5. Something Like That

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Bucky, like usual, was in the gym this morning. "Did you get Steve's text?" I called through the gym.

"Oh yeah you should see this thing, I'm real proud of him," he laughed. "But yeah, I'll take you. Isn't it a little early, doll?"

"Oh you know, when was the last time I slept a whole night?"

"What's on your mind kid?" He sighed, putting the punching bag away.

"Oh you know, boy problems," I leaned against the jump boxes.

"Need me to talk to him?" Bucky smirked, raising an eyebrow.

"Sounds like a great plan," I sighed and popped my back on the boxes.

"Seriously (y/n), what's going on? You even look stressed."

"Well, I don't know, Peter kissed me and I know I've liked him for, like, forever but I don't really know what to do with this," I practically word vomited.

"Oooh, hold on let me get a girl talk voice," he cleared his throat. "I mean girl, it's totally obvious you like him, so you should totally just go for it. But I will kill him if he hurts you," he pitched up his voice mockingly.

"Shut up!" I shoved his arm. "You we're the one who wanted to know!"

"Whatever, I will kill him though. I'll go grab my jacket and we can head out," he said, walking towards the doors.

"You're all sweaty," I pointed out.

"Towel," he gestured to to the towels by the door, picking one up. He turned around to look at me while he wiped his armpits. "Wanna smell?"

I gagged just at the thought. "You're disgusting. That is the definition of heinous Bucky, leave."

"We're taking the motorcycle, are you going back up with me?" he asked.

"Ugh, no I'll go the garage. I don't wanna be stuck in an elevator with your smell ass," I snickered.

I ducked when he pretended to throw the sweaty towel at me and blew a raspberry when he put it back down. "Shut up already," he complained, walking away.

I switched through boring apps on my phone while I waited for him to make his way down to the garage.

I was scrolling through instagram when he finally got back, bored, I closed out the app. "I know I've got... all the time in the world until school starts, but I'm bored out of my mind. Pick up the pace," I jibed, laughing.

"Didn't I tell you to shut up somewhere around five minutes ago?" He asked rolling his eyes.

"It's your turn, can we get coffee before going to school?"

"Just coffee? I was thinking breakfast."

"I'm not very hungry, plus I was gonna get Peter something too, Starbucks?" I asked as he climbed on the bike.

"Ooh it's for ya boyfriend," he laughed, doing the 'girly' voice once again.

"Not my boyfriend!" I shoved his shoulder and climbed on behind him. Or is he? Does he want to be my boyfriend? Maybe one and done's just run in the family tree?

"Keep telling yourself that, kid," and with that the motorcycle was started and we were off.

"Do you know what you're getting?" Bucky asked me when he parked the bike.

"I don't really know anything about coffee, I just want something that will wake me up and not taste bad," I told him.

"Hmm, what if you got a caramel macchiato? Espresso, milk, and some caramel on top," he made a pouring motion with both hands, nerd.

[EDITING] Red And Blue Looks Good On You (Peter Parker X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now