❥Chapter 43

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I don't know where to begin

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I don't know where to begin. A lot has happened since I last wrote to you. We went to the CDC. There was only one doctor left. He told us there was no cure for the walkers. I heard what he told Rick. No one else did, but I did. We had to leave quickly, though, because once the generators ran out of fuel the building underwent full decontamination. In dumb terms, it blew up.

After Atlanta, we were headed to Fort Benning, but the RV broke down. A herd of walkers came through on the highway, and Sophia and I had to run away. Rick found us, but Sophia wanted to leave the spot he left us in. I didn't want her to get lost, so I followed her. We got separated because of a walker and I was saved by Otis.

He brought me to this farm where I met Hershel and the Greene family. The next day Otis accidentally shot Carl when the group was searching for us. My dad and Otis went to a school to find the supplies Hershel needed to save Carl, but Otis didn't make it. I think my dad may have been the reason why. I can't prove it, but I'm not the only one who has their suspicions.

Carl survived, thanks to Hershel and his family. He's on his feet now, but he has a bit of a temper. This world is changing him, and I'm scared me, too. We found Sophia. She was a walker trapped in Hershel's barn, which my busted into when he got mad with Rick. It upset Hershel so much because his wife and stepson were in there. He left the farm and went to the bar in town alone, so Glenn and Rick went after him. Only to bring back a boy named Randall.

Now the group is at odds again. Mainly, Rick and my dad though. The group is falling apart. I can feel it. Something really bad is about to happen....


"Emily, sweetie?" Lori's voice called, "Are you still in here?"

She opened the door to the RV and stepped in. She looked around until she saw me laying on the small bed in the back. She smiled at me which I slightly returned. As she walked towards me and took a seat on the small bed, I placed my journal in my bag. I zipped it up and turned to her.

"I thought you would be with Carl."

With confusion in my eyes, I answered her, "I haven't seen Carl since Rick went to talk to him about how he acted towards Carol earlier. I thought he was going to come find me after."

Lori glanced at the small watch I kept attached to my bag. It had been my old nanny, Miss Ella's. She gave it to me when I was packing my things to move in with my dad. "It's seven o'clock and the sun is about to set. So whether you two were going to hang out or not, it'll have to be at the house. The group is about to have a meeting and the two of you will be upstairs with Beth and Jimmy to watch you."

"Yes ma'am." I politely stated, following her out of the RV and closing the door. Lori held out her hand for me to grab, which I did slowly. We walked hand in hand towards the house until Lori stopped on the steps.

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