; imallexx

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fluff + soulmate au | title: slowly

there's something about soulmates that Alex never really understood nor has he been interested in them. he never found his soulmate, yet, and after years and years of trying to find them; he just gave up. Alex is a stubborn lad, there's no denying in that, but he just didn't want to waste his time on finding someone who, maybe, was in the other side of the world.

at first, he was envious–he was envious of his friends that had soulmates. he was bored of their sappy stories and irritated by their PDAs, but he soon learned to adapt to it. he didn't mind it anymore and he focused on his channel as it grew and grew.

so here he was, sitting in front of his desktop and editing out his latest video while George was out on a date with his soulmate. Alex didn't mind being alone, he was used to it.

suddenly, his phone began to ring, startling him as he moved his cursor across the screen. he took off his headphones, setting it around his neck, and grabbed his phone. he answered the call, pressing the gadget on his ear.

"what's up, mate?" he greeted George, rubbing his tired eyes as he stretched his other hand. "yeah, so, my sister is coming over and i completely forgot," George panicked and Alex chuckled, running a hand through his hair. "you're a prick, George, but i'll let her in."

"can you? oh, thank you! i owe you!" Alex sighed. "yeah, yeah. i'll let you know when she gets here." he heard George huff in relief and after they both bid their goodbyes, Alex pushed himself out of his working space and to the living room to wait for George's sister.

he heard many stories about you from George, but whenever George shows him a picture of you–he feels giddy inside, almost as if he was in the clouds whenever he saw you through George's screen. he liked you, even though he never spoke to you just yet, he liked how your eyes complimented your hair and that smile on the pictures must be gorgeous, if he saw them himself.

he sat on the white couch, leaning his back against it as he turned on the telly.

he never understood why, but he found you interesting.

- - -

you straightened out your jumper as you walked out of the lift, dragging your luggage behind you as you looked at the numbers on the doors; trying to find George's flat. he called you earlier, apologizing for not being with him tonight but you shrugged him off, telling him it was fine. he mentioned his roommate would be the one to open the door–Alex.

you've seen a couple of his videos but you've never interacted with him. whenever you watch his videos or whenever George talks about him, you always feel something in the pit of your stomach– something ticklish but you'd shrugged it off.

as you got closer to the flat, you sighed deeply as you knocked on the white wooden door. a couple of moments passed and the door swung open, revealing someone who had the blue eyes. your breathing hitches as his lips kinked up to the sides, giving a warm smile.

"i'm Alex, you must be George's sister?" he said, stretching his hand out for you to shake. you nodded, grabbing his hand and shaking it gently. "y-yeah, i'm-" suddenly, your eyes widened as the colors around you begin to be more vibrant than before. his eyes were beautiful; the most vibrant of blue you have ever seem.

Alex blinked and looked at your intertwined hands, then back to you.

"do- do you wanna come in?"

- - -

"wait, what?" Will said, almost spitting out his beer. Alex groaned, leaning his back against Will's couch. "she's my soulmate," "as in George's sister? like- like his little sister?" Will  stupidly asked. Alex looked at him and shot him a glare.

"you're a fucking nonce, you know that?"

Will rolled his eyes and sets down his beer on the coffee table, "does George know?" "does George kn- of course not! if he did, then maybe i wasn't here fucking talking to you!" Alex exclaimed, rubbing his temples to ease his frustration over his friend.

"calm down," Will laughed. "well, what did you say to her?"

"i told her to come in–no, i asked her if she wanted to come in and then i ushered her to the guest room," Alex said and Will shook his head. "and you call me the nonce, yeah?"

"fuck you too."

- - -

you sat in George's bed as your older brother, by a year, kept blabbering about happy he was that you found your soulmate. he wasn't phased by it–it's not like he could do anything about what fate had for you–nor was he bugged that his roommate was your soulmate. George was rather excited and supportive.

"well? did you two hit it off already?" he asked, wiggling his eyebrows. you rolled your eyes, throwing one of his pillows at him, "no, after he ushered me to the room. . . he just left," George grabbed the pillow from the floor and looked at you, his lips pressed into a flat line. "well, that's Alex Elmslie for you."

- - -

Alex sat in front of his monitor, dragging clips from his video to the right places on his editor. he yawned, stretching his arms in the air as he looked at the time on the bottom right corner of his screen.

2:39 am

he stood up, placing his headphones on the desk as he softly made his way to the door. he didn't want to wake up George or neither did he wanted to startle you. as he slowly made his way to the kitchen, he was shocked when he saw you sitting on the countertop, munching on a bar of chocolate, he guessed that was from George.

you looked at him and wiped your mouth with the sleeve of your jumper before shyly smiling at him. "i'm sorry. it's kind of a thing i do whenever i can't sleep," you said, referring to the chocolate. Alex chuckled and scratched the back of his neck, "and i thought you were asleep."

"you weren't?" you asked as he made his way towards the fridge, opening it to grab a can of redbull. he looked over his shoulder, locking gazes with you as he closed the fridge, "no, i usually sleep around 5. it's kind of unhealthy but work is work." he chuckled, opening the can.

"may i?" he gestured to the spot next to you. you nodded and he sat next to you, your legs touching again and, under the dim light of the kitchen, you were able to make out the vibrant colors of the room around you.

"i- i don't know how to, uh, do this," he admitted, blushing. you looked at him and raised an eyebrow, "do what?" "this whole soulmate thing." he said, taking a sip from his redbull.

"i kind of buried it underneath because i was afraid that i'd- i wouldn't find my soulmate ever." you shot him a soft smile as he rambled on. "we'll take things slow, is that okay?" you asked, hopeful eyes staring into his. he smiled widely and nodded, "i'd like that very much, Y/n."

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