❥Chapter 14

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Emily's POV

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Emily's POV

"Ughhhhh.." is all heard come from Glenn. It was morning now and slowly people from the group came into the room where we ate dinner last night. Glenn being one of the unlucky adults had a hungover from his obsessive drinking last night. Who could blame him? It was his first time. Jacqui rubbed his shoulders in hopes it would help ease his horrible migraine.

T-Dog took it upon himself to make everyone powdered eggs for breakfast. And even though he drunk too last night, he was in a chipper mood. Dale was in a good mood as well.

Being the only kid in the group awake, I took it upon myself to help out. Going around and setting the table for the group, I debated whether I wanted to be in the same room with Dad this morning. His hangovers were pretty gruesome too.

Not long into my train of thought, Carl sluggishly walked into the room. He sat down in the same seat as last night and laid his head down on the table. I walked over to him, lifted his head, slid a plate under it, then dropped his head.

"Ouch." He said, rubbing his forehead,"What was that for?"

"Good morning Carl. How'd you sleep? Would you like your eggs powdered or powdered?" I said, sarcastically. T-Dog and Dale just laughed at our exchange. I rolled my eyes and continued to place the plates at their given places.

Lori walked in and ruffled Carl's hair as I set the last plate down. "Good morning everyone." She said, sitting beside her son. Good mornings were thrown back her way.

"Good morning, Lori. How'd you sleep?" I asked, taking a seat beside Carl, who had finally sat upright. She smiled my way and began to fix Carl's bedhead.

"Good. Better than I have in a long time." She replied. I took a sip of my orange juice, when Rick walked into the room causing more good mornings to be thrown about.

"Are you hungover? Mom said you'd be." Carl asked, suddenly wide awake. His dad has always had that effect on him. He was happier with him.

"Mom is right." Rick said, letting his eyes adjust to the lighting in the room. Lori smiled.

"Mom has that annoying habit." She said, winking in my direction. T-Dog came over with a pan in his hand and began pouring eggs into everyone's plates.

"Eggs. Powdered, but I do 'em good. I bet you can't tell. Protein helps the hangover." He said, directing his fact of the day towards Glenn. The poor hungover Korean groaned in return.

"Where'd all this come from?" Rick asked, looking at the medicine bottles of aspirin.

"Jenner. He thought you guys could use it." I stated, as Lori opened the pill bottle for Rick and poured a couple into his hand. "Some of you at least. How you doing, Glenn?" I asked. His face was red and his eyes looked dull. The fact that he looked nauseous made me want to laugh, but I felt bad for him.

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