Chapter 17: Maybe We're Just Sleepwalkin'

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Summer's P.O.V.

Suddenly I feel tired, overwhelmingly drained of energy. Like the universe had decided to force everything out of me. I only feel like this because Avery had been through so much. Her demeanor has changed and we're back to square one. She still comes over, but I sense nothing from her, only hopeless sadness that radiates off her. But even in her current state, I couldn't help but compile a list of what I like about her. The little things, the subtle movements she does, and the very way she simply carries herself.

1. Her gray eyes.

2. Her helpless pain.

3. The fact that I can be around her.

4. The way she smiles, it brightens my day in seconds.

5. Not a single thing has changed about her.

6. Her sun kissed skin.

But even as I write down these simple facts, I came to terms that the rest of the list stayed empty. I couldn't have described her any better. I wish I could tell her all this and make her feel better and maker her forget about everything. I want her to stay on the postive side of life and hopefully she can always remains there.


I also realized that we aren't dating, but I don't know. She stays at my house and we spend so much time around each other. But yet I spend so little time thinking about us. I think about this during dinner with my parents and my mom tossed me a strange look.

"Summer, what are you thinking so hard about?" she asked.

"I want to ask Avery Iacano out," I mumbled and dropped my eyes to my plate of food.

I heard my dad drop his fork and a harsh intake of breath.

"Honey, don't..."

"Shut up. Summer, why?" he asked, his eyes nearly on the verge of tears.

"I like her," I answered. "Like really like her," I replied a second later.

"Summer, don't take advantage," my dad scolded me and ran his hands through his hair.

I lifted my eyes and stare at him, "I'm not, I've been nothing but healthy for her."

"How can you even say that?"

"Look, dad, I like her and I think it's finally time that I ask her out," I explained.

"You're not even into that! Why would you even bother!" he yelled.

I sighed, "dad, that doesn't even bother me. Plus, why would I let that hinder me from what I actually feel?" I countered.

"I just don't want a repeat of Alex," he finally admitted.

"What?" I uttered.

"Look, ask her out, but don't confuse her current state of mind for something serious," he explained.

"There won't be. Alex is out of my life."

"Summer, sweeite, just do what feels right," my mom says calmy and grasped my hand.

"I just don't want to see you so stressed about putting others feelings first. I hated that Alex took advantage of that," my dad grumbled and shook his head.

"This is completely different."

"Summer, you're way too considerate," my mom stated and a warm smile graced her lips.

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