; imallexx

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[lowercase intended]

fluff | title: angels

"Alex!" her pained scream echoed throughout the small house that sent Alex throwing away his headphones and practically jumping out of his chair.

he rushed to the living room to where he found her. she was leaning against the wall, a hand on her bump and water running down her legs.

"what's wrong?" Alex said, swiftly rushing to help her. she breathed deeply, "my water just broke"

that sent happiness shooting through his body. they've waited for so long to have a baby and now it's finally happening.

"i want you to breathe calmly, okay?" "okay" she groaned, rubbing her baby bump. Alex carried her in his arms as he walked to the car. he opened the back door and laid her body there.

rushing towards the driver's seat, he climbed in and started the car.

"p-please hurry, Alex" she grunted, breathing in and out intensely deep. Alex dialed James' number, within matters of seconds, his mate answered, "hello?"

"James, i need you to head over to the house. right now" Alex said, driving against the speed limit. James groaned, "what? why now--" "get the lads and the stuff on top of the dresser"

"are you high or something?" James asked. Alex said, stepping on the gas pedal, "even better. i'm going to be a father"

he heard James' excited squeal at the next line and he finally got to the hospital. "please James? I'd go myself but--" "stop talking and assist your wife, dumbass. we'll be there! now go!" and the call ended.

Alex climbed out of the car and gently carried her to the emergency room.

"my wife's having a baby!"

there were times when she felt Alex growing tired of her bullshit, but never in her life has she seen him quit on her.

he's the rock to hold her , the light that shines down on her, and he was her everything. if she needed support, he'd always be there.

and that's what she wants as she pushed one more time. gripping Alex's hand tightly, she felt her lower body burn and being stabbed a hundred times. "deep breathes, mrs. Elmslie, deep breathes and push" the kind doctor said, assuring her everything's fine.

she took a deep breathe and pushed, arching her back in pain afterwards. "you're okay, you're doing just fine. i love you" Alex said, kissing her forehead. "Alex, i love you too--" she said with the most sincere voice.

"--but i can't concentrate with your talking. please shut up, honey" she said, pushing once again. Alex smiled, though her body changed with nine months, she personality never did.

the pressure around the room was unbearable and she held on to Alex's hand like she depended her life on it.

"one more push, mrs. Elmslie!"

and after a forceful push- she finally heard a small cry. "congratulations, mummy. you did great" the doctor praised her.

mummy. she's a mother now. the doctor turned to Alex, "do you want to cut the umbilical cord, dad?" and Alex nodded.

the cord was cut and the baby was wrapped around a pink blanket. they handed her the baby and she couldn't help but cry at the sight of her.

skin and hair color like hers, but she looked exactly like Alex. "oh my god. you did it, baby. you actually did it" Alex let out a happy sigh and rested his forehead on the top of her head.

"she's so beautiful, Alex" she breathed out. Alex turned to the baby in her hands and smiled, "she is"

Samantha Rose Elmslie was born that day. she had the brightest eyes- like her father's -and was the most beautiful baby both her parents laid eyes on.

"that's a gorgeous baby" George said as he walked inside of their hospital room, along with Stephen, Will, James, and Josh. James dropped the bag on the table and smiled at them, "congratulations" he softly said.

the baby was cradled in Alex's arm, looking so pure and small. "say hello to Samantha Rose"

they all turned to Josh, signaling him to not yell. Josh raised his hands in defeat, "i won't, i won't" he assured and Alex nodded.

Will was the first to stand beside Alex, "she looks like you, mate" Will whispered, smiling at the child. "doesn't she?" Alex said, carefully handing Will the baby.

"my heart's going to explode" Y/n said, seeing the four boys already loving the baby. Alex sat besides her, taking her hand and kissing the knuckles, "i'm so proud of you" he said in a hushed tone.

she smiled, gripping his hand softly, "i'm proud of you too, Alex"

"guys, i'm disappointed" George said, looking at the couple. she furrowed her eyebrows, "what? why--" "why does she look like Alex and she looks beautiful?" George said, earning a punch from Alex.

Y/n laughed, "oh, shut up, George"

(three years later)

Alex snuggled against her neck as the sunlight bounces off their windows. she shifts and hugs him lovingly, kissing the side of his head. "wake up, sleepyhead" he heard her softly say.

Alex opened his eyes to see a beautiful image of his wife. his wife. this woman vowed to be with him for the rest of his life and he couldn't be more happier.

"goodmorning" he said in his raspy voice, rubbing his eyes. she smiled, placing another kiss on the tip of his nose, "morning, Alex"

he hummed in response, snaking his arms around her as he pulled her closely. "i love you" he said, staring directly in her eyes. she smiled, pecking his lips, "i love you too"

"now let's go check the little princess" Alex said before pushing himself up.

the couple walked towards the baby's room, opening the door softly. Y/n peeked her head in and giggled at her baby, who was standing as if she was waiting for them. "good morning, Sammy" she said, picking her up the crib.

"daddy missed you" Alex playfully pouted, grabbing her tiny hands. "i miss daddy too" Y/n coughed. Alex blushed and looked at her, "not in front of Samantha, honey"

she laughed and kissed the baby's nose, "i love you, Sammy" "oh my god, you guys look cute. let me record this" Alex said as he pulled out his phone.

"i love you, i love you, i love you" Y/n said in her baby voice. Samantha giggled, "i wuv wou"

Alex gasped in delight, "she said her first words and i got that on record!" he happily said. Y/n smiled, kissing Samantha's forehead, "i love you too, baby"

Alex sets his phone down on Samantha's dresser and snakes an arm on his wife's shoulder, "i love you both. always and forever"

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