》Chapter Eight《

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Keep it cool, Britton. He is just Dylan O'brien.. "Yeah, I am Britton." I gave him a small wave as I tried as hard as I could not to jump on him and kiss him and tell him how much I loved him. Trust me, it was very hard. It was hard enough trying not to kiss the fricken computer screen.

"Nice to meet you, Britton." I laughed slightly as he took a bow. "By the way- Thomas wants me to take you home." A smile appeared on my face as Dylan said that. Parcially because he mentioned Thomas and the other part because it sounded some what wrong. "Oh, geesh. That sounded wrong, I meant he wants me to bring you home so he can meet you."

I shrugged. "Sounds good to me," I acted totally chill on the outside. But on the inside.. not so much. It went a little something like; oH MY GOSH DYLAN OBRIEN IS HERE AND THOMAS WANTS TO MEET ME TODAY ASDGGHJKL THIS MUST ALL BE A DREAM.. SOMEONE PINCH ME.. WAIT NO DON'T!

Dylan and I walked up to the cashier to get out order taken. "Hello, welcome to McDonald's may I take your order?" The acne faced boy asked as he stood behind he counter. Dylan told the boy what we wanted and we soon got our order.. which was basically the whole menu. Boys.. gotta love em'. Am I right? -especially if he is Thomas Brodie-Sangster-

"So, tell me about yourself, Bri." Dylan said as we found a table to relax at. I shrugged and sighed.

"I am not an interesting person."

"Well than how did you get the detention, if you are okay with me asking?" I laughed as Dylan ate his food. I hadn't ordered anything.

"I was late for History.. I think." I replied. "Oh and I possibly told my teacher- oh sheet!" I screetched and ducked under the table. Dylan looked under and have me a confused expression.


I saw the blond girl walk into Maccas. "Oh, umm nothing.. just.. that girl may be my friend.. and may hate your guts.. and might not know I like you.." I said and Dylan smirked. "As a friend you ding-dong." Izzy walked up to the counter and began to order her meal. "Hide me!" I shrieked quietly as I croutched in a corner under the table.

I saw Izzy's feet walk straight past us as she walked over to a table.


"Wanna go?" Dylan asked as he threw away his lunch. I nodded my head. I was getting used to being around famous people, kinda nice actually. We walked over to his jeep and drove. On the way to his house we listed to 'Wanna be' by Spice Girls. Dylan mouthed to the lyrics surprisingly well as we drove to his house -I wasn't paying attention so I didn't know where we were-

After about 20 minutes of driving we finally pulled into a apartment area, assuming it was his. "Thomas should be home, he was excited on meeting you." Probably not as excited as I am seeing him.. "Yeah, probably not." Dylan laughed. Shoot, I just said that allowed didn't I?

"Shleet, I meant to say that to myself. You didn't here anything." I covered myself as Dylan continued to laugh as we walked towards the staircase. "Elevator?" I asked hopefully.

"It's broken.." Dylan said as we began to walk up the steps. We climbed 16 flites of stairs before we reached his apartment. I was now sweaty from walking up the staircase. "Honey, I'm home!" Dylan shouted as he laid his keys on a televesion conter. I think this room was the living room.

Soon a familiar boy walked in, lets just say. He was beautiful. And was able to make me fall into darkness. Also known as faint. The last thing I knew of was the pain I felt when I fell.

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