The return of a friend

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Lexi: (looking through Wattpad and sees a tmnt trd) (gasp) she finally updated!!! (Reads it) I miss you blue

Raph: who's blue

Lexi: the girl who hasn't updated since somewhere in December maybe October.

Raph: wow

Lexi: yea anyway to celebrate we're gonna have a party (Snaps fingers and @galaxytmnt appears) hey blue

Blue: hey Amy

Lexi: time for the party (Snaps fingers and sodas, pizza, popcorn, etc appears and a giant banner saying, 'Welcome back Blue')

Blue: Aw thx guys (hugs me)

Lexi: (hugs back) now m, lets get this party started!

5 hr. ltr.

All: (partying)

Swift: (drunk too much) H-H-Hey (hiccup) B-Blue

Blue: uh Swift are you drunk?

Swift: (hiccup) no

Ghost: I'll help you out (knocks him out with the back of his gun)

Swift: 😵

Ghost: you okay

Blue: (blushes) y-yea im okay

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