26 - Giovane Amore

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I'm using a website for the Italian, so don't talk shit if it's weird. Translations will be after the phrase in italics. 

"No. I'm getting the right side," I argued. 

"You know I like the right side," he argued back. 

"No. I know that I always sleep on the right side and, once again, you're gonna let me," I told him.

"Olivia, you always basically choke me with your charger when you sleep on the right side. You can sleep on the left," he said. 

Aaron and I haven't even gotten to the hotel room yet and we were already arguing. 

The doors opened and I grabbed the key from his hand, running down the hall. "Olivia!" He yelled, running after me. I laughed and stopped when I saw our room number on the wall. 

I slid the key over the sensor and opened the door, laughing when Aaron wrapped his arms around my waist. 

"You want the right side so bad you're gonna leave all your stuff in the elevator?" He asked. 

I looked down, seeing his bags and my bags on the floor. "I knew you'd bring them," I shrugged. 

I felt his grin on my cheek, and, naturally, I grinned. 

"Get inside," he told me, letting go. I grabbed one of my bags before he could and went into the room, dropping my bag on the floor and laying on the right side of the bed. 

After putting the other bags down, Aaron walked over and laid on top of me. 

"Oh, God!" I gasped, laughing. He laid his head on my shoulder with his face in my neck and moved so he was only on my side. 

"I missed laying with you," he said quietly. 

I closed my eyes and kissed his forehead. Laying with him, or just being around him, was something almost nothing else could compare to. 

"I missed laying with you, too," I whispered.


"My phone says it's this way," Aaron told me. "Yeah, but the map says we keep going, not turn," I told him. 

He huffed and grabbed the map, looking at the names, then around the street. "What road are you looking at, princess?" He asked. 

I pointed at it and he grinned. "You're a road behind, goof," he told me, pointing to the street we were actually on. 

"Oh," I mumbled.

He laughed and wrapped his arm around my shoulders, pulling me close to him. "One more turn and we're there," he said, turning when we got to the corner. 

"I'm starving. I hope the reviews were right," I groaned. Aaron wanted to treat me to a night out every night here, so that meant no room service. Which meant he has a starving Benintendi on his hands, and that's never safe. 

He kissed my head and I wrapped my arm around his torso, looking around. "I think you'll love it," he told me. 

We walked into Tonnarello and I sighed when I smelled the food. 

"I'm already in love," I groaned, making him laugh. We sat down and a woman walked over a few seconds later. 

"Salve, cosa posso portarvi da bere? Hi there, what drinks can I get you two?" She asked. I looked down at the menu but Aaron already told her something before I could look back up. 

I looked up at him with a frown on my face, but he was just smiling. "I've got it, don't worry about it," he told me. 

I rolled my eyes but he grabbed my hand, pulling it closer to him and kissing it. 

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