Chapter 14: meeting nathan

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Jai's POV

I woke up to the smell of bacon and eggs. I jumped out of bed and found everyone in the kitchen and at the dining table. Kim was cooking and everyone else was talking. How'd they not wake me up? I must've been in a deep sleep.

I walked behind Kim and scared her. It's what I do. I remember, one time, I scared Kat Vas and she nearly spilled hot coffee all over her knew white shirt!! It was very funny.

She whipped around and hit me with the spatula.

"Nice bed hair" she said ruffling my hair and poking her tongue out.

"Thanks. It took all night to get it perfect." I said sarcastically.

"Go get dressed mr. Raspy voice." She teased.

"Sexy morning voice or raspy voice?" I said under my breathe.

"A bit of both?" She said quietly but not quiet enough. I walked back to my room beaming. Not cocky, just happy.

I got dressed and made my way back out.

"So we are meeting Nathan today?" I asked knowing full well that Kim would get irritated by it.

"No Jai, we're meeting Barack Obama." She said rolling her eyes.

I just laughed and dug into my delicious meal.


"Jaaaiiiiiii, I don't want to meet him!!" Kim groaned as she played with the hem of my shirt.

"Kiiimmmm, you have to. We're here." I said, unbuckling my seatbelt.

We entered the studio and walked in. As soon as we entered, Kim's eyes travelled to Nathan. She tensed up so I squeezed her hand and she immediately relaxed.

We sat down in the black leather couch, across from Nathan and whom I assumed was his manager.

Kim's POV

Thankyou Justin bieber that I, Jai, Kaylie, Ashleigh and my mum with me. Luckily they all knew that I despise Nathan, therefore they'll hopefully excuse my rude behaviour.

"So Kim this is Nathan and Nathan this is Kim." Kaylie said introducing us.

"It's an honour to be working with you. I, believe it or not, watched your season of xfactor and as much as I love Samantha jade, I think you deserved to win." He said flashing such a fake smile.

"I wish I could say the same and I'm choosing not to believe you. Oh and save the speech for someone who cares." I said rolling my eyes.

My mum gasped. "I'm terribly sorry, you know how kids get when they're jetlag! Tired and grumpy!" My mum said with a laugh, trying to ease the moment.

If I'm going to have to suffer from this for the day, I may as well make an effort to be nice.

"Yes. I'm incredibly sorry, you know what it's like to travel all the time. Let me re-introduce myself. I'm Kimberly Maltarias, it is also an honour to meet you. Thank you very much, your kind words have made my day! To be honest, I'm not a big 'the wanted' fan but I'm sure I'll warm up once I get to know you." I said with the biggest, yet the most fake smile that I could muster.

"Who are you and what've you done with my Kimmy?" Jai whispered. I laughed and just smiled at him.

"Anyway, we are going to record 2 songs with jai featuring and one with Nathan. Kimmy has written one and the other two have been written for you." Kaylie informed us.

*in the studio*

'All this time, what's it gonna take to show you, I'd give the whole world just to show you, when the stars fill up the skies that go nothing on your eyes' I sang in perfect harmony with jai.

I high fived him and laughed. I forgot how fun recording could be when you weren't the only one.

"Smile!" Jai said as he took a photo is us.

Jai's POV

I was so proud that Kimmy finally started to be polite to Nathan but I have to admit, it was rather amusing seeing her flash such a fake smile! Recording with her was so much fun and I could see it as a future. It was an honour to record with her, well, it was an honour to be her bestfriend but I really loved her voice. It wasn't the typical, pop star voice, it wasn't a full on country or blues voice, it was sweet yet strong. She held so much emotion. Her runs were amazing an her tone was so clear.

"Alright, that's one song down, two to go." Kaylie said.

The recoding process really did take a long time. I was trashed by the time we finished.

I saw Kim come out looking not even half as tired as I was.

"You smashed it!" She squealed, running into my arms for a hug.

"WE smashed it" I said emphasising the 'we'.

^a few days later^

I hadn't really gotten the chance to spend that much time with Kimmy because she had interviews and photoshoots. I really just wanted to spend some quality time with her.

Kaylie pulled me aside.

"Jai, we've got a surprise for both you and Kimmy, but mostly Kimmy. I'm sorry but I just have to tell you!" She said getting all excited.

Kaylie was normally all proper and organised but this time she was acting like a child in a candy store!

"Okay.... What is it?"

"You guys are meeting...."

Kimmy's POV

Meeting Nathan wasn't quite as bad as I had imagined, it just required me to picture him as someone else.

This trip had been amazing, it was an experience I'd never forget. Walking down the streets of LA was indeed a memorable time. So many photoshoots and interviews, I'd almost forgotten all the personal and awkward questions you get asked!!

I looked around and saw jai and Kaylie together. Come to think of it, today was our last day in LA and I hadn't spent all that much time with jai.

I came up behind jai and jumped on him.

"What the heck get off-" he stopped talking when he saw it was me.

"Kimmy!!!!!!! I didn't realise it was you!" He said.

I lost it laughing! His expression changed within a second!

"Anyways, what are we talking about?" I asked casually.

"Nothing much, just explaining to jai what a job in the music industry looks like considering he's knew to all of this and you're a little more experienced."

"Ahkay, fair enough. Well I'll leave you too it, I need to pack!" I said walking away.

"Kim! We're going out tonight so wear something nice." Kaylie said.

"Don't I always?" I asked with a laugh an continued walking back to my hotel room.



Short I know and I am seriously sorry! Wattpad deleted half of my chapters and it just kind of put me down. Your encouraging comments really boosted me though! I really appreciate them because, to be honest, right now, they're one of the only reason I write. I used to have such a passion but it's kind of died down a little. Your words push me to finish each chapter so thankyou!!

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