Chapter 6: Maybe I'm Sorry

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Chapter 6 

Avery's P.O.V. 

I stared at Summer curiously, but mostly watching this unknown person socializing next to Summer. She looked odd and seemed too comfortable next to Summer. But Summer seemed happy that she is here and talking to her. I'm just getting the feeling that this is the girl she mentioned a week ago. She isn't from around town and that's just by looks. This pasty looking girl is wearing some strange looking attire: black jeans and a dark blue flannel. 

And all I could think that it's too hot to be wearing such clothing. Summer compared to her is wearing; shorts and a tank top. But none of that seemed to matter to Summer. Me on the other hand, I'm just kinda sitting next to Summer and trying not to sneer at the girl sitting on the other side of her. 

"Alex!" Summer screeched playfully and smacked her friend's hands away. 

"What?" her friend said innocently. 

I frowned and nearly flinched when I saw this "Alex" girl grabbed Summer's jaw and lay a sloppy kiss right on her mouth. They both stayed lip locked for a few seconds, then Summer pushed her away and blushed brightly. 

Summer's gay? I pondered. 

Then "Alex" eyes met my and she smiled widely. 

"I think I freaked out your friend," she pointed out. 

Summer visibly cringed, turned in her seat and her eyes awkwardly met my. 

"I'm so sorry," Summer spoke slowly and placed her hand over her mouth. 

"Is she your girlfriend?" I blurted out and snapped my mouth shut. 

"Alex" laughed loudly and buried her head on Summer's shoulder. 

"She's not my girlfriend," Summer said through gritted teeth and pushed "Alex's" head off her shoulder. 

Her friend then reached around Summer, her hand held out, "I'm Alex," she greeted, "Summer was so rude enough not to introduce me," she interjected. 

Slowly grasping her hand, "Avery," I mumbled and dropped my hand. 

Alex than patted Summer's leg and stood up from the couch, "I gotta go," she declared loudly. 

Summer stood up, "let me walk you outside," she suggested politely. 

Alex shook her head, "I'm heading back to the apartment, but I'll call you once I reach Oakland," Alex explained while looking at her cell. 

Summer nodded her head and threaded her fingers through her hair, "See you later." 

Alex grabbed a pair of car keys of the coffee table and strolled toward the front door, but not before gripping Summer's hand and started dragging her to the front door. I could faintly hear hushed whispers, light laughter, and what sounded like the exchanging of spit. I cringed when I heard Alex groaned loudly when, well, I'm....supposing when Summer stopped kissing her. Foot steps traveled back to the couch and Summer plopped down next to me. She glanced at me and placed her hand on her face. 

"It's not like that," she replied, her voice muffled by her hand. 

"I don't know what to say," I answered honestly. 

"I can tell, but the expression on your face," Summer said meekly and sighed. 

"Are you....?" I asked, still unsure as to how to react. 

Summer shook her head, "Alex has problems. Major problems and I'm like her way of releasing her frustration," she explained and waved her hands around, as if trying to get me to understand better. 

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