Chapter 10: trents place

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I am SO sorry I haven't updated! I've had heaps of school work and I've had photo shoots, parties and all sorts of stuff. I'm really sorry but late is better than never right?

Kim's POV

I woke up to the sound of my alarm. As I slowly opened my eyes and rose my body into sitting position, I just sat there for a few minutes. Life was crazy at the moment. I survived against the odds, I restored my friendship with Jai and I was so blessed to be living my dream by doing what I love. Singing.

My phone lit up. I unlocked my phone and smiled to myself as I read Jai's message.

J~ wake up gorgeous ;) rise and shine, u don't need beauty sleep when ur as beautiful as u r! Get ur bathers on cos I'm coming in an hour! X

I can't believe I slept in until 10! I scrambled out of bed and trudged to the shower. I planned to have a short shower considering jai was coming soon but the warm water eased my tense muscles and relaxed me. As I was drifting off, my mind went back into focus and I realised that jai would probably be here any minute. I rushed into my room with my towel wrapped around my body, hoping and praying that jai would be running late. As I got into my room I slammed the door shut and sighed in relief but as I walked to my closet I sensed someone was watching me. I turned around and jai was sitting on my bed trying hard not too loose it laughing.

"AHHHHHHHHHH!!" I screamed, "GET OUT!" I was so shocked and embarrassed.

As he laughed while exiting my room I then sighed even deeper in full relief this time. I put my bikini on underneath my shorts and tank top. I slipped on my converse and tied my hair into a messy bun. I looked in the mirror and stared at my casual attire, unsatisfied. I shook the thought off and packed a towel, brush, body spray, change of clothes and a plastic bag into my duffel bag. I then grabbed my phone and walked out my room.

"Well it's about time" jai said when he saw me.

"Well I'm not the one who was in my room while I was trying to get changed." I said scolding him.

"Woah calm down! I didn't think you'd have a shower considering we were going swimming." he said putting his hands up defensively.

I just laughed as we walked out of the house.

"Hello gorgeous, how are you?" Alana greeted me as I entered the tepid car. As if Alana read my mind, she switched the air conditioner on.

"Great thankyou, how about you?" I smiled politely.

"I'm good thanks, that's good to hear that you're okay now. Are you sure you can go swimming after your accident?" She asked, full of concern.

"Yes Alana, I'm allowed to go swimming, thankyou for asking" I chuckled at her cautiousness.

The drive to Trent's was fairly short and I was excited to go for a swim. The blistering heat had only started around yesterday afternoon. I was surprised it wasn't a heat wave.

We arrived at an exquisite looking house. Alana left us and at the front porch. I stood there, my mouth gaping, in astonishment at how beautiful the house looked. The house was a beautifully rendered, two story house. While I admired the explicit house, not realising that Jai had already rung the doorbell, I scurried up the stairs and stood beside Jai. I never pictured Jai having such a rich friend. When the door opened I expected to see a posh, looking kid considering the amazing house in which he lived in. Much to my surprise a 14 year old and fairly good looking might I add, boy answered the door whom I assumed was Trent.

"Hey Jai, oh and hey Kim, my names Trent, I've heard a lot about you." He said smirking at me. I looked at Jai and he was giving him daggers. I laughed lightly and decided that I already liked the kid.

Don't let me go~a Jai Waetford love storyWhere stories live. Discover now