Chapter 25: White lie

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Jai's POV

I woke up to the sound of my annoying alarm ringing in my every other morning. I yawned and rolled over to look at the time. It read '10:00am'. I groaned and sat up. I hardly got any sleep the previous night because my mind kept on thinking about HIM. Gosh I hated HIM so much! He just freaked me out! Like I've performed infront of thousands of people but I can't get over one person.

I had a quick shower and got ready and then skated to Trent's. When I got to his mansion-of-a-house I knocked on the door. I still remembered the first time I took Kimmy here, she was so stunned by how incredibly massive the place was. I smiled at the memory.

Trent answered the door almost immediately. He quickly ushered me inside and we made our way up to his bedroom. He swiftly shut his door behind him and locked it.

We walked over to his balcony and sat on the chairs outside. The view calmed me down a little bit and the cool breeze was refreshing.

"Ok, first thing's first, we need to change Kimmy's numbers so HE can't harass her or let her know he even exists.." Trent began.

I was impressed, he always knew what to do in these circumstances. I mean, yeah, he could mess around and be the joker but he could also be the brains aswell. He is actually quite a good person at thinking outside the box....and then there's me who will look for the easiest way out of things. I was so thankful I had Trent. Ok, getting to lovey Dover for me....

"You're going to have to tell Kimmy that her number got leaked and therefore she needs to change it." Trent continued.

I thought about it, it was a good first step but I couldn't lie to her. I just couldn't. But I had to. My options were either lying to her and protecting her or risking HIM getting to her. I sighed, knowing that lying to her was my only option, as much as it would kill me.

"Ok. What next?" I asked exasperatedly.

"Well, step 2 is make HIM look in all the places that we aren't. The reason he knew where Kimmy lived was because that's where his tracker took him too." He said the last part almost in a whisper.

I looked at him knowing exactly why he meant by 'tracker'. I just shuddered at the thought. The only way to destroy the tracker is too..... I can't even think it.

"So you mean that we should let clues for HIM in all the places we aren't?" I asked, for clarification.

"Exactly. So we need to figure out where to put our clues and how." Trent stated.

"Well I can't get rid of the tracker. Not unless I....." I couldn't even say the last part. Trent knew exactly what I was talking about. But I couldn't say it. Because it wasn't even an option. I wouldn't let it happen. It happened once and I wasn't willing to let it happen again.

Trent just nodded, understandingly.

"Ok. So he obviously knows you're a singer so we need a recording studio that you don't record in. We need you to take Kimmy there." Trent suggested.

It was perfect. But what after that?

As if Trent was reading my mind, he said "and he knows you live in Australia. So you need to post a photo on Instagram of a random house in ummmm I don't know but somewhere else."

"Okay, but how do I explain that to my mum and stuff?" I asked him.

"Oh yeah ok ummmm well scratch that idea. Maybe tweet it? You're mum doesn't have twitter does she?" He asked.

Don't let me go~a Jai Waetford love storyWhere stories live. Discover now