1. First day

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Today I was supposed to start first grade, I really really don't wanna go. I was super nervous but daddy told me not to be it was everyone's first day of first grade. But that was kinda stupid and I'm still nervous.

He said there'd be bunches of other kids who were new to the school, other kids who were really smart like everybody said I was. But unlike them I couldn't talk about my real life at home. Daddy said it was for my safety. Cause everyone knew him. I know the day that he flew up into the black thingy in the sky, a lot of people were scared but I didn't understand. He said that even when I was too young to understand it her bad stuff had happened, stuff he's tell me about when I got older. He said it would protect me if people didn't know I was his daughter, so I didn't talk to people.

"Aunt Nat my tummy hurts!" I told her, holding my stomach.

"A lot of little kids tummies hurt right now, honey," She told me. "C'mon you and aunt Wanda picked out tons of cool outfits for today! Let's go check them out hun."

After a bit I got dressed in the clothes aunt Nat picked out, and ate some cereal before packing all my things. "Happy I'm nervous," I complained as I climbed into the back of the car.

"Don't worry," the third adult of the day said to me. "Everyone's first day you know? You're definitely not gonna be the only new kid either, pinky promise," he stuck his finger out to me.

We drove up through the path towards the school. "Okay. Okay yeah I guess I'm ready," my voice sounded a little off. I said my goodbyes and walked into the school.

I found my way around to my classroom but outside the door stood a boy with an iron man bag, it was cute, and dad would love it. Some big kids walked up to him, rather threatening looks on their faces. I couldn't really hear them but the looks on their faces made it clear the things they were saying weren't very nice.

The other three girls with her chimed in at random times, I took a deep breath and walked up. "What are you doing?" I asked, loudly.

"Get out of my way kid," she seemed as I pushed my way between her and the boy. She spit when she spoke.

"Leave him alone," I growled.

She started before I felt my eyes flash, the startled look on her and her friends faces spoke for them, taking even me by surprise. Why am I so upset?

"I think iron man is pretty cool actually," I said after turning around, smiling at the boy.

"Uh- oh uh thank you for that," the boy laughed, his face red.

"No problem," I smiled. "I'm (y/n), (y/n) (l/n)." I stuck my hand out to him.

"Peter Parker." He smiled shaking my hand.

Word Count : 510
(A/n hey guys! i'm re-editing my old stuff and I just want to tell any new readers that I promise the book becomes much better later on (though it gets pretty bad in the middle) love you guys!)

[EDITING] Red And Blue Looks Good On You (Peter Parker X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now