❥Chapter 33

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I ended up beating Carl to the vehicle

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I ended up beating Carl to the vehicle. He came up beside me and laid down in the back seat. I had laughed and told him to move his sweaty behind over.

Now we were competing to see who was the best shot. So far, he has been a great shot for someone who has never shot a gun before.

"Hey, Highlights. Why don't we make a deal?" He smirked over at me as I shot at my target, which was a beer bottle sitting on a fence a few yards away. I had been struggling and it was frustrating me.

Sticking my tongue out in frustration, I shot again. "What's the deal?" I asked, not even looking at him as I grunted from missing once again.

He snickered before stating, "We each shoot at the bottle at the end of the fence, whoever hits the bottle gets to keep all the comics for a week and spoil the ones the other hasn't read."

I rolled my eyes. Frustration overtaking me. He knew I was struggling, yet he wanted to compete. "Sure. Why not? You'll spoil them either way." I grumbled.

Lori, Rick, and Dad had been watching our interactions over the course of training. They had been laughing when I would grumble under my breath. Dad walked over as Carl got ready to shoot at the bottle.

"Now hold up there, bud. Emily, come with me for a second." He instructed, leading me over to the vehicle that we had came in. He pulled out the gun bag and opened it. He searched around in it for a few seconds before pulling out a small pistol that I had grown familiar with. It was the pistol he taught me how to use when I first came to live with him. "You seem to be having trouble with that clunky thing right there. So I figured maybe you'd like this one better."

He handed me the pistol and took the other gun out of my hand. "You saved it?" I asked, getting used to the feeling of the gun in my hand.

"Well, I knew how much it meant to you. Plus I know you hate when Carl spoils comics for you." He stated, smiling down at me. "Now go show him who's boss."

"Thanks, dad." I called out to him as I ran back over to Carl with my gun. I checked to see if it was loaded and if the safety was off. Once that was done, I looked at Carl and smirked. "Are you ready?"

He nodded before taking three shots at the bottom, missing each one. He groaned and turned around to me. "Your turn." He stated.

I looked back at dad, who was giving me a wide smile. I took a step to where Carl was standing.

"Okay." I stated. I took my position and steadied my aim. I took a deep breath and slowly put my finger on the trigger. I released my breath as I pulled the trigger. The gunshot rang throughout my ears, once the ringing silenced I heard applause.

I had hit the bottle and caused it to shatter. I smiled as Carl stood there with his mouth open in shock. I turned to the targets that had been missing before and shot at all three, shattering them all. I glanced down at my gun and turned the safety back on. After, I looked at Carl only to see his blue eyes wide and his jaw still touching the ground.

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