24. I'm sorry.

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Glass. Glass was everywhere. In my arms, my legs, shattered around me. That's the problem with buildings made of glass. One thing breaks, everything goes. People were rushing around me but I didn't care anymore. They were all blurred together and I couldn't feel Bucky anymore. He let go of my hand at some point but i don't remember it. Everything hurt but it all felt like nothing at the same time. I could feel something on my forehead it felt like hot water.

My mouth was full of blood but it still felt dry. Blood started seeping through my shirt but I couldn't move. There was less people now but someone was moving towards me. Red slowly covered my eyes so I never got a glimpse of them but I could tell I was lifted from the ground. My eyelids felt like the stopped working and I was unable to blink away the hot liquid I presumed was blood. They carried me sideways and the blood ran from my mouth and it was easier to breath now.

I felt something stab me and I went to sleep almost immediately.

(Long ass time skip)

3rd person P.O.V.

"Her heart rate's picking up get in here," Doctor Helen Cho shouted as she walked in to check (Y/n) Stark's vitals.

Peter Parker jolted from his light slumber hearing the shouts from around him. Quickly he stood up to stand near his girlfriend and bestfriend in hopes of her waking.

Tony Stark's footsteps filled the room as he rushed over to check if his daughter would wake.

Not even passed the corner from her room Pietro Maximof her brother figure had woken up not even half a day ago and had been told about the last twelve years and more specifically about what happened three days ago when the tower they were currently in was infiltrated and (Y/n) was almost killed.

Back in the young Stark's room a commotion had risen of the Avengers team wondering if the child they had all helped raise would wake soon.

"I'm sorry guys it's too crowded I need everyone but Bruce and Dr. Cho to leave," Tony Stark said. Peter parker looked up ag him with pleading eyes hoping to be allowed to stay. There was slight grumbles from each member but slowly they left until it was only Dr. Helen Cho, Dr. Bruce Banner, Tony Stark, and Peter Parker were there.

"Kid go home and get some sleep I promise Happy will come get you if something happens, plus you've been here two days and haven't slept go home and tell your Aunt to call this number. Wanda will explain everything to her," Tony Stark mumbled at the young Peter Parker as he wrote a phone number on the slip of paper.

"Thanks uh Mr. Stark please tell me if something happens," Peter said before yawning loudly.

Later at the Parker residence only moments after Peter arrived.

"Peter Benjamin Parker! Where on earth have you been!" Peter's Aunt May Parker shouted at her nephew. "Two days! It's been two days and I've heard nothing from you since the moment you left for school and I haven't even been able to speak to you. I- I uh I called Neds mom and Michelle's, I couldn't even get ahold of (Y/n)'s father I called every police station in thirty miles your school said you stopped showing up after your 4th period and I-I was so scared you better have a good explaination," May said wiping the tears that had fallen from her eyes.

"I'm so so sorry May and I uh I don't know what to tell you my phone died and I couldn't call you and I didn't know what else I should do and I don't know what I can tell you so you have to call this number and they will explain everything. I'm so sorry I'm so irresponsible you shouldn't have to go through this and I love you so much," Peter told her in a pleading tone trying to fix everything he had messed up.

"Peter do you really think that I'm going to do this! I can't I was so scared I thought you died! I want your explanation not some random number to call!" May shouted once again.

"Look May there is so much I wish I could tell you but I don't even know if I can look just let me call them and I'll explain everything I swear," Peter started wiping the tears that had fallen as he spoke. Picking up the home phone he dialed the number Tony had given him.

"Wanda? It's uh it's Peter Tony gave me this number to help explain to my Aunt May and I don't know what I can tell her. Would you talk to her please?" He asked speaking into the phone.

"Of course I'll tell her everything I know," Wanda spoke through the phone.

"Okay Wanda you're on speaker phone now," Peter spoke into the phone.

"I don't know where to start I guess back when they were little. So Peter and (Y/n) met obviously she's been coming over for dinner since she was ten but she told Peter that she is well (Y/n) (Y/l/n) but that's not really it. She's (Y/n) Stark," Wanda finished waiting for a response from May.

"I'm afraid I don't quite understand," May answered no longer looking at her nephew.

"Tony Stark is her father. I am Wanda Maximoff or better known as Scarlett Witch. Me and the other Avengers have raised (Y/n) since she was born. I'm not sure the exact date but less than two weeks ago (Y/n) and Peter both got but by a spider. The spider is dead and we're not sure what it was or how it did this but it gave them both powers. (Y/n) previously had powers from the same man who gave my brother and I ours," Wands paused for a moment to let May take everything she had just said in.

"Given that the two of them didn't get all the same powers but similar. Now catching up to the last two days. (Y/n) was in an accident. Well less of an accident and more of an attack she and Bucky Barnes were riding in an elavator in the Avengers tower and someone cut the cables. She's been injured severely and unconscious for the last two days. She wasn't at school because of my brother. Twelve years ago he was shot at a point that would have killed most but we got hin to our jet in time to put him in a coma and keep hin alive. We thought he may wake up so we allowed her to stay home but then the attack on our tower had happened and Peter came shortly after he was contacted I'm so sorry for worrying you about this and if you'd like you may come to the tower and speak to us and the others and visit (Y/n) she will soon be waking," Wanda finished her statement.

"Okay... give us just give us some time," May answered nodding  and chewing on her nails slightly.

"Thank you Wanda. Hopefully I'll see you in a little bit," Peter spoke into the phone before hanging up.

"When did you find out?" May asked still not looking at her nephew.

"Which one? Powers or that shes a Stark?" The child asked staring at his hands.

"Both? I dont know anymore Peter I- I've just been so worried," May answered him.

"Okay I guess they were the same time-ish. Well you know a few nights ago (Y/n) stayed the night and we marathoned Harry Potter and stuff we went to starbucks that morning and a spider was on her hand and I guess before u brushed it off it bit her but when I brushed it off it bit me too and then we got sick for a bit then I woke up and I could do this," Peter says before lifting his wrist and releasing the spider web like substance. "(Y/n) can't do that for what we know but she can do this along with me," The young boy said before kicking of his shoes, proceeded to take off his socks and walk to the wall. "Don't freak out okay May? Tell me you won't," Peter stopped awaiting her answer. She gulped before nodding standing with her hands at her side. He stuck both hands to the wall and slowly climbed up until he was on the ceiling.

Word count : 1446

(A/n So what do you think about third person writing? It's a lottttt more difficult for me because I'm stupid and try to write I said a lot... enough about that. Idk what else to say so bye guys love you!!)

[EDITING] Red And Blue Looks Good On You (Peter Parker X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now