Chapter 1: wanna meet up?

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So I absolutely LOVE jai waetford!!!! Sorry to all you 'waetforders' but I'm marrying him ;) anyways enough of this boring a/n, here's chapter 1!!

Jai's POV

I was scrolling through my instagram feed, as any teenager does, when I saw that somebody had tagged me in a photo. I clicked on the name and saw that it was someone called Kimberly Maltarias. I knew the name. I just couldn't put my finger on it. It definitely rang a bell. I say and thought for a bit. The photo was of my xfactor audition. I decided to read the caption, hoping I might help me figure out who it was.

This kid is so adorable! His audition was perf :) @officialjaiwaetford #bringsbackmemories #missbeingonxfactor #jaiwaetford

Then it hit me. This was Kimberly Maltarias from last seasons x-factor! She came second just beating Jason and the collective but placing after Sam. How could I forget her name? I guess when I like someone I remember them by there first name only. I instantly clicked follow and commented on the picture. I wasn't sure if she'd read it since she had so many comments on the photo already.

@kimmy_maltarias12 thank you!!! I loved ur audition last year!!!!! :)

Once i'd commented the comment I smiled in satisfaction. One of my many idols actually thought I was adorable and had said my audition was perfect. It's not often your idol says that about you!! My phone lit up, interrupting my thoughts.

Snsjxuidkdfja it was from Kim!! I immediately unlocked my phone to see what she said. It read:

@officialjaiwaetford naw thanks babe! Gd luck for boot camp! :)

I smiled like an idiot as I saw her reply. *fangirl moment* I did have to admit though, as amazing as it was for her to reply, I kinda hated it how everyone thought I was so cute and stuff. Not being cocky or anything, but I kinda get treated like a baby. I can't really complain though. It's better than being forced into adulthood. Out of curiosity, I read through her bio.

"To my amazing fans I'm famous, to me I'm just a normal girl.

Love: single ;) recent break up: just because you hurt me, doesn't mean I don't still care

Idols: Justin bieber, Connor franta, Jacob Whitesides, Luke Hemmings! "

I was partially hoping to see my name in the idols part but I mean I shouldn't fill my head to much. What am I thinking anyway, just because she posted a photo doesn't make me one of her idols. Hmm. She said she jut got out of a recent breakup. Well atleast I'm not the only one! I wondered about whether or not I should reply again to her comment.

I didn't want her thinking I was obsessed with her or anything, or pushy, gosh I hate those sort of people. I also didn't want her thinking I was cute! I mean, I'm actually a whole year older than her, so if anything, I should be the one thinking she's cute. I decided to reply anyway, I mean, it's not everyday that this sort of thing happens. I didn't want her to think I was creepy but I really wanted to meet her in person. I hoped that she would be excited about it because after all, I was kind of famous in a way. Not as much as her but if paparazzi are following me around I'd have to be fairly famous right? And paparazzi don't really follow Australian celebrities. It's all about the Americans.

@kimmy_maltarias12 hey wanna catch up some time? I mean we can't exactly rlly talk about it on Instagram cos the paps'll follow us! Do u have twitter so we can message eachother?

The comment, to my disappointment, looked far longer on her comment feed than it sounded when spoken. Hopefully she says yes!!

Kim's POV

I just got out of the studio. Being in year 10 and recording? I think it's pretty insane. I wouldn't trade it for my old life but I think it would've been better to start this career later in life, but you know what they say, live life to the fullest! I slumped down on my bed scrolling through the comments on Instagram. They were on the photo I posted of Jai. I've officially become his number one fan!! I thought he might seem a bit creeped out though so I kept my 'fan girl-ness' on low key! I scrolled through buckets of comments and saw:

Don't let me go~a Jai Waetford love storyWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt