin on my knuckle splits and it's not long before I feel the hot liquid slowly trickle out over my left knuckle. I smile proudly before swinging again, kicking the side of the bad only seconds later.

I continue to punch and kick the same bag for what only feels like moments before I have a realization as There's Nothing Holding Me Back comes to an end I look down at my knuckle seeing each and every one of them split open that I've been doing this for a while now. "N/n how long have I been in the training room for?" I ask the AI.

"Twenty five minutes, Wanda is on her way. Shes been looking for you."

Fuck fuck fuck. I've got bloody knuckles and a conciousness explaining why. "Do Not tell her I'm in here," I grumble and quickly run over to the wall and begin the climb. "Where is she now?"

"She's thirty feet from the entrance, shall I lock the doors?"

"No that would be suspicious just, ugh Goonight N/n," I grumble shutting off the AI.

I gotta hide my hands, or, my knuckles at the very least. Boxing gloves. I run over to the equipment and grab the first pair of gloves I see. As I slip them on I feel the blood from my knuckles slide across the inside of the gloves. Just as I reached another punching bag and got into a fight position she walked in. I spun in a full circle with my leg hiked up as high as I could get it and I kicked about three-fourths of the way up on the punching bad.

"Impressive," she smiled, walking towards me.

"Thanks," I nodded. I got back in a fight stance about to punch the bag but decided against it. I stood back into a normal position and looked at her. "How are you feeling?"

"I'm," she pauses for a moment. "I'm okay," she says, smiling for the slightest second.

"You wanna talk?" I ask.

"Some where Vision can't hear," she says with a slight urgency in her voice.

"Okay, go up to my room, I'll be there in a second I have to put my things away," I tell her.

"Okay," she mumbles and walks out of the gym.

"N/n where are bandages?" I grumble putting the boxing gloves in a corner so I can find them later and clean them.

[EDITING] Red And Blue Looks Good On You (Peter Parker X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now