Chapter 11: if you say so

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Kim's POV

I woke up to the buzz of my phone and I groaned. Who could possibly be messaging me at 6:00 in the morning? I felt around for my hard, cold phone. I pressed the home button and saw a message from Jai. The next time I see him I'm going to punch the kid's face in. I need my sleep!

J~ going to the mall today, wanna come?

K~ go die in a hole, it's 6am!! And I'm going with Ellie and Gemma so unless you wanna tag along with us, sorry

J~ill tag along :)

K~okay meet you @ the food court at 10. I'm going back to sleep!

J~alright. Nite..... Or morning aha

I set my phone back on my nightstand and felt my eyelids drooping. I slowly fell asleep again.


I woke up and didn't bother having a shower. I already felt like a slob anyway. I pulled on some high wasted shorts and a tank top. I put my hair in a doughnut bun and slid on my white toms.

I grabbed my phone, purse and a bottle of Apple juice. I raced outside and waited for Alana. I rushed out to avoid mum asking my about Nathan. I didn't want that conversation to begin my day.

Jai's large car came into sight and I jumped in.

"Hey gorgeous! So the Gless shopping centre?" Alana asked whilst looking at me in the mirror.

I simply nodded an took a sip of my drunk. The hot weather was excruciating.

We arrived at the food court and Jai and I sat at a table for two while we waited for the others to come.

"So, why on earth did you message me at 6 in the morning?" I asked.

"I just woke up early and had no idea what to do. I woke up at five and played COD for a bit but got bored." He shrugged while playing with his phone.

"Oh okay, well next time message me later because I need my sleep an I don't do early mornings despite touring, I suck at them." I informed him.

We continued at light conversation bantering back and forth a little until Ellie and Gemma arrived.

We went in and out several stores, buying things here and there. Having a very petite figure meant I didn't fit into everything. Being the gentleman he is, Jai carried all my shopping bags for me. What a sweetie.

"Can you guys please just date already? I mean Kim, he's holding your shopping for you! I haven't come across one guy who does that! And he hasn't complained about shopping!" Gemma exclaimed.

I looked at Jai and he just winked at me.

I rolled my eyes and continued looking through a rack.

"No comment? You both clearly like eachother! Not one of you denied." Ellie stated, making a point.

I looked at Jai and he was looking at me. There's no way he'd go for me. He has all the girls crawling at his knees. To him, I'm just his best friend. I shook the thought away.

"So what songs are you singing for the grand finale Jai?" I asked, changing the topic.

"That's for me to know and for you to find out tonight. " he said smirking at me.

"Well, what if I miss it on TV?" I say, now challenging him.

"You won't." He simply replied.

"Oh really? And how do you know that?" I say now turned away from the rack and giving my full attention to Jai.

Ellie and Gemma were now staring in amusement.

"Because you're coming to my show tonight." He says embracing me in an affectionate hug.

I hugged him back, inhaling the scent of his cologne.


Bags and bags of shopping later, Jai and I entered my house.

"Shouldn't you have been at rehearsals today? You understand how important this is right? If I remember correctly, I rehearsed all day for the final." I said.

"Calm down mum," he said sarcastically, "I've talked to Ronan and he said a day off would do me good because I'm under a lot of pressure and stress. I have to leave here in half an hour and so do you." He said explains everything to me.

"Oh, okay, so.... What will I wear?" I asked. Guys don't understand how much of a dilemma it is.

"Of course you'd ask that! I have no idea. Does it really matter? You'll look stunning, no matter what you wear." He said.

My heart fluttered at his words but I kept myself composed.

"Honey!! Have you made your decision?" My mum called from down stairs.

"Gimme 10 minutes and I'll decide!" I called back.

I explained to Jai my situation, I'm sure he could give me some good advice.

"I don't get why you hate him so much, obviously the wanted kind of suck but I think it could be really beneficial and you should take the offer." Jai said.

I exasperatedly sighed. "If you say so." I sad thankfully.

What's the worst that could happen? Maybe he wouldn't be that bad and it probably would make me known in other countries.

I let mum know my decision. Gemma will freak when I tell her.


"Good luck Jai!!!!!!!" I squealed as I gave him a hug. He lifted me off the floor and I giggled.

"You two are the cutest!" Taylor said.

"We're just friends" I said giggling.

"That's what they all say" he said with a wink.

"If you say so! Good luck!" I said giving Taylor a hug.

Dami Im, Taylor Henderson and Jai Waetford. It was going to be tough. My loyalty it obviously directed at Jai but I must admit, the others are incredibly talented.

Jai's POV

I was more nervous than ever. Especially knowing that the girl of my dreams was watching. Her comforting hug was a massive boost. She just didn't know how much the hug meant to me. I saw her hug Taylor and a wash of jealousy flew over me. Taylor was WAY to old for her and he had a girlfriend but I couldn't help but feel jealous.



I swung around to see the most firehouse girl in the world running to me.

She jumped into my arms and I swung her around.

"So you, me waetford, are coming back to my place for a bestie sleepover!!" She squealed.

I laughed at how adorable she was.


Short I know but I am just in such a nervous yet excited mood. My baby did so amazing and no matter how he places, it is my wish that you will continue to love him as much as I do. He is one of my absolute idols. I still remember the first time I discovered him. I was searching on YouTube, Justin bieber's song 'fall'. I saw his cover and immediately fell head over heels for his angelic voice. Please go watch it and love it as much as I did and still do. Then I saw a sneak peek for his audition on TV and became so excited. Vote for Jai!!! It's very difficult for me when Taylor, Dami and Jai are all in the final but #teamRonan all the way!!!!

#beenthereforjaisinceday1 #Jainamite

Thanks loves x

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