》Chapter Five《

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"You owe me a latte." I stated as Izzy and I were let out of dentention. Izzy sighed and grabbed her backpack and slung it over her shoulder.

She began to walk out of school. "Fine." She muttered. "Just a latte, no chocooate chip cookies, no cake pops, no secon-" I cut her off.

"Yeah, yeah I get it" Izzy and I continued to walk in the parking lot until we came to my car. I opened the door for her to sit in and she quickly got into my car. I walked around to the right and sat down as well, taking my position in the drivers seat. "Away to Starbucks!" I shouted as I turned a CD on.

It just so happened to be a Green Day one.

Izzy squealed with excitement. "I love this song!' She screamed as she turned it up.

American Idiot began to play and she began to sing along to the idiots. She had quite a lovely voice- and yes. I was lying. She sounds like a baby whale giving birth to a tuna fish. Okay, that was a bit of an underestimate. It was way worse than that, and if I am being rude oh well.

"Izzy, shut up." I finally said. Izzy pouted and stuck out her bottom lip. "Your voice sucks and you should honestly shut up." I announced.

Izzy gave me a stern look. "Way to be straight to the point." She grumbled as she looked out the window.

We ordered my drink, I dropped her off at her house, and then drove to mine. I walked up and knocked on the door. Sean once again answered it. "What is the-"

"Password." I pushed past Sean as he giggled. I ran upstairs and into my room. pulling out my laptop and placing it on my lap. I logged onto Skype and clicked on Dylan's thingy.

Me: are you busy?

Him: Thomas is here so yes

Him: oh wait

Him: that sounded wrong... -__-

Me: Darn right it did

Sooner or later we decided we would call eachother. The familiar noise of it calling rang a few times before it finally was answered, Dylan's face appeared on it.

Dylan smirked at the camera. "How's life?" He asked.

"Good that." I muttered. " I've been watching Love Actually, Accused 2x02 Mos Story, Nanny Mcphee, Doctor Who; Family of Blood, Phineas and Ferb-" I was cut off by Dylan laughing. He had this adorable laugh that any girl would die to hear; or die from hearing it. Either way she'd die.

Dylan finally calmed down. "So, basically all the things Thomas is in?" He asked. I noddded my head quicky, no way of denying it. That kid is a hotty. "Indeed he is." Dylan smiled.

"What?" I asked.

"You just said 'That kid is a hotty'." Dylan smirked once again. "Probably didn't mean to say it, didja?" He asked.

I nodded my head. "No, I meant to say it. The whole world should know it, here I'l, show you" I turned the laptop so he camera was pointing at a single window in my room. I laced my fingers around it and pushrd upward so it would open. I stuck my head out the window and cupped my mouth. "HEY WORLD! THOMAS BRODIE-SANGSTER IS A HOTTY!" I shouted.

I heard a laugh. But not just one laugh; two laughs. I looked back at the camera to find him sitting next to Dylan in all his gorgeousness.

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