How to dump your girlfriend

38 1 16

(HimeOfShyness Brisk, Xena, and Quick belong to Shy)

Camera: (comes on)

Brisk: (is on his phone camera) Sup peeps. So today is a very horrible day today cause I just found out that my girlfriend, Callie, cheated on me with not one but two guys.

Brisk: So I'm going to do something so incredible that she's gonna regret it for the rest of her life

Brisk: So, I decided to take her to the beach tomorrow. And on that day, is the day that she's gonna cry.

Brisk: Cause I'm gonna leave that bitch right on the beach.

Brisk: Oh and I'm taking my sister Xena with me cause she wants to record her reaction. (Hears the doorbell) Oh shit she's home. Like for part 2.

Part 2

Xena: Hey TikTokers. It's me Xena.

Xena: Today is the day we dump Callie the bitch and I'm so glad I get to record

Xena: So that bitch has been mean to me the moment she stepped into our house. And my mom was like, 'If Brisk doesn't dump this bitch by the end of the week I'm gonna murder him and his girlfriend myself'

Xena: Yeah, horrifying 😱

Xena: Anyway, I'm in my bathing suit. Didn't really bring much sense we're only gonna be there for like 5 minutes.

Xena: But still, awesome. Cause I really do love the beach. (Turns around) Okay they're coming back. Like for part 3.

Part 3

Xena: Okay so we're at the beach

Kid 1: THE BEACH!!!!!!! (Runs past Xena)

Xena: 😂

Xena: So Callie is in the bathroom right now and Brisk has a frisbee in his hand.

Xena: So what he's gonna do is he's gonna throw it all the way across the beach so it can land in the ocean

Brisk: 👍

Xena: And while she's running, that's our cue to leave. Ready Brisk?

Brisk: Should've been ready 2 months ago

Xena: That's the spirit

Callie: (comes out of the bathroom) I'm ready

Xena: Be warned. It's a power throw

Callie: Shut up mini bitch I can handle it

Xena: -_- I'm not that short

Brisk: (throws the frisbee)

Callie: I got it I got it (runs to get it)

Brisk: Okay okay let's go!

Xena/Brisk: (runs to Brisk's car and drives off leaving Callie)

Part 4

Brisk: Okay okay so it's night. Like 10pm, and I got like so many calls and threats from her.

Xena: 😂😂🤣🤣

Brisk: My mom is literally praising the lord for my sense coming back to me 😂

Xena: And our dad is just guarding the door in case she comes back

Swift: Kids the bitch arrived

Xena: Thanks dad


Brisk: It's okay mom I'll do it (walks outside)

30 minutes ltr.

Xena: OMG it's been like 30 minutes. (Moves the camera to see Brisk and Callie screaming at each other) omg this is so tense



Xena: damn that's harsh

Swift: Why didn't we kill her sooner

Xena: Exactly

Part 5

Xena: Okay so Brisk is crying in his room and he wants to be alone cause he hates crying on camera.

Xena: So the aftermath. Callie pretty much cussed him out while mom and dad threaten to call uncle Ghost to take care of her.

Xena: And we all know where that leads to.

Xena: Then she tried to call me but after the 3rd time I just fan out blocked her. So yeah, imma go check on my brother and we'll see you in the next video. Peace out Tokers.


This was originally made by a TikToker who's gf cheated on him. He did the same thing and left her. So credit goes to him and I wished I remember his username.

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