Chapter 18: For real?!

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Kimmy's POV

The Paris weather was beginning to turn slightly cold. I thanked mine and jai's chauffeur and then I hastily made my way to our tour bus. It'd now been a week since I'd read jai's messages with Beunka but with the pressures of touring, the thought was continually pushed to the back of my mind.

Although, I'd become slightly self-conscious and felt a bit suspicious every time that jai was on his phone.

I felt flustered and wind-blown as I stepped foot in the warm and slightly stuffy bus. I took my jacket off and trudged into my part of the bus. I plonked onto my bed and sighed. Bree and Trent were scheduled to come down the next day but I wasn't sure if I was in the mood to see them. Of course I loved them both, but I was so tired from the concerts and early mornings. To say touring was hectic was an understatement but I'd be lying if I said I'd rather do something else.

Out of habit of being overly organized, I checked by schedule. In a weeks time, I'd no longer be in Paris, but on the road. Considering I only had a week left in my dream destination, instead of laying around lazily all evening, I put my jacket back on and exited the bus. I quickly sent a text to mum and kaylie to let them know I was going out.

Where I was going was out of the question. I had absolutely no idea as to where I was going but all I knew was that I wanted to sight see. My chauffeur assisted me into the range rover and then proceeded to enter the driver's seat.

I stared out the window, a small smile curling onto my lips. I'd forgotten why I'd loved this place for so long. I was devastated that Ellie and Gemma couldn't have shared this amazing experience with me. Kaylie said they couldn't get flown down due to the fact she was too busy to organize it. She said once we were further into our tour, she'd be able to arrange something, but at this point, it was inevitable.

I requested that the driver should take me anywhere he saw fit, as long as it had some significance to Paris, as in, somewhere a tourist should go to when visiting France. The car came to halt and all I could do was simply stare in complete awe. The sounds of the cars engine became mere silence. The driver, motioning me to exit the car and asking how long we'd be here became silence. My surroundings were bland compared to the towering image that stood before me. I admired the every feature that I'd only dreamed of visiting.The sky had now become fairly dark and the light was very dim. The dark skies complimented the twinkling lights of the breathtaking effiel tower. For real?!

Without telling myself to, my body exited the car with surprise ease and I began walking towards the massive landmark. I stood there, mesmerized by the exquisite view that stood before me. As I got closer, I saw jai standing beneath it with a bouquet of red roses.

"Kimmy!!" he called out, beaming with an ear to ear smile.

"Jai! I didn't know you were going to be here!" I said happily.

He laughed along with me and then an unreadable emotion came over him. Nerves?

He cleared his throat and looked at the ground slightly. I waited patiently for him to talk.

"Kimmy? I'd like to ask you

something." he said timidly.

Trent's POV

Bree and I sat on my couch admiring the shoes that were in the cardboard box.

"Jai's going to love this!! Kimmy is a genius!" Bree squealed in a very cute manner.

I chuckled at her excitement. I looked into her eyes, they had a slight glint to them. Forgetting that she was looking at me questioningly, I got lost in her blue eyes. They were like pools of sparkling sapphire. They were like the clearest oceans you'd find at the most exotic beaches. They were stunning.

Don't let me go~a Jai Waetford love storyWhere stories live. Discover now