Chapter 6: im her boyfriend

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Kim's POV

*ding dong*

Now normally I would let the maid get the door but since it was my girl, Ellie, I rushed to the door.

"Oh my bieber, I've missed you so much babe!!!" I squealed as I jumped into her arms.

"That makes two of us!!" She squealed back.

We ran upstairs like two year olds and plonked on my bed.

"Well first things first. Jai. What's the go?" Ellie asked excitedly.


We spent the first few hours chatting. I talked about everything. All the way from tagging him in a Instagram photo, to him telling me I think I know everything.

"Well jai seems like an idiot to me" Ellie commented.

"The thing is, he's not, I don't know why he is acting like this" I said.

"Well maybe if you replied to his calls and messages you would know" Ellie suggested.

"Yeh, but I was mad" I shrugged.

"Well maybe he's annoyed at you because you're ignoring him. Atleast he's trying I confront you" said Ellie.

"Hey!! What happened to he was an idiot?" I said with a laugh, playfully swatting Ellie.

"Anyways, enough about me! How's everything going for you?" I asked setting my cup of lemonade on my bedside table as I was flicking through a magazine.

"Well, not much has changed really. I'm starting to like Justin bieber a tiny, tiny, tiny bit. Not heaps but I've started to write a fanfiction about him!" Ellie said as a squealed in excitement!

(A/n go read @sugarcube12345's Justin bieber fanfic 'the girl I used to know')

"No way!! No way no way no way!!" I said excitedly. Yeh, I could be myself with Ellie, she didn't judge.

"Yes way! Umm my dog died a few weeks ago. Errr that's about it really. Oh but I went to Bali and bought you some gifts!!" She said excitedly.

"Oh babe, you didn't have to!! In saying that, I went to Queensland to do a show there and got you some stuff aswell!" I exclaimed.


Loads of presents later, we were watching a movie together with popcorn.

I received a pair of raybans, converse, a dress, some bracelets and a bintang shirt. I gave Ellie a Wonder Woman cape from movie world, a polar bear pen from sea world, a leather jacket and a Starbucks cup. We were both very spoilt. I looked at the clock and it read '5:37 am' I decided I should probably go to sleep. Me and Ellie were just talking about random things as I slowly drifted to sleep.

Ellie's POV

The next morning I woke up and saw that Kim was still asleep. I decided to get up and start on breakfast. As u entered the kitchen I smelled a delicious scent and saw the maid cooking breakfast. I completely forgot they had a maid! I had such a good night with Kim, it was nice to full eachother in on our lives. It seemed like forever since I'd seen her. I entered he bedroom again and found that she had just woken up.

"Breakfast is ready babe" I informed Kim.

"Okay" she yawned.

It was 9:00, wow, we slept in. Well technically we for 3 and a gal hours of sleep! We dug in to our crispy bacon and scrambled eggs. The flavorous tastes awakened my taste buds and the breathtaking aroma filled my nostrils. I contemplated having a coffee to wake myself up, but since Kim stuck with Apple juice, I did the same.

Don't let me go~a Jai Waetford love storyWhere stories live. Discover now