17- Surprise

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I paid the uber driver, getting out at the players parking lot. I took a deep breath, showing the guard at the door my pass and walking inside when he nodded. 

I walked through the hallways, knowing that the guys were in the clubhouse since the game ended ten minutes ago. Everyone knew I was in New York, but I told Aaron I would wait at his place, not at the stadium. The only one that knew I was here was Giancarlo, and probably Didi by now. 

After texting G that I was outside of the clubhouse, he came out, Didi following. 

Look at that, I was right. 

"Okay, he's changing right now. Just put your hands like this," he paused, pulling my hands up so they were on the sides of my eyes, making it so I couldn't see anything but in front of me, "and we'll take you to him. I'll stand in front so he doesn't see you at first."

"Got it," I told him. He nodded and I waved at Didi. He smiled and waved back, walking in beside G. I put my hand back up, walking behind them. 

"Hey, Aaron. You excited for the next couple days?" G asked, making me smile. 

I heard Aaron sigh and I held back a laugh. "Hell yes, dude. I miss her," I heard Aaron say. I grinned, laying my head on Giancarlo's back. 

He stepped to the side, Aaron coming into my view. His eyes widened, as did mine. 

Of course, he was shirtless. G would pick this time to move. 

Aaron dropped the shirt in his hands and I laughed, hugging him. He picked me up, making me wrap my legs around his waist. "What are you doing here?! You're supposed to be at my place," he asked, holding me up. 

I ran my fingers through his hair and shrugged. "I wanted to surprise you," I told him and he grinned. "I really want to kiss you," he said and I blushed. 

He always made me blush.

I leaned down, kissing him for just a moment. "That's all you get in here," I told him and he chuckled, nodding. 

"So, Olivia. I have a question," G suddenly said and I groaned. His probably is more than likely gonna involve something about blowjobs. 

"Do you give good head?" He asked. I couldn't help but laugh. He looked dead serious, making me laugh even harder.  

"I don't know, ask Aaron," I told him, laying my head on Aaron's shoulder. 

He looked up at Aaron since he was sitting on a chair. "So?" He asked. 

Aaron walked over and shoved his shoulder, then sat down in another chair with me on his lap. "Yeah," he answered and I laughed again. 

They already know it happened, so I didn't care anymore. I kissed Aaron's shoulder, closing my eyes and snuggling him. His fingers lightly ran over my back, comforting me. 

"Does Aaron give good head?" G asked and my eyes snapped open. I sat up quickly, looking back at him. "Giancarlo!" I yelled, reaching over and smacking his leg. 

"What?! It's a serious question!" He said and I laughed lightly. 

I looked at Aaron and he shrugged. 

"Yeah, he does," I told G, looking back at him. He laughed and looked over at Didi, who was laughing with him. 

"Can we go to your place now?" I asked Aaron, running my fingers through his hair. He smiled and nodded, putting his hands on my hips. "Anything you want," he told me. 

I raised my eyebrows, a smirk falling on my lips. "Anything?" I asked quietly. He nodded slowly, his eyes darkening. "Anything sounds great," I told him, getting up and grabbing his shirt. 

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