❥Chapter 3

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Emily's Pov

Atlanta was a lost cause. The military flew helicopters over and bombed it. Dad led a bunch of people away from the highway and to this quarry in the hilltops outside Atlanta. It was beautiful, but I couldn't let my guard down. The 'sick' people are actually dead people, who are still walking and feast on the living.

It's pretty scary stuff for a ten year old to take in. Most of the time, to keep my mind off such things, I played with Sophia or Carl, since we're the older kids. There's the Morales kids, who are Hispanic, but they mostly stick together or with Sophia. I spend most of my time helping Mrs. Grimes and Mrs. Carol with chores.

There's other people, too. First there's Glenn Rhee, a teenage Korean boy, who used to deliver pizzas. So he knows his way in and out of Atlanta, making him the runner boy. When we run low on supplies or food, Dad sends Glenn to the city to get it, but he doesn't mind.

Then there's Andrea and Amy. The two blondes of the group, but they're not dumb like all the blonde jokes say. Andrea was studying to be a lawyer when this all went down. Amy is a teenager, too. She's really sweet and helps me with chores when I need it.

Then there's Jacqui, a black lady, who is the definition of sweetness. She watches over us children when we want to go on a walk through the woods.

Also, there's Theodore Douglas, but he'd rather be called T-Dog. He's a African American, who sarcasm is quite frankly amusing.

And who could forget Jim and Dale. Jim is a quiet man, who really sticks to himself. And Dale is like the old grandfather of the group. He watches over the camp by standing on top of the RV with his rifle and binoculars. Normally, he's wearing a fisherman's hat and winding his watch at the same time everyday. Which I have been meaning to ask him about.

Then there's the Morales family. They're Hispanic, but Morales is a caring man, who helps out around the group as much as he can.

Then of course, there's the Peletiers. Carol, Sophia, and Ed. All Ed does is sit around on his but smoking cigarettes and making smart comments about Mrs. Carol. The poor woman. I wouldn't be able to stand him.

Then lastly, there's the Dixon brothers. Two rednecks. The oldest is Merle. He is always flirting to Andrea making inappropriate comments like calling her 'sugar tits'. It's disgusting.

Then there's Daryl. He's different than Merle. And I feel like I know him from somewhere, but can't quite put my finger on it. He's quiet unlike Merle, who is a loud mouth. Daryl is always giving me weird looks when he thinks I'm not paying attention, and spends most of his time hunting, that way he won't be near other people.

Our group is a weird mixture, who sometimes can't get along. But we have to if we want to survive.


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