30. Sparks

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We sat at the only table with enough room for all of us but Mj may have given a kid a very threatening glare so we could sit side by side.

Ms. Romodo doesnt allow phones and on the bored it says the following.

Read chapters 27-29
No talking
Once finished come collect papers and if not finished they will be homework.

So of course we decide to take it old school and pass notes.

(Mj's are underlined, Peter's are bolded, yours are italicized)

Do I have to read or can I just grab the paper I've read this five times?

She won't know so what's the harm? Grab me one too

Thats wack you guys are nerds and actually read stuff

I thought you just borrowed a book from me a week ago?

That's different.

Wait you can read? I thought all you knew was science formulas. What book?

Peter gave me a pleading look as if he was begging me not to tell her.

Simon vs. The homosapiens agenda

That's not bad, ur inner gay coming out Parker?

Haha says the gay one here

Peter you're Pan.

Wait no

Not Peter pan


I dont know anymore

After that we're all trying to hold our laughs in to the point that our eyes watering. Quietly I stood up to grab the papers to hide that I was laughing and for a moment I forgot about everything that had happened less than a week ago and about my limp but as soon as I stood up I almost swore under my breath.

Can one of you go get our papers? I forgot but I hurt.

Without writing back Peter stands up and walks over to get the papers for us.

I'm sorry I forgot

You're fine I did too

Yeah but like i didn't think about it and I feel bad about it

But like don't feel bad theres no reason too


This went on for most of class nothing eventful happening but the few times we had to take a break from our notes from a joke so bad we couldn't help but laugh.

Class ended Peter and I went to our lockers as Mj headed to our next class. Lockers clanged around us but it was much, much louder than usual and I was getting a headache.

"You sure you're good to go by yourself?" Peter asked concern lacing his voice.

"Yes I'm fine plus your class is right there mines halfway across the school you'll be late," I said hugging his side. "Thank you for worrying but I promise I'll be fine. Besides this'll only last a few more days and I'll be good as new," I try to sound happy about it.

"Okay, I'll see you next class love you," he says kissing my forehead.

"Love you too," I say turning the other way.

Being by myself was worse. I got more looks and comments then before.

"Flash probably got a bitch to fight her 'cause he was too scared,"

"She looks like shit,"

"D'ya think she got suspended?"

"Someone said Flash had someone kick the crap out of her Tuesday,"

That made me turn around. "Motor cycle wreck thank you very much," I said coldly turning on my heel back towards my class.

The hallway was semi-quiet after that, more states came after. Whispers behind me so I pulled my headphones out of my bag and quickly slip them in my ears.

Music blares and I slip off into my own world. My feet knowing the path down the hallway towards the classroom in it's own hallway.

Finding my way next to Michelle we stand and wait for Mrs. Smith to arrive.

The late bell rang and still no teacher. Four students who were leaning on the wall slumped to the floor.

"She always does this," Mj says leaning her back to the wall.

"Fifteen minutes and we can skip," I tell her taking out my headphones.

"What book are you reading?" I ask her as she pulls the current book out.

"Simon versus the homosapiens agenda. Again," she says finding her page.

"Nice. Did you get the book for me while I was gone?" I ask.

"Yeah, here." She reaches in her bag and hands me The Hate U Give.

"Thanks," I mumble opening it to the first page.

A little over fifteen minutes pass as we wait and someone shouts. "Free period!" And everyone who was sitting, stands back up, and starts walking their own way.

Mj and I look at each other I nod to her and close my book and start putting it away in my bag as she does the same.

"Want to see if we can hang out after school?" I ask as we start walking.

"That'd be nice what do you want to do?" Mj says pulling her phone from her pocket.

"Go to the park or something? Maybe we could come over to my place... I uh have something to uh show you," I tell her stumbling over my words.

"Sure, but why can't you just te me what it is now?" She asks skeptically.

"Um give me a minute," I mumble. Dad's going to kill me if I do this but I have to. Only way to make sure she  knows what's really going on. Only way to keep my friend.

Not answering she just nods and soon enough we push through the library doors and go to the corner we like to sit and read at.

"You... you wont believe me," I say very quietly.

"(Y/n) I doubt there's anything I wont believe coming from you since you left for almost a week and have a shitty explanation that in really hoping we're gonna get straight here," she tells me her voice tight.

Slowly I pick my hand up and twist my fingers slowly and soon enough purple sparks sprout from around them. "Ever heard of Scarlet Witch?"

Word count : 998

(A/n Hi guys! I'm sorry it took me so long to get this chapter out and it was such a small one but I really needed to get something out and this is all I had. The movie theatre in my town released Endgame a day early so now it's almost three A.M. and the movie only finished an hour and a half ago. Just gonna day I love and hate it at the same time but I really hope you guys like it! Speaking of Endgame... I'm not sure if I told you earlier in the story but now that it's out I'm going to begin putting some of the infinity war plot in here soon. There is still the possibility it will start in the next book but for now that's all I'll say. Thank you so much for reading I love you guys!!❤)

[EDITING] Red And Blue Looks Good On You (Peter Parker X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now