29. Said she died

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(Just a reminder my temperature is farenheit for those of you who use Celsius)
(S/n/n) = shortened nickname (ex: Riley / Ry)

As I suspected. My alarm was the only thing between me and some quiet. Well besides the music anyway but that's besides the point. That alarm means school and I've gotten five hours of real sleep in the last three days combined. "Fuck it," I grumble yanking the oh-so-warm bedsheets off.

"N/n is it shorts weather?" I ask my AI.

"I thought you said you'd always be wearing shorts?" The AI said sarcastically. "But yes it's fourty-two degrees out at the moment but the high is going to be fifty-seven so, yes, sounds like shorts weather for you," The AI voiced sarcastically.

"Thanks N/n," I say pulling clothes out of my drawers. Quickly pulling on my shorts and a T-shirt looking in a mirror. "Fuck I forgot about that," I mumbled rubbing my hands over my legs. "Shards. That doesn't look anything like a bike wreck. How am I gonna explain why I look like shit today then in three days it will be like nothing happened?" I mumbled to myself.

Quickly, I stripped off the shorts and putting black athletic leggings on.

I went into the bathroom, yanking the brush to get the rats out of my hair.

Finnally after brushing my teeth and the rest of my normal morning routine I went out to the kitchen to see Wanda cooking breakfast.

"Mmm it smells good what are you making?" I ask tipping my head up to take in the smell.

"Hashbrowns, this is the second batch there's some cooling off over there if you'd like to take one or two with you on your way to school," she smiled

"Thanks," I said sitting down and grabbing one. "Where's everyone else?" I asked seeing as it was only Wanda and I in here and Pietro was on the couch.

"Thor went back to asgard something about retrieving Loki, Bruce had to go, uh some where to get some special chemical, your dad and Pepper are at a super secret meeting, Steve and Bucky are still asleep, and I haven't heard anything from Nat yet so I'm not sure, she might be train in ng now actually. Don't forget tonight's your first real phys' therapy session, it wont be too ruff or anything I think the most your doing is using a punching bag and the treadmills, and Bucky's going to be your trainer so he'll go easy on you," she says leaning over the counter.

"Ugh I forgot about that," I said rolling my eyes.

I walked over to the living room and sat down next to Pietro and asked, "Whatchya watching?"

"Just the news I can't find anything else to watch," he chuckles.

"Okay, do you want me to grab you a hashbrown?" I asked him taking another bite.

"No thanks Wanda threatened me if I take one before they're all ready," he laughs.

"Yeah, she scares me," I laugh. After a few moments of silence be speaks up.

"You know I remember when you were really little and would come to my room, it was almost like I was blind because I could hear you, I couldn't see you obviously, but I remember you coming in my room and sometimes you'd talk to me and sometimes you'd just sit and read. I don't know why I'm saying this I uh I just wanted you to know I heard you," he mumbles the last part.

Not knowing what to say I wrap my arm around his side and lean my head on his shoulder. "You know when I was little I did every bit of research on comas trying to find out if you would wake up and when and after a year or so I kinda gave up. I thought we'd lost you," I mumble unable to look at him.

[EDITING] Red And Blue Looks Good On You (Peter Parker X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now