Chapter 26: Pizza

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Updated anyways for you guys cos ily but didn't bother editing haha sorry x

Jai's POV

"Loving the new house. LA is amazing!" I tweeted.

I locked my phone and walked over to the couch Kimmy was sitting on. I slumped down next to her.

"Watcha writing?" I asked looking at her pad.

Her eyebrows formed a crease as she furiously wrote, scribbled lines out, then continues writing. She was so concentrated, she didn't hear me.

"Kimmy?" I asked again.

She continued writing. I chuckled to myself. She was very into, and dedicated, to her song writing. I picked up the guitar that lay beside her. I peeked at her pad and looked at the chords she had written down.

I softly strummed the chord progression and Kimmy finally noticed me. Rather than talking, she started to sing some lyrics she had written down, along to my guitar playing.

"Kimmy it's beautiful, wanna go record it?" I asked with hopeful eyes.

"Thanks, umm not record because I'm not quite happy with it yet, but maybe we could just play around in the studio and try things out?" She suggested.

"Sure! Lets go!" I said enthusiastically.

I called Taylor to pick me up, I was too young to drive.

When Taylor arrived we all jumped in his car and drove off to the studio. I suggested we went to the studio Taylor normally records at, Sony, because for mine and Trent's plan to work, it had to be at a different studio. Taylor told us all about his song 'Host of Angels' as we drove along.

When we arrived, we went straight in. I went to the computer and connected the studio to the LA Sony studio, so it would record in both places. Hopefully HE would then think we were there, just like my tweet.


"Pizza guys?" Taylor asked, looking at us in the rear vision mirror.

"YES!" Kimmy squealed, crazily enthusiastically. I laughed at her and nodded happily.

I successfully got the voice recordings we made to record in the LA Sony studio. Phase two complete, hopefully.. I was exhausted and pizza was definitely what I needed!

I looked over at Kimmy and smiled. My smile immediately turned into a frown when I thought about how I was being such a dick and lying to her. But then my guilt washed away as I both convinced and reminded myself that I was only do this to protect her and keep her safe from him. I was not going to let him to her. Not ever. I would not be able to love with myself if that happened.

When we arrived at Dominoes, I pulled my phone out and filmed something for my traditional Waetforder Wednesday Instagram video. I was saving something special for my YouTube video.

We all ordered our pizza and dug into it. Being a typical teenager, I scoffed the pizza down like a wolf.

A bit of cheese fell on my white stüssy shirt and I cursed. This shirt wasn't some flimsy $30 shirt from a thrift shop. I grabbed a napkin and tried wiping it off.

"HAHAHAHAH!" Kimmy laughed embarrassingly loud, earning us some awkward glances from those around us.

I wasn't just going to let y own girlfriend make a fool of me.

"That's funny is it Kimmy? Well this is funnier!" I said with a smirk

I pulled the cheese off of my shirt and threw it at her face. Her laughter stopped and her jaw hug down low, not expecting me to do that.

Don't let me go~a Jai Waetford love storyWhere stories live. Discover now