❥Chapter 2

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Emily's Pov

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Emily's Pov

It's been two weeks since Officer Grimes got shot, and he is still in a coma. Everyday after school, Mrs. Grimes takes Carl and I to the hospital so that Carl can see his unconscious father. Every time we go, Carl and I sit beside each other, so Carl can use my shoulder as a pillow to shed a few tears on. Every time I walk into that room and see Officer Grimes, I think 'He looks dead.' His skin is a grayish pale, an unnatural color for that the normally tan Grimes man. His face was no longer hairless because a beard had begun to prickle through his skin. His blue eyes that resembled his son's were shut away behind dull eyelids. It was wrong to see him so lifeless because this man was always so full of life and love. His presence always seemed to bring a smile to my face. But now when I look at him, all I can see is a remake of my mother's funeral, but this time with Rick Grimes.
Every time daddy would come to pick me up after work, he walk into the hospital room with a frown on his face. He felt as though this was all his fault. There had been nights where I had heard him talking to himself.  Trying himself that he was such an idiot for letting it happen. I can't imagine what he is going through. If it was Carl, I don't know what I'd do. Mrs. Grimes would always thank him for being there, but Daddy would always just shrug and refuse her gratitude.
Today, my dad had told Mrs. Grimes that it was too dangerous to be out and about because of what the news has been saying. Apparently, there was some kind of virus that has broken out that causes people to become rabid and attack others. So as a precaution, Mrs. Grimes decided that we wouldn't visit Officer Grimes in the hospital today, which upset Carl. He has been different since his dad was shot. He doesn't really talk any more, not even about his comics. He has distanced himself from his mom and my dad. I can't but think, 'Am I next?'
"Emily. Can you come here for a minute?" Mrs. Grimes called from the kitchen. I sat up from my spot next to Carl on his bed. He was quietly reading a comic, while I had laid my head on his shoulder pretending to nap. I got off the bed quickly and made my way to the kitchen. When I approached her, I saw that she was making sandwiches for Carl and I.
"Yes, ma'am?" I said, taking a seat across from where she was standing. She looks up to me with a smile before glancing towards Carl's room, her smile slowly faded. She finished Carl's bologna sandwich and began working on my turkey sandwich, when she started speaking.
"Has Carl said anything to you at all?" she asked, bluntly. Her chocolate brown eyes staring down into my bluebell ones.
"Um, not really. I only get a few mumbles out of him. I'm lucky he actually asked if I would sit with him as he read." I stated, honestly. Carl hadn't really spoken at all.
"I'm just worried about him is all. For him to shut himself away isn't normal. I'm just glad you're here with him. You're not letting him go through this alone." she said, handing me the plate of freshly made sandwiches. I smiled.
"Of course I'm here for him. He's my best friend." I giggled, heading back to Carl's room.
I quietly walked back into  the room. Carl was still in the same place I had left him. A stack of comic books were sprawled out at his right side as he sat with his legs crossed and his back against the headboard. A 'Batman' comic rested in his hands as his crystal blue eyes read the pages thoroughly. His brown hair was ruffled and stuck out in some places. He looked up from his comic as I set the plate of sandwiches on his nightstand.
"My mom made us sandwiches?" he questioned, grabbing his. I was shocked that he had said anything that wasn't a mumble. I looked down at the comic he had laid aside. He'd never know, but I've actually read all the comics he has. And normally reread them over his shoulder.
"Yeah, but I'm not really hungry. So you can have mine too." I said. Carl looked at me like I was insane. He then smiled, something I haven't seen in a long time.
"So the bottomless pit you call a stomach is finally full. Normally you're the one who eats us out of house and home." he laughs, which was music to my ears. So I pretended to be offended.
"Are you calling me fat? I know I'm not skinny, but you don't have to point it out, Carl." I said, pulling off some fake tears. I put my head in my hands and moved my shoulders to make it look like I was crying when I was really laughing. Carl immediately went into panic mode, thinking that he had really hurt my feelings. He quickly put his sandwich down and pulled me into a tight hug. He whispered in my ear how sorry he was when I pulled away with a bright smile on my face. "Got you!" I laughed, he responded by pulling a shocked face.
"Hey! That's not right! I actually thought I had hurt your feelings!" he exclaimed. We both grabbed our sandwiches off the plate, but before I could take a bite of mine, Carl took a huge bite of it. I stared at him wide eyed. "Payback!" he said, with his mouth full of my turkey sandwich.
As we finished our sandwiches, my dad's voice echoed through the house. "Lori, Lori!" he shouted. I quickly got up, but Carl pulled me back down. I looked at him confused.
He put his finger to his lips signaling for me to be quiet. "They're everywhere! There was a broadcast on the radio saying to head to Atlanta. There is supposed to be a safe haven there. It's best if we go now, and take the kids to safety." my dad voice echoed. He seemed worried.
"But what about Rick? Aren't they supposed to evacuate the patients at the hospital?" Mrs. Grimes's voice questioned, more frantic by the second.
"I went by there. Lori, that place is gone. I went to Rick's room... He was gone, too." dad's voice trailed off. My heart broke. 'Officer Grimes is dead? But what about...' My thoughts were interrupted by a hand slipping into mine.  I turned to see Carl staring at the door with silent tears streaming down his face. I squeezed his hand then threw my small arms around his neck as tears started making their way down my face. 

Officer Grimes is dead.


It's been a few hours since Dad came barging into the Grimes residence and we were sitting in traffic. They decided it would be best if we evacuated Kings County and headed to Atlanta. So Mrs. Grimes packed hers and Carl's things, then we left. Dad had already gotten my stuff from our house, so we didn't have to worry about that. Carl hasn't really spoken since the news about his dad. He just holds my hand as a source of comfort while I lay my head on his shoulder to think. I kept dozing off when Dad opened my car door.
"Why don't you guys come meet some people? Take your minds off what's going on." he said, grabbing my hand and pulling me off Carl. I pulled him along because he still had a hold on my hand.
Dad walked us over to an old Cherokee where a small woman, a fat, angry looking man, and a thin girl mine and Carl's age stood. Carl squeezed my hand even tighter when we had to introduce ourselves.
"Carl, Emily, this is Carol," my dad said pointing to the small woman with short gray hair, who sent a weak smile our way, "Ed," my dad pointed to the fat man with a look of disgust, which I was to because the man looked as though he could kill as he flicked his cigarette, then dad pointed to the girl our age, "and this is Sophia. You guys could be friends." Sophia sent a warm smile. She was really skinny and had short, dirty blonde hair. Her freckled face seemed hopeful.
"Do you guys want to play checkers?" she asked, as her mother put her hands on her daughter's shoulders. I smiled then turned to Carl, who nodded slowly.
After a while of me and Sophia tying in checkers, Carl finally decided to be social and play too. They were in the middle of a game when there a loud boom. Mrs. Grimes came over and asked Mrs. Carol to watched while her and daddy figured out what was going on. Carl quickly argued that he wanted to go too, but his mother said it would be best if he stayed. So he did.
"You guys' dad is really nice." Sophia said, looking at Carl and I. I was about to say something, but Carl beat me to it.
"Shane's not my dad. My dad's dead." he said, bluntly. I lifted my head off his shoulder and looked at him, but he just looked down. I got up and walked over to Mrs. Carol.
"Mrs. Carol, may I go lay down in my daddy's jeep? I'm not feeling too well." I said, only lying a little. This day has been exhausting and heartbreaking. First, Carl's dad is dead. Then, the virus breaks out more. And then, we had to evacuated the place I've spent the last three years of my life.
"Of course. Are you sure you're okay?" she asked, placing a palm to my forehead, checking for a fever. A high fever is one of the first signs of the virus.
"Yes ma'am. I'm just tired. It's been a long day." I said, taking off my glasses and rubbing my eyes.
"Okay. Go lay down. I'll check on you in a few minutes, okay?" she said. I nodded, then made my way to my dad's jeep. I opened my door and climbed inside.
My thoughts piled on top of one another as I tried to go do sleep, but one thought stood out as clear as day. 'Our lives are going to change drastically from this. And there is nothing we can do. We're just going to have to survive'

Hello, my people! Two parts in one day! That is very exciting for me because I am extremely lazy and not creative at all. Sadly. But I try my best and that's what counts. So I'm gonna keep on trucking. 😂😂 Thinking of starting the next part tonight because it's only like 8:10 pm. Guess we'll find out. Until then stay sharp!


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