》Chapter Nine《

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I woke up on a couch that didn't feel quite like the dream couch I always slept on at home. It felt... softer. I fluttered my eyes open, the light blinding me. I stuck my hand in front of my face before my eyes adjusted to the light and I was able to take in my surroundings.

I was obviously in a living room with a fairly nice telly, red walls, nice fluffy couch.. but who's house was this? I began to freak out thinking I was kidnapped or something so I began to scramble around the place after I had hopped off the couch. I heard a noise come from another room that was close by.

You know those movies where the main charcters are idiots and they always run towards the source of the noise or hide in a graveyard or something? Yeah, I decided to be a smart charter and move away from the source of the scary noise- I think it had been a sink.

I began to walk away when I heard a door open and a voice spoke. "Oh, hey Britton." The voice said casually. I stopped in my tracks. How could I forgot I know Dylan O'brien and I am in his flat? JEEZ I AM SUCH AN IDIOT SOMETIMES- BIGGER THAN THE IDIOTS IN THE MOVIES!

"Hey, Dyl." I smiled as I turned around. "What happened? Why am I here?"

Dylan laughed. "We ate at Maccas and came here and you fainted right as you saw Thomas."

I laughed. "I fainted, really?" I asked as I continued to laugh.

Yeah, right as you saw him open the door you were out like a light switch. I answered my own question.

Dylan smirked. "By the way, did it ever cross your mind to turn around." I gave Dylan a confused expression.

"No wh- Oh. My. Gosh. Hi, I didn't see you there." I waved as I turned around to see Thomas.

I was about to say something else when I got a text. I got out my phone, excused myself and checked it.

Izzy ~ where r u?

Me ~ why?

Izzy ~ you'll never guess who i think i saw at maccas

Me ~ changing the subject okay then, who?

Izzy ~ Dylan O'brien

I let out a small chuckle. And I was underneath the table.

Me ~ no way

Izzy ~ I hate that sun of a gun.

Me ~ same

Dylan and Thomas were peaking over my shoulder as I sent that to Izzy and Thomas hit me as I wrote, laughing.

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