❥Chapter 11

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Emily Pov

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Emily Pov

Dad and Officer Grimes decided it was best if we took Jim to the CDC. The sad part is the Morales family decided to leave the group and head to Birmingham to be such their people. In exchange for being such a good friend to her Morales's daughter, Eliza, gave Sophia her doll to remember her by. I stood back and watched the exchange. I barely had spoken to the kids or Morales's wife, so I didn't feel it was proper to act like I had.

Afterwards, we were on our way to the CDC. Dad was driving his jeep, which I had to ride in. Officer Grimes was driving Carol's Cherokee, which contained Lori, Carl, Sophia, and Carol. I forgot to mention, when walkers invaded camp Ed got eaten, Carol took out all her anger towards him by putting an axe through his dead brain afterwards. Dale was driving his beloved RV, which consisted of Andrea, T-Dog, Glenn, Jacqui, and a very sick Jim. Daryl drove his blue truck with Merle's motorcycle on back. And just like that the caravan was headed for the CDC to get answers.


Not even halfway to the CDC, the RV broke down. Everyone had gotten out of their vehicles to see what was going on.

"I told you we'd only get so far on that hose. I said I needed the one from the cube van." Dale complained, fanning the smoke that came from the engine away from his face. Rick walked up to him. Yep, you heard it right. Officer Grimes and I had a conversation before we left camp. He had said that he saw me as a daughter or a niece and that there was no sense in me calling him 'Officer Grimes'. So I now have to call him Rick.

"Can you jury-rig it?" he asked. As he asked, I walked over to Sophia, who quickly smiled when she saw I was coming her way. To be honest, she's the only girl friend I've ever had, but Carl was my only friend before her.

"That's all it's been so far. It's more duct tape than hose. And I'm out of duct tape." Dale replied, causing Sophia and I to snicker at his comment. Which in return gained a weird look from Carl.

Dad stepped forward, "I see something up ahead. A gas station if we're lucky.", he said. Before Rick could reply, Jacqui stepped out of the RV. She was sweating from the heat and had a worried look on her dark face.

"Y'all. Jim, it's bad. I don't think he can take anymore." she said. Everyone looked to Rick. Lately, he had become our unofficial leader. He looked as if he didn't know what to do.

"Hey, Rick, you want to hold down the fort? I'll drive ahead and see what I can find." dad said, trying to take some of the stress off of Rick. He nodded and T-Dog volunteered to go help my dad. Before they left dad turned to me and said, "Stay near Lori or Carol, Emily. Don't want you wondering off. I know how much trouble you and Carl can get into." He winked then got in his jeep driving away. I rolled my eyes while Sophia laughed.

Rick had went inside the RV to talk to Jim. I was worried for the man, but I wouldn't let anybody know that. If they knew a child in the group was worried, they would go to extremes to keep us even more contained from the world.

Sophia nudged my arm, "Can you sing? That's one of the things I miss most." I laughed, then shook my head.

"I'm a horrible singer. I sound like a dying walrus." I stated, flipping a small curl out of my face. Most of curls have begun to straighten out, but not the baby hair.

Carl scoffed, "Don't let her lie to you, Sophia. She can sing. I've heard her before. She would stay at my house sometimes and when she'd get a shower it was like a concert." I blushed in embarrassment. I always thought I hadn't sung loud enough for them to hear me. "See she's blushing. Therefore you know I'm right." he smiled.

Sophia laughed, "So will you, Em? I'd love to hear you sing." As she finished her sentence, Rick walked out of the RV. Everyone began to walk over to hear the news on Jim.

"Maybe next time, Soph." I said, smiling. Mentally, I was thanking Rick for such perfect timing.

"It's what he wants." Rick stated, we walked over on the last part of his statement. Lori looked shocked.

"And he's lucid?" she asked, playing with her necklace as always. Rick glanced down.

"He seems to be. I would say yes." he replied. Dale stepped up and I had just realized my dad was back.

"Back at camp, when I said Daryl might be right and you shut me down, you misunderstood. I would never go along with callously killing a man. I was just gonna suggest that we ask Jim what he wants. And I think we have an answer." Dale stated.

"We just leave him here? We take off? Man, I'm not sure I could live with that." dad said. I wouldn't be able to live with that either, but it is Jim's choice. He gets to decide what is best for him.

"It's not your call, either of you." Lori stated, turning everyone's attention to her.

A few minutes later, Jim was placed by a tree and everyone said their goodbyes to him. We drove off, leaving him there alone. I hated that things had to be this way now.


When we finally made it to the CDC, it seemed as if a war had taken place there. There was dead bodies everywhere. Flies flew from body to body as we covered our noses and made our way to the entrance. Dad and Rick kept telling all of us to keep up and stay together. I stuck close to Daryl, who didn't mind and kept a hand on my back, lightly pushing me forward in front of him.

When we made it to the doors, the shutters were down and Rick quickly banged on them. The only answer was the rattling of them.

"There's nobody here." T-Dog stated. I was looking around checking for walkers. It was almost night, we were in the city, and the adults were arguing. Do they not realize sound draws walkers?

"Walkers!" Daryl shouted. Panic rose within the group. Daryl pushed me towards Lori and Carl and nodded at me, which was his version of saying go to them.

"Fort Benning, Rick, still an option." Dad said, trying to get the determine man to listen.

"On what? No food, no fuel. That's a hundred miles." Andrea stated, quickly.

"A hundred, twenty-five. I checked the map." Glenn said.

"Forget Fort Benning. We need answers tonight." Lori exclaimed, holding Carl and I close to her small body.

"Everyone back to the cars. Let's go. Move." dad demanded.

Everyone started to follow his orders until Rick stated that the security camera moved. Which caused another argument. Rick was dead set on believing that someone was in there and was watching him plead and beg for them to let us in.

Rick had finally decided to give up and began to walk away when the shutters opened up and a blinding light shown on the group. We all shielded our eyes from the light.

'Well, I'll be darned. Rick Grimes isn't crazy. He was right.' I thought to myself as we all began to walk in. 'Now what are we getting ourselves into?'  If only I had known.

Hello, beautiful people of the world! I am so tired, but that's okay. I stay up late to post about something I love! Any whoo... Sunday nights now belong to the dead, so I will no longer be posting on Sunday nights. Which means I'll try to post twice on Saturdays. Other than I got nothing. Until next time....

Deuces!! ~Britt😇

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