》Chapter Two《 I am not a creepy stalker, I swear 》

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I looked down at my screen cofused,that was most definitely not Izzy. He was way hotter than Izzy if I do say so myself. As I gave the screen a confused look the boy just smiled and let out a small laugh.

"I have a feeling this was not the face you wanted to see." The boy said as I store gobsmacked at the screen. I had no idea what to say... what was there to say?

Okay, Britton, gotta keep this cool, It's not like it's- okay. Well you are talking to one of your idols that you swore to yourself you would die if you met but talking over Skype really isn't like talking in real person... well on second thought it might be..

I was brought out of my train of thought by a cough on the other end.

"Umm, no. It wasn't. " I muttered. "Your's is better.." I tried to give him at least a small smile. I probably look like a total freak right now. I awkwardly scratched the back of my neck as I looked to the left so I wasn't looking straight at the camera. "That probably sounded a bit weird." I mumbled to myself.

The boy just laughed. "So, what's your name? I thought that since you called me I might get to learn at least that much about you." I felt a blush.. that call was an accident. A fantastic accident at that.

"Oh, umm.. it's Britton." I once again focused my eyes on the screen.

The boy laughed. "An English girl named Britton." He said.

"Yeah, and your an American boy named Dylan." I laughed at him.. then realised I was probably interrupting something. I mean, he is Dylan O'brien. I bet he has something better to do than talk to me."Hey, umm.. should I go?" I asked.

"Why?" A look of sorrow past his eyes but they were gone as soon as they appeared.

Oh.. that probably sounded a bit rude. "I mean, your Mr. Famous. I bet you have something better to do than talk to me." I said. "Well, not that you do have something better to do- do you know what? I should shut up." Wow, I feel so stupid right now. I accidentally call a celebrity and make a total idiot out of myself. Good job.

"No, no it's fine. It's not like I have anything better to do." He sighed. "My roommate, Thomas, is busy right now so I was pretty bored up until you called me a few moments ago."

I let out a small laugh. "Yeah, I typed the wrong number in, I am so sorry." I apologized.

"Don't be. So, where do you live?" He asked. I rose my eyebrows. "I mean, like do you live in England?" He asked. "I am not a creepy stalker, I swear." He put his arms up in defense and I couldn't help but let a small blush appear on my cheeks.

"Yeah, I live in England." I answered. "How about you?"

"Same, I moved in with Thomas only a few months ago. I am still getting the hang of the driving wheel on the right.. it is so weird." Dylan looked down at his hands as had a thumb war with himself.

A knock on the door interrupted our chat. I quickly hid the screen so whoever opened the door wouldn't see Dylan's face. "Britton" my brother peeked his head threw the door. "Izzy called mummy, she said she is waiting for you to call her." I totally forgot about Izzy.

Umm... "Tell Izzy I don't want to talk to her right now." I told Sean.

"She says its really important," I pushed Sean out the door - he was now standing by me-.

"I don't care, tell her to talk to me tomorrow."

Sean nodded and closed my door. I turned the laptop back around so it was facing my face once again. "Sorry about that." I muttered as Dylan's face appeared on my screen once again.

"Oh, that's fine." He laughed. "Oh- and am I interrupting something? Are you suppose to be calling someone?" I shrugged.

"She won't care, I talked to her this morning anyways."

"You sure?"


"Sorry, Britton," Dylan laughed. "but Thomas just arrived here. I should be going, don't need him to think that I got myself a girlfriend." Dylan laughed. I just gave him a faint smile. "I don't mean that I wouldn't want you as a girlfriend I am just saying- I guess I am just saying that Thomas can get the wrong idea." Dylan laughed.


"See you later," Dylan said before hanging up.

See you later..

He was going to call me again? Fantastic!


Skype 》Thomas Brodie-SangsterWhere stories live. Discover now