16. Annoying

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Peter and I sat and played truth or dare for about an hour.

"Truth or dare?" I asked him.

"Umm dare!" He said kind of excited kind of nervous.

"Oh well... I wasn't expecting you to say that damn... I dare you to take your shirt off," I laughed at the questionable look he gave me.

"Fine," He laughed at me a bit puzzled. He took off his shirt and handed it to me. I didn't know what to do with it so I just put it on. I pulled my shirt out from under it easily.

"Your turn," I laughed pulling it tighter to me.

He grabbed my shirt from off the table in front of us. It looked much to small for him. He really wasnt that much bigger than me but I was still petite. He tried to put the shirt on but he couldn't fit so he wore it like it was a scarf to make me laugh. The shirt was one of the smallest one I owned that still fit me so I thought it was funny that he thought he could fit.

"You're such a dork," I said unable to control my laughter.

"Ok," he said still laughing. "Truth or.. or dare?" He said in between laughs.

"Umm... truth!" I laugh exited about what he might ask.

"What is crossing your mind right at this moment?" He asked after a second of thinking obviously disappointed I didn't choose dare.

After thinking for a second I replied. "That I am so extremely glad you are here right now and that I love you very much," I said flatly but truthfully.

His face lit up at my words making me giggle. "What about you? What are you thinking right now?" I asked him the smile big on my face hoping he won't ask why I said that I'm glad he was here but I mean what girlfriend wouldn't? I just hope he doesn't.

"That I'm so glad that have the best friend and girlfriend sitting across from me right now and even though we are young I want to be with you forever and I want you to be my first and last girlfriend..." Peter said and I felt my cheeks warming up.

"I love you too," I told him before giving him a tight hug. "Thank you," I mumble into his shirt.



Peter had left around five o'clock in the morning leaving you to have nothing to do until sleep finally came of me. I got up early to ask dad if I could get my hair done but he was busy and stuff so I just slipped into his lab.

"Hey dad would you care if I dyed my hair?" I asked him while Pepper was leaning over his shoulder looking at something they were doing.

Pepper gave me a look but didnt say anything. "Yeah sure. Whatever kiddo here's my card," He reached in his pocket and grabbed his credit card and handed it to me. Pepper will definitely yell at him later but not let me see. I hadn't even tried to hint to anyone about it but I've wanted to dye my hair for months and I think now would be a good time.

I never really had a specific reason but I believe at my age I don't get a lot of ways to express myself. I can't do it through my clothing exactly because apparently that's inappropriate and I spend five and a half out of seven days at school and there is a lot of regulations for that place. I cant get facial piercings. I already have a cartilage and standard lobe piercing but I want an upper lobe piercing too. I can't do that at the moment though.

I was so deep in my thoughts I hadn't realised where I was at and I was already in the elevator so I decided to find the place I was going to.

I decided on a nice little shop called Tom and Ann's hair colorists. It seemed to be a small little shop that didnt get a lot of business but got almost all good reviews so I hoped it would be good.

[EDITING] Red And Blue Looks Good On You (Peter Parker X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now