Chapter Twenny Tree

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"Why are we sitting at the booth?" Dylan asked and I shrugged and Jessica stole Dylan's phone and tweeted some photos of himself he had saved and will probably most likely be embarrasing. Remind me to thank her later.

I tapped my feet on the floor. "Probably because we just ran away from the devil and her beautiful minion she has murely blinded that I will save from the hands of her so we are tired so we sat down." I explained to Dylan as he gave me a look.

Dylan opened his mouth but didn't say anything for a few moments. "Either you watch to many 80's movies or you need help." Dylan laughed as Jessica continued to type away tweets and instagrams and posting drafts from vine on Dylan's phone. Dylan still not noticing. Jessica had an evil grin on her face as she did this.

I continued to keep Dylan busy. "Hey Dyl Pickle?"

Dylan gagged "Ew. don't call me that."

"What ever you say, Dyl Pickle." Dylan stood up from his seat.

"Britton I swear.." He trailed off.

I gasped with a smile. "That is not good. We do not swear, my Dyl Pickle." Dylan reached over the table about to grab me when Jessica started to go into panic mode.

Jessica let out a large scream as she stood up from her seat and placed her hands on my head pushing me down into my seat further. "Jessica? What the heck are you doing?" I quizzed her as she continued to push on my head screaming stuff I couldn't understand.

Jessica stopped and looked down at me with a big smile on her face before she crossed her eyes and stuck out her tongue raising her eyebrows attempting to make a stupid face. "Hi, my name is Maybelle and I am about to enter the consession stand and kill Britton who has been trying to steal my boyfriend thing." She said in the stupidest tone ever.. but it was quite close to Maybelle's.

I bursted out laughing before I had a serious look on my face. "Wait is she seriously coming?" Jessica nodded. "Oh my garshesness!" I screamed as I stood up scraping my knee on the table. I whined at sat back down in my seat gripping my knee. "Ouchie. Britt got a boo-boo." I complained as I touched the sore spot.

Jessica rolled her eyes as she gripped my arm and dragged me out of the booth and shoved me towards the back door. "Start running if you don't want to die, Britton."

I started laughing. "I don't think Maybelle would win in a fight against me."

I saw Maybelle getting dangerously close to the door. I knew she had already seen me but whatever. "BRITTON!" I heard her shout and I shivered.

"Okay, maybe she could..." I whispered. Jessica shoved me closer to the back door. "Jeez, I am going." I said as I pushed open the back door. "Don't miss me while I am gone!" I shouted.

Dylan and Jessica smiled. "Don't worry we won't!" Wow, okay. The coldness hit me in the face like a cow gets hit in the face by a train. Ooooh jeez that's cold.

I started running in the same direction Maybelle was going as fast as I wanted to. I mean, I could go faster but who needs faster when you could be

I took a turn to my left so I was now running in a different direction. And you never would geuss who I ran into to. It was Bob Marley. Kidding, kidding.

"You got to be kidding me.." I mumbled as the sezzy human grabbed my arm. Do you know who it is yet?

He had a soft expression on his face making me a bit sad. I mean, I have been being quite mean to his girlfriend whom he apparently loves or something. "Britton.." He whispered. Why is he whispering. "Britton why are you so mean to Maybelle?" He asked. I could tell he was pretty upset and I was trying my hardest not to knock some sense into him.

I didn't know what to say, I mean if Thomas turned out to be an arsebutt and I didn't see it I would be upset at that certain someone. "I-I am sorry." I mumbled. "I know you like her.. alot It's just me and Dylan don't really like her. Infact Jessica I think hates her.. I mean not that I do or anything.. she can be sweet.. I guess. And before when I attacked her- do you promise you won't yell or hate me for this?"

Thomas nodded. "Sure, love." I swear my heart did 2748 backflips. He just called me love...

"She had pulled out a sharp ring thing.. in fact I bet there is blood on it. She scratched my face and I used self defese on her." Thomas rose and eyebrow at me as I bit my lips.

Thomas looked at me. "So your saying Maybelle lied to me and instead of helping she actually did that to you?"

I nodded. "Yeah basically." Thomas broke into a smile. "And before when you heard her scream it was once again self defense she snuck up behind me and I just turned around hitting whoever it was."

Thomas laughed. "What if it was me that snuck up behind you?"

I inhaled breath. "I would have karate chopped you as well."

Thomas snorted. Thomas was about to say something when Maybelle came around the corner. "Oh my gosh, hey May May!" I squealed - obviously fake- as I skipped over to Maybelle and wrapped my arms aroud her in a tight hug.. obviously just to be annoying.

"Hey, bug!" She wrapped her arms around me and pinched my back. I held my breath as I tried not to squeal.

Ew, please. Get me off this thing. "What are you doing?" Jessie asked coming around the corner.

I laughed. "Hugging Maybelle. What are you doing?" She wrapped her arms around Dylan.

"Hugging Dylan." She rested her head on his chest smelling him. Freak.. I mean. A few months ago I would have done the same but this is now and that was then.

Thomas pouted. "I have no one to hug..." He whined.

Dylan laughed at his roommates childishness. "There is a tree right over there." He said as Thomas went over to hug the tree.

"I love you, Maybelle." I giggled as she groaned. I was obviously kidding. I was just trying to make it oblivious to Thomas that I was lying to his girlfriend and just trying to annoy her.

Maybelle pushed me off of her. "I love me too." She gave me a fake smile as she walked over to Thomas. I walked over to Jessica and Dylan who were still hugging.

"Now, now lovebirds. Get off eachother. Your grossing me out." Jessica laughed as she tightened her grip on Dylan.



sorry i haven't updated in so long

i have ben on vacation and fangirling over matt

okay not that you cares

thomas is 19

dylan is 18

Jessica is 18

Britton is 17

Maybelle is pizza

Skype 》Thomas Brodie-SangsterNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ