Chapter 21: HIM

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I've kept this story pretty sweet and G-rated. I'm not gonna like make it inappropriate or anything but im going to step it up a notch if that's okay? Comment your thoughts xx

Jai's POV

I smiled down at Kimmy. She looked so comfy in my arms, fiddling with my fingers. Using my feet, I slightly rocked the hammock back and forth. The air outside was chilly but felt nice considering it was so hot inside.

We gazed up at the stars together and tried to make out different shapes then created.

"Oh my gosh! Isn't that the south cross thingy?" Kim said pointing into the sky.

I chuckled at how clueless and cute she was.

"southern cross babe and yes" I replied stroking her hair.

"oh right, I knew that!" she said,

burying her head into my chest.

Disturbing our little moment, Bree and Trent, hand in hand came bursting out of the house.

"Okay! We helped you with your fireworks or whatever but can you two little love-sick puppies come back inside and enjoy the party?" Bree groaned jokingly.

"Oh yeah, like you two are any better!" Kim fired back, in a joking manner.

I laughed and pulled Kim up, guiding her back to the party and hype.

"I'm just gonna go talk to Gemma." Kim said and I nodded, whipping a peck on her cheek as she walked past.

I smiled as I watched her go off.

As I was about to turn around I felt a buzz in my pocket. I felt anti-social, checking my phone while I was at a party but there were plenty of people there so I figured no one would notice.

I unlocked my phone and read a text message from an unknown number.

U/k: One hell of a party Waetford. Watch ur back, someone's back in town.

I deleted the message immediately and locked my phone, putting it back in my pocket and scurrying off to get a drink.

I gulped my drink down and went to find Kim. I needed to distract myself. When I spotted her, I hastily made my way over to her. I passed Trent on the way so I took the opportunity to alert him.

"HE'S back." I said in his ear and kept walking.

I knew that Trent would understand what I was talking about. I looked for Kim but lost her while I was talking to Trent.

Another vibration.

U/k: don't delete the message Waetford. It doesn't delete the fact that I'm back.

I shuddered. I just wanted to have a good party and enjoy myself. I finally got the girl, I finally made a move, I finally finished tour. Everything was supposed to be perfect. Nothing was supposed to ruin this for me. Why? Why me? Why cant I just have a night. One night. One party. One?!

I locked my phone and scanned the room for Kim. There were masses of people and Kimmy wasn't exactly the tallest girl in town.

I caught sight of Gemma and then saw her laughing with Kim. Her head was tilted back and she had a little glint in her eyes. I immediately felt a little calmer at the sight of her. Seeing her laughing eased me instantly.

I walked up to her and wrapped my arm around her, pulling her into my embrace.

"Hey Gemma, how's it going?" I asked, squeezing Kimmy's hip with my hand.

Don't let me go~a Jai Waetford love storyWhere stories live. Discover now