》Chapter One《 Such a White Girl 》

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"So class, your homework for tonight is page 250." My math teacher, Mr. Moran (yes, we all call him Mr. Moron) said as the class groaned. Except for me, I almost cried. If your wondering why, well than your an idiot. Let's just say, 250 is my least favorite number.

The bell rang signaling the end of the class - and school. The only thing that sucks is now I am in highschool and even if the bell rings we still have to wait for the teacher to dismiss us. Which normally takes Mr. Moron at least a few minutes.

I stared at the clock as it was now 3:11 (we get out a 3:10). "Class dismissed." Mr. Moron said as everyone stood up and grabbed their items and rushed out of class. We all do this so Mr. Moron won't hold us back any longer, but obviously I was the last one out. "Miss. Zehr."

I dug my heels into the ground abruptly before turning to face him. "Yes, Mr. Moran?" I said in a tone that acted like I cared what he said. As if. "Have a nice day." He smiled at me. I smiled back but right as I turned around and rolled my eyes, exiting the room.

I walked down the hallway towards my locker which was located right next to the bathroom. Lucky me, am I right?

I opened my locker and stuffed my Math books in. I never cared how organized my locker was, as long as it can shut, I am perfectly fine with it. I slammed my locker door shut to see my friend, Izzy standing behind the door. "Hey Britt." She greeted me with a smile.

"Salute." I responded. Izzy and I were taking French together, so thats how I tried to great her. Izzy tried to hold back her laugh.

"No no, it's not 'salute' it is 'salut'. S-A-L-U-T pronounced 'sa-loo" Izzy chuckled.

I rolled my eyes. That is the one thing I don't like about Izzy, she always has to correct me. "Like I'd care, it's not like I am going to France anytime soon." I replied as I began to walk down the hallways with my red backpack (sac-a-dos in French.. I think) slung over my back.

Izzy quickly followed after me with her blonde hair following behind her. "Britt, can I have a drive home? Please." Please. I hate that word. I mean I like it, but at the same time I hate it. "Please. Please. Please. Plea-"

"FINE!" I cut Izzy off. I take that back. There is two things I don't like about Izzy. "I will drive you home," Izzy grinned at me, a look of delight on her face. "if" I continued. "you buy me a carmel latte from Starbucks." I grinned back at her.

"Such a white girl.." Izzy mumbled. We looked at eachother for a moment before bursting into fits of laughter.


"See ya, Iz." I kissed her cheek as she got out of the car and headed up towards her house. I was about to continue my drive but Izzy stopped me.

"Oh, dang I forgot to ask you something! Do you mind skyping me later?" Izzy shouted as she stood on her front porch, waving her hands trying to get my attention.

I nodded my head. "Sure, see ya then Izzy!" I shouted as I drove off towards my house which was only around 10 minutes away. Once I arrived I got out of my car, grabbing my keys and walking up to the door. I knocked on the door a few times before someone answered.

"Password?" My eight year old brother, Sean, peeked his head out around the door as he slightly opened it. My brother does this everytime he answers the door, and its always the same thing.

"Umm.. is it.. password?" I asked. My younger brother laughed and swung open the door, greating me with a giant bear hug. "Hey buddy." I croutched down on my knees and kissed his cheek; which really bothers him.

He wiped the back of his hand over his face and said,

"Eww, girl cooties. Gross."

Before he ran off.

I chuckled to myself as I walked up the steps towards my bedroom so I could call Izzy.

"Mum, I'm home!" I shouted up the stairs once I reached them. My mum turned around the corner so I could see her. She looked as if she'd been working out, she was wearing yoga pants and a tanktop.

"Izzy's mum called saying you need to talk, you should go do that." She smiled warmly at me as I ran up the staircase and down the halls towards my room.

I pushed past my diary and pulled out my laptop that was stuffed under my bed. I turned it on, shut the door, and turned the lights off before making myself comfortable and sitting on the bed with the laptop in my lap. That is why it is called a laptop right?

I clicked the Skype icon before signing in and typing in Izzy's number that I had memorized over the past few years.

A few rings came from my laptop before a face popped up.

But it wasn't Izzy's.


Hello guys (IsabelleHawk)

I know it seems like you know who answered it, but who do you think answered it?

Skype 》Thomas Brodie-SangsterWhere stories live. Discover now