21. Miss

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I stood there for a minute I was I think I'm in shock. Pietro looks exactly the same. Everything does except it's not nothing is the same at the same time. Everything has changed in their own little ways. I may not have been in here since I was six years old but I remember it perfectly. I used to sneak out at night and find either Wanda or Clint and make them take me down to see him.

I remember the first time I came alone. I was terrified but as I grew slightly my brain advanced in many more ways then the rest of me showed. I could barely eat cereal without spilling it on myself but I was reading books well above my grade level now at five years old I was just as smart as the average sophomore in highschool ~well actually smarter than the average sophomore I see them every day and most of them are idiots and more than a handful can't read above a second grade level. Even the ones who've recieved help over the years when all they needed was to focus on whatever they were doing rather than the person they'd rather be doing~ but I realised Wanda never really slept and me bugging her at one in the morning helped and Clint wasn't always there even the few times he was I figured it was better for me not to bother him. I know that all of my family knows by now that I came down here but most of them have probably forgotten by now. On my worst nights when the nightmares came before I could even close my eyes I would come down and tell Pietro about my day. What happened, how my 'training' had gone that day even if it wasnt real, I remember I even told him about Peter, about missing basketball or just sit there because the silence with him was better even if it wasn't really silent from the machines. I remember just after it had happened and asking Uncle Bruce to help me find everything I could in books or online about comas and I secretly wished that the theory was true that they could heat you when in a coma and that he may remember me telling him these things when he woke up. It's been ten years since I last came to talk to him but it felt like it was yesterday that I would sit at his feet and ramble into the nothingness.

A slight movement from Pietro made me resurface from my thoughts. As he stirred slightly. Wanda's hand went up to my shoulder and she gripped it tightly. It will be okay. I directed my thoughts at her she just squeezed my shoulder again lightly, knowingly. Did you listen when I was remembering? I ask her glad for our silent communication being able to work in this crowded room.

She just nodded as a reply and I motioned for her to wait for a moment.

I pulled Peter out the door with me his fingers still intertwined with mine. My family looked at me like I was crazy leaving even for a few moments at a time like this.

"Peter thank you so so much for being here for me as you always are but-," Then he cut me off.

"I'll leave you to stay with your family. They can help in more ways than I can right now," He kissed my forehead slightly. It was light and sweet. "I love you I'm going to go now (Y/n) I'll see you later okay?" He finished.


He started to walk away. Just before he turned the corner I whispered just loud enough that I knew he would hear with his new advanced hearing, "I love you more," and even though I couldn't see his face I could tell he was smirking slightly.

I opened the door back up and slipped back next to Wanda. Sit? I asked her once again trying to calm her. She had grasped my hand but really only held my index in middle finger. I could see the almost purple perfect semi-circles that have made it obvious shes had a restless few nights too. How have I not noticed them before? She looked back up at me at that point slightly confused then almost looked relieved finding her answer quickly.

She tugged slightly on my fingers gesturing to the chair large enough for the two of us.

The corners of my mouth tipped up when we sat and she leaned hard against me but it was comforting.

One by one sooner or later the rest of my family left so it was on Wanda, Pietro, and me now it was only three thirty in the morning and Uncle Clint was the last one to leave only about thirty minutes ago. I made dad leave two hours ago he hasn't slept in three days and I told him I would make Peter come and web him down to his bed if wasn't asleep in an hour.

"Wanda?" I asked her thankful for the absence of the others.

"Yeah (Y/n/n)?" She called me by the nickname she's used since I was four.

"Can you- like- do you know what he's thinking right now?" I stumbled over my words.

"Lately I've veen hearing small things from him not exactly like when a person is dreaming vut like vhen there is nothing sort of when someone is in vetween dreams and theres a short period of nothingness but still something there. That's what I've veen getting from him," She told me her accent thicker than usual and I realized she was holding back tears.

"Do you think this means he'll wake up?" I asked her knowing she was thinking back to when everything had gone wrong. The same day we met in his lab.

"I think it's a much great possiblity than before. Bruce... Bruce has had more than machines monitoring him. Loki had come in a few years ago after the battle of new york and he tried well I dont exactly understand it it's much more advanced than what I can do. I have neuro manipulation and a few more small things. Loki had real magic and he could see into his mind but they... they found nothing. Do you remember when you were a little kid and dragged me down here all the time?" Her voice ended with a sentimental note.

"Yeah," I paused to chuckle slightly. "The day I stopped coming the nightmares worsened but they they were different more vivid even but it was more focused on something happening to him when I wasn't here and I think that made me even more scared too scared to come down here," I told her getting tired.

"Those days were very hard on all of us I think. Theres still the possibilities of him coming back to us and maybe it will be like before. You've changed a lit since then. You've grown, matured and even look just a bit different," She twirled my hair slightly as she changed ther subject. "He will still remember you when he does wake up but for now you need to rest little one," She told me letting me rest my head on her shoulder.

"Wait one last thing. F.R.I.D.A.Y. is Dad asleep yet?" I asked aimlessly.

"Yes (Y/n) he went to sleep almost an hour ago at this time," FRIDAY told me.

"Thank you FRIDAY goodnight," I shut down the AI.

I tucked my legs up to my chest cuddling up to Wanda before slowly dozing off. The familiarity of the room and the nights I've fallen asleep in here and woken up in my room calming my anxiety more and more tell I get the first good sleep in a few days.

"(Y/n) wake up you have to get up it's Pietro he-he's waking up... I think. FRIDAY call Bruce, Tony, and Clint to come down here alert no one else," Wanda told FRIDAY trying to get me to move out of the way for her to stand and get next to him.

(Happy new years guys! We could all use a bit of a fresh start couldnt we? Whats better than finishing a chapter at 4:15 new years morning with the naxiety of five assignments needed to be done in less than week great isnt it? I really hope you like this chapter it's very rushed and I feel it  may have given a bit more insight to their past. I promise there will be more angst soon! I hope this new year will be much better than the last for all of you... I know mine was very difficult. I love you guys new chapter will be out soon!)

[EDITING] Red And Blue Looks Good On You (Peter Parker X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now